Thank you writers who reviewed on my previous story. Well, here's another. I do not own the characters or transformers, only the plot. I typed this rather quickly so it may have mistakes inside. I apologise in advance. Anyway, this is a prologue and I will update as frequently as possible.

Prowl was not himself. That, was glaringly obvious. The first thing the usually emotionless SIC did after being released from the medbay was to walk into the rec room. That itself was already strange behaviour for Prowl, but if anybot noticed, they ignored it thinking that Prowl was hungry and wanted energon. However, Prowl did not immediately walk over to the energon dispenser. Instead, he waltzed over to Jazz, his bondmate, and kissed him smack on the lips.

Most of the mechs were not aware of Prowl's relationship with Jazz and stared, mouths dropping open. A hushed silence fell upon the previously noisy rec room. Even Jazz was astounded. Dazed, he looked at Prowl blankly. Prowl didn't encouraged public displays of emotions, right? What changed? Unaffected by the stillness of the rec room, Prowl practically skipped over to the energon dispenser and poured a cup for himself. He took a swig and smiled at Jazz. Wait. Smiled?

All havoc broke loose. Mechs screamed and ran. Sunstreaker and Sideswipe bumped into one another and fell; others made a beeline for the exit. Somebot even shouted, "The end is here! The end is here! Primus save us all!" Jazz was the first bot to reach the door and was just about to escape when Ratchet stepped into the rec room. He put his hands on his hips sternly and bellowed, "SHUT UP!" Instant silence. Everybot halted in his tracks, seeing the wrench in Ratchet's hands. They would rather take their chances with Prowl.

"Alright. All you glitchheads listen up. Prowl's battle computer was damaged in battle and is currently being repaired. Repairs should be completed in a week. Without his battle computer, Prowl has reverted to his pre-war state, in which he has little control over his emotions and actions." Ratchet explained. "Got it? Or are you simpletons too dumb to comprehend what I just said?"

The silence of the mechs in the rec room was broken by Jazz, the only bot still alive who knew Prowl before the war. Recovering from his shock, he said, "This, should be interesting." Prowl began to hum a tune and every autobot wondered what Jazz meant by that. They would find out soon. Prowl promised as an evil smirk ghosted his face. This would be interesting indeed.

How was the story? Did you like it? I know it's short, but it's a prologue. Sorry. I hoped you enjoyed it. I will post another chapter as soon as I can. Two weeks tops.