I need to post stuff because I've been sitting on this chapter for months, I know how I want it to play out and AUAUUUHHH. But it looks so much longer in my documents until I put it up to edit and then bleeeeaaaah, it's a nub of a chapter.

Mary hummed a shanty as she paced the deck. It was certainly no Jackdaw but it would do. She frowned in memory of her old ship, carefully built for speed and to cripple enemy ships, though fragile. It now rested at the bottom of the sea. She shrugged off her annoyance, she would build up this new ship to be just as good, if not better than her old one.

"Lazy!" Lucy giggled from her place on Mary's shoulders as she pointed to a crew member. He looked up in surprise and Mary grinned.

"Aye, the little lass is right! Back to work!" He jumped to attention and rushed to grab a bucket, mop, anything that would make him appear busy.

"Busy, busy!" Lucy giggled, clapping her pudgy hands. Mary chuckled and swung the little girl into her arms.

"A harsh captain you'll make, eh?" Lucy just smiled. Mary raised her voice, "Right lads, we'll be leaving soon, get this ship ready to go!" She strode to the helm and sat Lucy down on a barrel, she then swung herself onto the railing to look over the ship.

"Do we have to go, James?" A soft voice asked. She waved a hand dismissively.

"You know we're on a different path to Kenway."

"Ah, there ye go callin' him Kenway like ye don't care one drop! Ye know his name, Jim, stop being so stubborn."

"I will when he does." Anne rolled her eyes in exasperation and settled herself down on the planks, Mark in her lap. He squirmed free to toddle over to Lucy and tugged on her shoes. Anne lifted her down and the children chased each other about. Lucy wasn't afraid to fall, when she did she didn't care, she got back up and tackled Mark to the planks. They squealed with laughter, despite their scuffed knees and some small scrapes.

"See? They get along better than you do!" Anne said, giving her a look. Mary huffed and ignored her friend. Anne added, "I came here as he was looking for you, roaring and carrying on like Rackham used to. He sounds mighty angry, Mary," she spoke softly, alert for any of the crew nearby. With a sigh, Mary nodded and slid from the railing.

"Watch Lucy for me then, will ya?" Anne clapped her hands together and gave a short nod. She turned to the young children.

"Who want's to get this crew under control?" They clapped and giggled in response.

She heard him long before she saw him as she pushed her way through the foliage, he was screaming curses and calling for James. She clenched her fists as she tried to stay calm. Mary wanted to turn and stomp away, not go running when he called, like some dog. It would be so easy just to head back down the winding path full of bugs and to tell Anne that they yelled and fought and best be leaving right now. Some mad part of her mind urged her forward.

As soon as she was on the deck he scruffed her like a kitten, holding her level with his face.

"Get your natty hands off me, Kenway!" She snarled, twisting free of her jacket. He glared back at her, she fought off the response to stand on her toes and gain some height. She should have just sailed out of this bloody cove!

"Where on God's bloody earth of you been, Kidd? I've hunted all over this damn island for you!"

"I don't come when called like a slave or a dog! I'm tryin' to ready me crew and you expect me to come just because you chuck a tantrum?" Edward ground his teeth, fists clenched. He took a step forward and Mary readied herself for a fight, no way was she going to back down from Edward Kenway. His face wouldn't be quite as handsome as before if he was stupid enough to challenge her.

"Cabin. Now," he growled quietly then turned and stalked into the depths of his quarters. The door banged loudly and the crew jumped.

They quickly pretended not to see the display between them. Mary relaxed her jaw, the taste of blood filled her mouth, having bitten her tongue to remain silent. She refused to trail after him and be seen as a weaker man before his crew! She couldn't exactly leave like this though, Anne would kill her... and that was her coat that he took! With an exasperated sigh she marched after him.

The door slammed behind Mary and she glared at the blond. He sat on the edge of his desk, still clutching her jacket, his free hand rubbed his eyes for a moment before he looked up at her. He gestured to a spare seat. Mary stayed where she was, arms crossed. Edward looked back down at the fabric. He tossed it back to her with a heavy sigh.

"It's a nice piece of cloth."

"Aye." She waited for him to speak again.

The silence began to overwhelm them. Edward refused to speak, eyes on his hands. The Jackdaw creaked softly. Mary coughed lightly and shifted on her feet, hoping to edge to the door.

"Wait a moment, I'm trying to say something." His voice was rougher than usual.

"What is it then, man?" She picked at a stray thread in the material. Edward clenched his fists and looked up, eyes red. She shook her head slightly in return, that expression was far too common in their line of work, each time she saw it she hoped it would be the last. He took a deep breath and fixed his gaze on her.

"Caroline's dead."

Whoa my god I've been here 45 minutes trying to get the word count up but instead it's 'Don't need this part.' 'Or this part.' 'That adds nothing to the story.'

Gonna take a moment to say thanks to powpowkapow for following my tumblr blog (even though I'm not finding much Kiddway to post!)

I have nothing planned atm for the next chapter so it's vague ideas for now. Don't you guys let me drop this cus I wanna finish it but I'm worried I'll lose motivation T.T