So this is my first fanfic on this account and it's also going to be a triple treble! So I'm going all out, please give it a chance and I hope you enjoy. I really, really appreciate feedback but please don't be too mean;) some scenes are based on personal experiences (baring the triple treble, I'm not that exciting unfortunately). Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoy! I have started this before with Aubrey instead in Stacey on a diff account but it was deleted! So I've changed it around a little and made it a triple treble... The summary of events is basically the same, everything else is completely different don't worry!

Summary of Events so far

When Beca Mitchell was eleven years old her entire life changed, everything she had ever known came to an abrupt halt. Her once happy family was broken and she was left to pick up the pieces. After Beca's father left she had to take care of her mother who was suffering with depression, it was a full time job. She had to learn to care for the one person who should be there for her. Her mother had always suffered with depression and after years of trying to help her Beca's father had decided that enough was enough and left without a second thought. She understood his reasons however could never fathom how this man could just leave without his daughter. He was a fool.

Every few months she would receive a postcard from him stating all of his life events and how much he 'missed' his precious daughter, but after a couple of years these postcards stopped, all contact stopped.

In 2009 tragedy struck once again, it was two months before Beca's 14th birthday when she heard the devastating news. She was sat in study hall when her name was called over on the speaker asking her to visit the principles office straight away, as soon as she heard the announcement something deep down inside of her self knew what had happened. After that everything was a blur, she was surrounded by people wearing a mixture of black clothing, their individual faces stained by tears. A lot of things had happened this day, it was her mothers funeral and also the first day she had seen her father in over 2 years.

"Beca, we're just going to pack up all of your things and then you're coming with me okay?" she remembered hearing him say.

The next thing she remembers is being sat in the passenger seat of her fathers white BMW, rain was streaking the windows and cascading onto the bonnet of the car. She had no idea how she had got into the car or how she was surrounded by all of her belongings, nothing felt real anymore. She was waiting to wake up or for someone to jump out and say "you've just been punk'd", but no one ever did.

Voices were coming from the hallway of her fathers five bedroomed home, was he married? did he have any more kids? She was sat on the cream sofa in the living room staring out of the window, just watching the water run down the glass.

"How is she Warren?" she heard a female voice say.

"I don't know. She hasn't spoken one word all day. This is all my fault" every other noise began to drown out as she started to listen to the angry noises of nature.

After a few months her new routine began to set in; she would wake up, get dressed, go to school and then go home. That was it, she no longer had nothing in her life to aspire to be. She was just there, living but not living.

After a year of finding her feet with the world she had created a strong bond with her step-sister Stacie. Stacie was a brunette just like Beca but she was tall and beautiful, she was funny and everyone loved her, but more importantly she understood Beca. She was always there for the younger brunette when her father wasn't, she cared for her as though she was her own blood and promised to always be there for her. She was just a year older than Beca and that helped the situation. They didn't have a lot in common yet could talk for hours. Well Stacie spoke, Beca just listened.

Smiling. She was smiling for the first time since her Mother had passed away a couple of years ago, everything felt right. Like this was the universes plan. Her connection with her sister was now greater than ever, they laughed and gossiped; they were best friends.

Beca had always struggled at her new school, she was the weird alt-girl with the tragic background. Girls would call her names, and boys would push her around. But she didn't care about any of that because at the end of the day her and Stacie would drive home and take the piss out of everyone there. Stacie was her outlet, without her in Beca's life it would be unlikely that she would still be here. Which is why it was harder for her to leave.

The brunette was now seventeen and just about to start her senior year in high school, which is when Stacey had to go.

"Bec's I'm going to mis you so much" she wrapped her arms around the small brunettes neck, her face was full of warmth, she was happy.

"Don't worry, Bardens not far away we can still see each other a lot" She squeezed the taller brunette tight and stepped backwards.

"I know, I know. It's just we wont be in the same house anymore, I'll be staying there and wont be able to see you all the time" she pouted.

"Well I'll come visit you all the time and stuff. Now get in that car and become the best lawyer the world has ever seen" She smiled pulling her sister in for a hug once again.

"I love you little sis, take care of yourself okay?" she kissed the brunette on the forehead and climbed into her car.

After a few months of Stacie being at college it was apparent that they would never see each other as much as they had hoped, every time Beca had suggested doing something Stacie was too busy with college parties and groups to do anything. She obviously understood why she had no time, but not being able to see her sister meant that everything else became harder, Stacie was her light at the end of a tunnel.

School became a lot harder to bare, the antagonistic browbeating became more and more ruthless when there wasn't someone there to protect her. She was alone once again. A little part of Beca disappeared when her mother died and Stacie was able to fill it, but now without her those cracks were now once again visible, her smile was gone.

Both her step mother, Sheila and her father, Warren were teachers at Barden. Warren taught English studies whilst Sheila taught human biology. They knew that Stacie would make an amazing student and it was already apparent how well she was doing there from what they had heard from the fellow faculty. Even though everyone believed the Brunette to be an airhead because of her looks and personality she was actually very intelligent, she always finished in the top three of her class and teachers as well as students loved her which is why she would make an excellent teacher herself. But because of this, the source of every conversation was now Stacie.

"Why can't you be more like Stacie, Beca?" this one was her favourite. She wished she could be more like her, but she wasn't. And there was nothing she could do about that.

She loved her sister to pieces and could never hate her, yet constantly being compared to the golden chid started to cut deep. It was understandable to be very proud of Stacie, but what did that leave for Beca? She could never become her, she was inferior.

Stacie came back for a few days to visit her family, however what she found was nothing like what she had expected. The light inside of her sister was gone, she had no spark, no nothing. She was just there. And her parents were too hung up on work and talking about her to even notice what had happened to Beca. She had always known that she was the favourite child, they never cared too much for the brunette, she was seen as more of a burden on their lives than a good thing. But Stacie always tried her best to make Beca centre of attention and show her parents that they should be proud of her too, and give her enough love and attention that she didn't need the admiration of her parents. But obviously without being around, there was no one to show Beca any appreciation.

"Beca sweetie, I've missed you so much. I'm so sorry that I haven't seen you as often as I'd hoped" She flung her arms around the brunette who stiffened up at the contact and her body felt a lot thinner than she could remember, her arms stayed firmly by her sides, usually she would return the embrace, but she didn't.

"You've been busy" she said her tone lazy and emotionless.

"Are you okay Beca?"she seemed to soften up at the and gave a small smile in return.

"I just missed you, I'm gonna go get ready for this meal tonight. Bye"

Stacie smiled back, not quite convinced by the brunette but decided not to push her too soon. "Okay sweetie, me too. Lets go get ready"

The drive to the meal was filled with coo's and laughter from their parents, talking about how proud they were of the older Brunette. Beca however had not spoken the entire journey, with the way that her father and Sheila had been acting it would be likely that if she was not in the car they wouldn't have noticed. It was almost as though they had blocked her out.

The conversation at the table was very similar to that of the car, laughing and joking about her time at Barden while their parents cooed over the details and spoke about how well she was doing. Beca could feel a lump in her throat forming, and her eyes were starting to glaze over. They had shown the blonde more affection and conversation in the last ten minutes than they had Beca for the last ten months thats she had been gone. She didn't feel loved. She felt.. a hand? Stacie had reached under the table and squeezed her hand reassuringly, smiling at her lovingly he mouthed "I'm Sorry" to which Beca replied with a slight smile.

"Beca, hows your mixes going? I can't wait to hear them again, you're so amazing. You will definitely be someone one day" Stacie gushed, she smiled at her sister. She knew exactly what she was trying to do a appreciated it very much.

She smiled again and opened her mouth to talk when she was cut off by her father. "She's always on that bloody computer of hers, she thinks she P-Diddy or something" he scoffed shaking his head, he never approved of Beca's hobby. "Anyway Stacie I heard that you're at the top of your class, have you seen any cases yet?" the conversation was changed so swiftly it was as though it had never changed in the first place.

Beca shook her head and pushed her chair out, "I'm off to the restroom" she said, however was unnoticed by Sheila and her father who just continued to talk.

"Me too" Stacie chimed in pushing her chair out before going after Beca into the restroom.

"Bec's I'm so sorry, I don't know why they're being like this, it's probably because they haven't seen me in a while" she said as she caught up to the brunette in the bathroom.

"They're just proud of you, so am I. It's okay don't worry. I just had to get away fro a second." She rubbed Stacie's forearm.

"They're being assholes, Dad just cut you off. We can go if you want?"

"No Stace it's fine really, just have a good night"

"Okay but you're mine tonight little lady" she winked and they both made their way out of the bathroom.

Stacie watched Beca push her food around for the rest of the night, she had barely taken a bite and she was looking really thin. How could her parents not have noticed? She was wearing a long sleeve baggy jumper which hid her small frame but you should still see the fragile body underneath as the clothes hung from her. The more she watched Beca the more she realised that something wasn't right, she would flinch at any contact and loud noises, she seemed to rub her arms a lot through her jumper. She took notes of this to ask her sister later.

Once they were home Beca ran straight up to her room, she made her way up the stairs behind the brunette and followed her into her room. "What you doing Bec's?"

She turned around startled, "What nothing. I'm off to bed" she said way too fast.

"Beca, I love you. You know that right?" the brunette nodded however refused to make eye contact with her sister "And thats why we need to talk" Beca's eye widened at this statement, could she know?

"Um. I'm really tired Stace, it's later than I thought it was. We can talk soon okay?" this answer was no way near good enough for Stacie but she couldn't push the brunette.

"Okay, night. I'll see you tomorrow at your graduation yea?"

"Yea" she smiled closing the door after the older brunette left. She was graduating high school tomorrow and starting Barden at the end of summer, she shook her head at the thought.

The night had been a bust, so she went through the routine she had picked up a few months ago. She took her clothes off and walked over to her cupboard and took out a small black box which was hiding in the corner. She tipped the contents out into her hand and sat on her bed in front of her mirror. She stared at herself for several minutes and let out a deep breath. She took what she was holing and dragged it across her wrist, maintaining a firm grip on the piece of metal as red liquid pooled around it. She stifled a sob and moved onto her thigh. This was her routines.

A few more weeks had passed and Stacey had finally finished her first year at Barden, which meant that in a few months time it would be Beca's turn to start at Barden. All she wanted to do was to go to Los Angeles and follow her dream. But her father would never allow it, he believed that what she needed to succeed and be happy was an education "A free one at that". So in September she wouldn't be jetting off to L.A. but instead she'd be starting at Barden. Yay.

Stacie loved her first year at the college she had made a few friends and established a great reputation there, the one thing she was however looking forward to though was having her younger sister there. She had really missed her best friend over the year and couldn't wait to show her around, and the good thing about now being a second year meant that she could choose her new roommate. Her and Beca would have so much fun over the next year.

"Aren't you happy to be rooming with me Bec's?" Stacie said cheerfully after telling her the news.

"Yea of course I am Stace, it'll just be weird though wont it. Ya'no if you bring guys over and... stuff" Beca blushed at the comment she had made but it was true. Stacie was notorious for having guys over and to have to listen to her sister... ew. just ew.

"Don't worry Bec's I'd never bring them back to our room. At least while you were in there" She winked "And hey it's you we'll have to worry about" Stacie laughed and nudged the brunette in the shoulder.

"Oh yes, me and my many sexual encounters... I'm a fox in the bedroom"

"See there's the spirit! Plus rooming with me means that you wont get stuck with any freaks" She beamed.

"Oh yea... Thank you so much for helping me avoid weirdo's."

Stacie struck Beca on the arm "Hey, less of the sarcasm bitch and just be happy that you get to spend a whole year sharing a room with me" Beca laughed.

So in two weeks exactly Beca would be moving to Barden University with Stacie, she had to admit that she was in fact excited to stay with her sister however there were still a lot of demons in Beca that would now be a lot harder to hide. Maybe this will be good for her. At least she can get away from Sheila and her father. Here goes nothing. Hello Barden University.

Present day.

So thanks for reading! Next chapter should be up shortly and it will switch to third person present day, I wanted to do this chapter so that you knew the background to the story. Next chapter is almost finished, going to uploadtomorrow, thanks Xo