[published: Nov 25, 2913!] Authoress' Notes:

GAH! I literally spend to much time on this single chapter and it's is the lowest. I mean, it has 2000- words, and I'm hating it. Oh, and here's the new story! HAYO! It's finally back!

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my OCs, some characters that were never known in the anime and/or manga, change of plot and tineline. All rights belongs to the mangaka of Magi, Shinobu Ohtaka-sama.

[PROOFED! Feb 27, 2014] Edited some words, changed this into an Reader-Insert and so on.

╰The Beginning Arc ↭ Chapter ١╮

Prolouge: W-who...?

Your [h/c] braid hair stream behind you, few strands flew into your face by the strong wind as sweat beads run down your beautiful pale face. You glanced over your shoulder and quickly and swiftly, you turned around, avoiding the gazes of lustful drunken men as they chase after you.

Your limbs burned like the hottest fires, and your throat was so dry you felt you might suffocate. Your heart hurt as each pumping sound from it cause your head to ache. Each step hurt more than the last, but the thoughts were still as loud as shouts. You aren't safe yet. Never safe.

You could no longer see. Your eyes were filled with their own darkness, more painful and consuming than any earthly darkness you had ever witnessed. Your steps were blind and unsure, and you knew that you would soon fall. But no, you would never, until you can finally escaped.

The branches and sharp edges of the bushes tore your clothes, and your now-bare feet were cut mercilessly by jagged rocks, reopening the wounds from each rocks before. You could barely see two feet in front of you, but you dared not stop. You would not feel safe until the loudest thoughts were not even as loud as a whisper.

You stopped as you found yourself hopeless. Hopeless. You, right now, is standing in front of a really high cliff. You quietly took steps and saw you own death on the gleaming water as the moon shone brightly as ever. The stars twinkled as if they have no care at all. The bright light of the moon illuminated you as you shield your eyes from the brightness. Removing your hand, you heard the rustles and footsteps getting closer and closer. You frozed. You knew it. If only you have, if only...!

"He, the lone princess is waiting for her prince to arrive." Your eyes widen as you turn around, you saw the three figures of the chasing druken men. Your breath hitched. Oh no.

"He he, to think she can escape us, so stupid," the man in the left slurred as he took a step. He smirked seeing how you shivered under thier lingering gazes.

"Quite a cutie she is, ain't it?" the man from the right side grinned as he raised his hand and waved it left and right, this repeated several times until he put it back his pocket.

"A prize she is, bros. Now the only thing we have is to show her how we can entertain her," the man in the middle declared, now stepping out of the shadow. The other two followed and their face was showed. If you have to describe thier face then you choosed the word, grotesque.

"Kehehehehehe, we got you~" the man from the left laughed and you took a step back, but backs aways when you almost fell down and small rubbles of rocks and dirt had fallen. A sudden idea popped up on your mind and you clutched your messenger bag which contains your laptop, Samsung Galaxy SⅣ, and more things a people thought that the riches would have.

You smiled sadly and for the first time in your whole life time, you finally spoke, "... I don't think so." You mentally grinned in triumpht as you watched the drunken men glared at you and growled.

"Girl, you gonna regret messing with us."

You finally took a deep breath before your eyes glimmered with no fear; as if nothing like death itself or the Lucifer isn't enought to scare you. Your [h/c] hair swaying from the left and the moon illuminated upon your beautiful figures. Your white dress with white frills were dry after the cool air brushed against you skin through the broken hole made by the sharp thorns and edges of the bushes.

You spreaded your arms wide and open, like you was an angel who had their arms open for a hug. You closed her eyes, and breathe. "... Sayonara, world."

You felt air push up against your back as you fell down the cliff. You heard screams and loud footsteps and it stopped as you saw three pair of gazes and your vision went blurred and the surrounding was really fast that your eyes can't kept up with. You opened your [e/c] eyes when you felt a hard splash underneath you. Water surrounded you as you fell deeper and deeper into the abyss. Your breathe was taken away. Your lungs felt as if the water built a way to eneter. Your nose hurt from breathing in the water. Your arms were like they were reaching forward for something. Eyes closed, you fell into a deel slumber when darkness welcome your vision.





Groaning, you fluttered your eyes open, but still half-lidded. You felt your head throbbed in pain and place a hand over it. You looked under your long black eyelashes before fully opening them, taking a look around your surrounding with slight interest.

The room, is rather plain. Really plain, but you like it. No more gold, silver, and diamond in this room and you were glad. As you sat up, you felt soft and really comfortable contact made with your butt. You looked down and blinked several times to make sure if you really wasn't there, but in honest, you went along with your brain, ignoring your heart's cries.

The bed... was so soft that you would crush it with a hug if it wasn't for the door to be completely slammed opened to revealed a happy boy with a smile on his face. He was a small young boy and judging by his age, he might be 10 or 12 years old. He have big doe-like blue eyes that where gleaming with happiness and relief. He had his blue longbhair tied into a really long braid.

'Is it me or did that appearance look really familiar?' you thought. You would have went into 'tantei mode' if only a another random yet familiar voice scream and the action of some random pervert kid would do wasn't happening. The familiar boy ran towards you with a drool and sparkling background, and he jump into your...


You felt anger rising in your blood as the stupid boy rubbed his cheeks against your breast. Stupid brats andㅡ Flash of weird memories rushed into your mind, and your head throbbed in pain as you slightly winced.

"HEY! Aladdin, where are you?! AHA! You'reㅡ YOU SHOULDN'T DO THAT TO [NAME]!"

You blinked. [Name]? That isn't your name, maybe they might mistaken you with this '[Name]', but aren't you supposed to die? Maybe you was saved again. But what caught your attention is the name, 'Aladdin'. You only knew that name from somewhere.

Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic.

You shook your head, disagreeing. So the only choice left is... You didn't remember that name of that movie. That movie, it's like a boy goes by the name Aladdin, and later, later, later, he meet Jasmine, and you forgot all the plot of the movie or story. But Aladdin from the movie or story has a tan skin, not white like the Aladdin from Magi...

So in other words...

You looked at the direction where the blonde boy, maybe 'Alibaba', grab Aladdin back of his neck sleeves and began scolding him. You just stared at the sight, 'confused'. Right now, you must do what you really have to do, and you mentally noddded to yourself in determination.

Again, the door was slammed open but this time, you knew it. A man with purple hair and tan skin enterㅡ no, more like run into room while a white-haired man with freckles was following behind him, sighing as he walk. You blinked.

As the purple-haired man saw you, he smiled so brightly that you might be blind to the brightness. He hugged you, and it only pains more when it was warp really near arond your breasts. He smiled, "[NAME]! Finally, you're awake! Thank god that wasn't to fatal." He ended it with a sigh of relief.

The white-haired man, like how the blondie did earlier, pulled the purple-haired man back by the scruff of his neck sleeve and the scolding began. You just stared, confused and annoyed. But it was lifted off on your shoulder when an soft hand was placed on her shoulder, as if it was sensing her stress. You looked up and locked eyes with the blondie and he sent you a smile, "Don't worry, [Name]."

'I'm tired of this shit,' you thought when you felt a weight land on her lap and look down to see the bluenette boy snuggling closer to you with his eyes closed and face morphed into a happy expression. You looked up and fake cough, grabbing other attentions.

"Excuse meㅡ" "ㅡ[Name]?ㅡ" "ㅡbut who all are you? and why am I here? also who is 'Rei'?" you asked and silence filled the noisy room. The atmosphere felt... tense, and it also show clearly on their expression.


Your name is... Rio Yurei (里桜 幽霊). The word, Rio (里桜), means village cherry blossom. And Yurei (幽霊) is ghost. ...Rio Yurei, you really liked that name.

You had [h/c] hair that was tied into a messy braid. Your gentle [h/c] eyes are glistening with hollow. No happiness, sadness, love, nothing; a void after all. Your hollow eyes are like a black void that was pulling you in. Hollowness, you really liked that feeling.

... but this situation sucks when you found out that you, the girl who just died, was reincarnated into a random girl called '[Name]'. Oh good, so fucking shittyful.


HAHI! Completely finished the prolouge! So happy! yet sad... But anyways! Got nothing to write in here so rate, review, follow and favourite! Good bye!

25/11/13: Ren Tsubaki again taking over this Authoress'/Other's Notes:! You readers might recognize me from 'Memoires of Those Reincarnated'! Thank you so much for reviewing that story which is actually my request. I don't now what to say but thank you again, readers and Yu-chan! LOL I don't know what reaction Yu-chan will have when she saw this and my self-proclaimed nickname for her. But you all are welcome to use this nickname for her.

Once again... Review, follow and review this story or else this story will be discountinued! Also read her other stories! 'Welcome to Magi Academy' and 'Memoirs of Those Reincarnated'! Do as everything from before! I'm counting on you!

ㅡRen Tsubaki a.k.a Renki-chan.