She was alone, the howls of wolves and a variety of other predators circling her like prey being to them, that was what she was. Molly whipped around, amber eyes wide as she saw yellow lupine eyes appear from the shadows. The wolf snarled coldly as it stalked forward, teeth bared as it lashed its tail back and forth. She took a step back, only to find herself bumping into someone behind her. She whipped around to see Sherlock looking at her, a cold glare in his yellow eyes.

"Sherlock?" Molly whispered, eyes wide in terror as Sherlock smirked, crouching as he transformed.

He snarled, hackles raised as his wings twitched with excitement at the impending kill. Molly jumped back as he crouched down, muscles tensed as he prepared himself for the lunge. Molly blinked, eyes widening as he did, she felt the impact before the pain blossomed.

Molly sat up straight in the bed, eyes wide as a scream tore through her throat. She looked around the room in confusion before it finally dawned on her where she was. "Holmes Manor, oh yes. I remember." The Pathologist grabbed her throat, expecting to find long gashes from claws and teeth but there wasn't any. She glanced outside at the evening sky, the clock on the wall read 4:20.

She threw off the sheets and placed her feet on the floor, shivering at the cold of the floor. She stood up and walked to the door, she'd seen Sherlock shirtless, why would he care if she walked downstairs in a nightgown? Molly yawned and made her way into the hallway and down the stairs towards the kitchen. She smelt freshly-baked cookies and something else as she entered the kitchen, Molly burst out laughing when she saw Sherlock taking out a fresh batch of cookies from the oven, an apron wrapped firmly around his body.

"What?" He said in return, placing the pan on the counter and wiping the crumbs from his bare hands. "Haven't you ever cooked before? Or am I just missing more of human nature?"

"Never thought you could cook without burning the house down." Molly said with a smirk, Sherlock shook his head with a sigh as he untied the apron and tossed it over the opposite counter. Sherlock cast a grin as he handed her a cup of tea.

She sat down at one of the barstools and began to drink her tea, Sherlock had turned back to the cookies and had taken one. He nibbled at the edges as Molly said "You're lupine, doesn't chocolate kill you or something?"

He shrugged and chuckled "No clue. It has little harm against certain kinds of bird, but if I was more lupine...I'd be screwed."

Molly laughed but then there was a knock at the door. Sherlock scented the air, his pupils dilated instantly as he recognized the strong scent of perfume. He slunk through the kitchen towards the front door and when he opened it standing in front of him in a long darkly colored coat was Irene Adler, she held a file under her arm as she walked into the house.

Molly peeked from the kitchen at The Woman as she walked in, Irene shed her coat and tossed it over Sherlock's head. The Avian Lupine Hybrid snatched it out of the air and put it in the closet by the door as Irene sat down on a barstool next to Molly. She snatched a cookie from the tray and began to nibble the edges.

Sherlock sat down as she set the files down on the counter "Best I could find on the experiments. It's pretty gruesome."

The Woman flipped open the folder to a page that had many pages with childrens names and the results, all except one had a large stamp that read 'deceased'. Sherlock glanced at the sheet, he recognized the name of the little girl and her picture, he bit back a snarl of hatred but he simply folded his hands together to stop them from shaking. Molly ran her finger over the page as she red aloud, Irene listening the whole time.

"Taylor Ramirez." Molly said in a flat tone. "Four years of age, orphaned, picked from orphanage, blood type A positive, heart burst during experiment, deceased."

Sherlock shook his head bitterly, remembering how her face had been twisted into a scream of agony as she died. Irene glanced at him while Molly stopped reading as she glanced at the pictures of the half-transformed girl lying on the floor, bleeding profusely.

"There are forty other children in there who died, a few survived but their brains went dead so they pulled the plug. I was the only survivor who made it past seven." Sherlock said in a flat and emotionless tone as he continued on. Irene glanced at him while Molly just read the file with a heavy heart.

Molly shook her head, swallowing the bile in her throat as she saw the pictures of children no older than five lying half-transformed on the ground blood seeping through their pores like an unnatural sweat. The Pathologist shook her head and said "Who would want to become like that with their own free will? It's terrible."

Irene nodded. "According to a later section in the file the people working on it, were taking vials of Sherlock's blood and rearranging the molecular pattern to match other blood types so children could live a lot longer."

Sherlock blinked and nodded. "She's right. The government thought they could breed an army but they were playing with fire. They learned their lesson though after forty-something years."

It was silent after that, the clock above read 5:00 and Sherlock stood, rolling his shoulders. He yawned and said to Irene "I'm making a quick run, both of you stay here. I'll be back soon."

Before anyone could make a move or an objection Sherlock slipped out of the back door. Irene shook her head while Molly rolled her eyes. All the two saw was a black form disappear into the trees. While Irene sighed "Always off isn't he?"

Sherlock glided down onto the top of St. Barts, or what was left of it anyway. He landed on the new metal frame and watched the cars below drive past, unaware of the predator above them. He blinked, how easy it would be to snatch someone off of the streets and carry them away into the dark, never to be seen again. He shook his head of the thoughts, he was a wolf in sheep's clothing but it was better to stay a sheep instead.

Then two shapes caught his eye, instead of walking casual like the others, they were sprinting hand-in-hand. The scent of fear was strong in the air from the duo, Sherlock blinked and spread his wings and glided to the roof of the building opposite just as the two turned into the alley.

"Sally," a man's voice said quietly as he hit behind a dumpster "that thing is after us! What do we do?!"

"Phillip, be quiet!" Sally Donovan hissed at him with a narrowed gaze. "Do you want that thing to know where we are?!"

Anderson blinked and swallowed nervously. "Do you think its Holmes?"

Donovan shook her head. "No. Holmes may hate us but I'd doubt he'd kill us."

"Really?" He countered. "You saw him turn into that thing in the surveillance video! What makes you so sure he's not angry with us?"

"I don't know okay?" Sally snapped suddenly. "I saw the thing chasing us, it did not look anything like Sherlock did. You have to trust me. Whatever's chasing us is not him."

"I hope you're right." Anderson answered with a sigh as he glanced up at the sky for any sign of the creature chasing them. Sherlock cocked his head to the side and smiled to himself. How appropriate, these two running from the wolves, Moriarty is probably having a blast. Sherlock blinked, a new scent crossing into the alley, he glanced down and saw a suited figure lumber into the alley, Sally stifled a scream as the thing laid its eyes on her, it seemed to smile as it bared its teeth.

Sherlock wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, Moriarty hadn't smelt him...yet. Anderson grabbed his gun while Sally ducked behind the dumpster further, the avian lupine clicked his tongue before lunging, long claws easily catching Anderson's shoulder, sending him flying into the trash cans, a wave of blood following. Sally tried to duck but Moriarty's jaws clamped firmly down onto her leg, he pulled and a snap was heard followed by a scream.

Sherlock growled, a silent gesture as Moriarty flipped Sally over, placing a large paw over her heart, claws tearing into the soft fabric of her shirt and skin. She growled but then Moriarty applied for pressure, she screamed silently as her ribs began to press inwards and eventually snap, tearing into her lungs and other vital organs. A trail of blood streaked from the corner of her mouth as her head fell back against the cement, eyes glazed over in pain.

Moriarty blinked, yellow eyes watching for Sally Donovan to breathe her last but then something knocked him off of her. Moriarty hit the brick wall with a snap and fell to cement below. Sherlock was crouched in front of Donovan as Anderson tried to drag her away from the oncoming fight. Moriarty shook his fir as he stood, unaffected by the blow. He rolled his eyes and sat back on his haunches, he licked his paw and drew it over his ear, a feline gesture but Sherlock caught the message. There wouldn't be a fight today.

The two transformed almost in sync but Sherlock spoke first "Leave Scotland Yard go."

"Or what Sherly dear?" Moriarty taunted back, his eyes refused to shift back to amber so they stayed lupine yellow. "You're going to bite me?"

Sherlock narrowed his blue eyes and said "They've done nothing to you and I must say, that if you don't let them go along undamaged...I swear. I will tear it all down, every single person in your network. Do not think it is below me, I've done it when I was a child and I'll do it again."

Moriarty smirked, eyes holding a demonic light as he said "I'm counting on it."

"Irene." Molly said suddenly from where she sat at the kitchen counter. The Woman walked down the stairs, a white towel wrapped firmly around her as she dried her hair out. "Something's missing, I've read through the notes a hundred times but something isn't there."

"What?" She asked, sliding into the seat next to Molly as the Pathologist pointed to a note section, written down in black ink. "What could possibly be missing?"

Molly glanced at Irene as she said "The notes say that in this file that there should be the original recipe for the serum they used on the children. I can't find anything and what I did find," she held up a torn piece of paper "was torn away and in shreds."

The Woman froze suddenly. "Those files has been locked away for years. No one has seen them in nearly two decades, if someone got the serum recipe. Oh god, they could tweak it to match different blood types."

"Would they do that?" Molly asked with wide eyes. "Take the serum to transform other humans?"

"Molly," Irene said with a sigh accompanied by a shake of her head "these files didn't just happen to go 'missing', someone stole these files. And, if they find the right formula...they could build an army if they wanted and who would they go after first?"
