Chapter 9 : Ladders of Chaos

Author Note : Taking just a moment to thank you all for your assiduity and support, which means the world to me, and keeps me writing this story. Also, I'm here to tell you that we have almost reached half of this fiction (yes much shorter than Knight of the Force), but a sequel (and I am very very excited and inspired about it) is on his way, for our pleasure. Anyway, here comes your chapter.

Karchicho was a famous village of Kashyyyk for its battle during the Clone Wars between the Separatist army and Yoda's forces, here on this very beach Leia Skywalker had just landed, followed by Jedi Master Hcan Ti, and his young padawan Corran Horn. The girl had welcomed their arrival as a blessing : Corran did nothing but stare at her and saying how much gorgeous she looked, which had clearly annoyed the Skywalkers' daughter. On the other hand, the Jedi Master had founded his padawan's behavior quite laughable, and had stated how much Corran was still a Corellian before being a Jedi, some things could never change. After those words, Corran had managed to improve his words, probably due to his embarrassment, and actually appeared much more pleasant, which Leia didn't miss to confess. Corran, without his cocky attitude, could become a very good friend, Leia was sure of it.

But now, as she left the shuttle, she followed Chewbacca toward the city hall, located high above the beach, build on the branches of the roughly 1000-foot high wroshyr tree, where the city leader Tarful was awaiting for them. Skywalker had already come here, climbed this very same stairs and read all of the inscriptions on the tree and understood all of their meanings, but when Master Hcan Ti had told her, on their way to Kashyyyk, that she would do the talking and investigating, Leia figured the Jedi had never actually laid foot on this ground.

Finally, after the long seven hundred and thirty-two stairs, that had clearly exhausted both Jedi, Leia arrived in Tarful's office where the large and old Wookie was pacing back and forth. This Wookie was not known for his patience, but he seemed quite preoccupied.

Noticing them, Tarful walked in front of them, and bowed while Chewbacca introduced her.

"It's always an honor to see you, Tarful," Leia started, bowing. "This is Jedi Master Hcan Ti", showing the man with black hair and blue eyes dressing with a black tunic and beige pants, "and Padawan Corran Horn. They are here to assist me."

Both Jedi bowed in respect while Tarful eyed them with a clear curiosity. He then growled something that Leia was about to translate, but the Jedi Master replied immediately : "Yes we did. The Jedi should have stepped in long ago, but I'm sure you understand our current position with the Senate."

Both Tarful and Chewbacca chuckled, and motioned them to join the large wood table where drinks were served.

"This is actually why we are here," Leia took a seat, between the Master and the apprentice. "The Chancellor has realized that many fleet's officers were acting on their own, here on Kashyyyk. I'm here to stop the traffic of your people."

Tarful growled as he slammed his fist on the table, which startled the girl.

"Yes, Master Ti filled me with the details of his operation on your planet, not long ago," she nodded. "Those slavers are not commanded by the Republic. We humbly ask for your cooperation, or any details you might have gathered against them or their locations."

Chewbacca immediately replied, as he stared at his leader, for an obvious authorization.

"No," Skywalker refused immediately. "I don't want to endanger any Wookies, I know this planet perfectly, and I've been to Rwookrrorro before. The Jedi will protect me."

"What happened to this village?" Corran asked, wanting to focus on their next move.

Tarful explained that it was the last village being raided before the intervention of the Jedi on Kashyyyk. The village was burned to the ground, the forest turned to ashes and all the villagers were gone, taken away. The place smelt death and looked just like a grave.

"It's our only lead, we must go there," Leia stared at Hcan with a determination that the Master had already seen in the Chancellor's eyes. He chuckled quietly, she was indeed her daughter.

"I shall trust your instincts young Skywalker," the Jedi in black rose slowly and bowed to the Wookies. "We will see each other very soon, great Tarful, with concrete informations."

Tarful rose and banged his chest, a sign of respect and honor, as Corran recalled his teachings on Ceresta during his lessons.

"May the Force be with you too," Corran said before following his master, and then, Leia exited the room, eying one last time Chewbacca.

"Yes, we will find them, I promise!"

For the first since a long time, at least a decade, Ferus Ollin was staring at an overwhelmed Padmé Skywalker, pacing like a beast in cage, afraid and insecure, in her beige Office. She was obviously marked by fatigue, and the worries for her family was too obviously felt in the Force, though the Chancellor usually managed to hide very well her feelings from Jedi. A technique she probably acquired with her marriage with Anakin Skywalker, since the beginning of the Clone Wars. But today, as the bright sun of Coruscant slowly disappeared into the dark steel of the horizon, Padmé Skywalker was under pressure just like when he had found her on …. Byss, during the Battle of the Thousands Swords. He had come to rescue her from the grip of the Sith, of Vader and Sidious, and to bring her back to safety, to Coruscant. But here, here she was already in her element, at her place, and more or less in safety. And with all his power, Ferus was unable to calm his long-time friend.

"Chancellor you need to understand-" Master Shaak Ti, also present in the Office with the male human, tried to interfere.

"I don't understand a thing, Master Shaak Ti!" Padmé cut immediately. "You are saying my husband's right hand disobeyed a direct order, which could have terrible consequences if the imperialists in our ranks have used these datas. Sidious' data!"

"We cannot assume they have," Shaak Ti rephrased, "but there is a great risk indeed."

"The Sith are dead," Ferus assured. "Their dynasty was destroyed when Vader and Sidious were defeated, but their knowledges can be coveted, Chancellor. A dark Jedi might become a powerful enemy with such teachings."

"How strong could become Commander Ariss with Sidious' knowledge ?" the former Queen of Naboo stared straight at the two Jedi.

"Not strong enough to defeat the Jedi," Shaak Ti replied with a great confidence. "But Ariss may not have been alone. We are all sensing another group at work here, people skilled enough in the Force to hide from us."

"Users of the darkside?" The Chancellor asked while her eyes came on her desk, where a light was flicking indicating a communication's permission.

"We believe so," Ferus said. "We wish to contact the Jedi Council for guidance, there is much we fail to see, I'm afraid."

"I appreciate you honesty, Master Ollin," Padmé hide her worries behind her politician's dignity and laid a finger on the desk. "What is it ?"

"Your son is requesting entrance, Chancellor," the voice of Sabé, her once handmaiden and now main secretary, was transmitted in the room. "Master Luminara, her padawan and the young Kenobi are with him."

"Let them him," Padmé authorized, making an eye-contact with Ferus Ollin while he ran a hand in his black and silver hair : he didn't have any more updates about what happened to his padawan, though Master Luminara had assured, when she had picked him up, that he was alright, while Anakin wasn't. But his apprentice had remained silent since his last mission, clearly isolating himself in the waves of the Force to gain clarity and confidence.

Shaak Ti immediately turned to greet them, granting them a large smile with her white teeth. "It is good to see you all unarmed. Padawan Kenobi, we'd like to hear your report, please."

"Yes, please," Padmé slowly sat in her long white chair, both hands resting in front of her. "I'd like to hear why the Senate Guard was requested to evacuate a whole district by my husband."

Anteres slowly took three steps forward, while watching his master, Ferus, waiting for the authorization to speak in front of the Chancellor. Ollin understood the concerns of his padawan in the Force, but nodded to the boy.

"General Skywalker and I have found a bomb placed within the Republic Military complex, deep inside the eastern side of the building, Chancellor," Anteres explained. "I was worried we might not be able to defuse the device and thus, Skywalker ordered the evacuation. I hope no civilian was hurt during the process."

"I can assure you, Chancellor, that the population is unharmed," Luke stepped in, confirming Anteres' words. "Master Luminara and Padawan Brie helped me securing the sector, with other members of the Guard."

"Yes, Luke, I have your report on my desk," Padmé ignited the holoreport of her son in front of her. "However, you wrote that two Guardians were sent inside the building to help General Skywalker and Padawan Kenobi."

"They did, Commander Kar'ha and Trig went to assist," Luke said promptly. "Where is Dad?"

"Did these two Guardians ever come, Padawan Kenobi?" Padmé asked, while Ferus carefully stared at her. Her questions became to look more like an interrogation than information.

"They did, Ma'am."

"Good," she frowned, trying to mask her incomprehension. "Then perhaps can you tell me what happen? Obviously the four of you managed to stop that bomb, however, I still didn't receive the reports of my men. And I've just been informed that my husband is in health care, in the Coruscant Military Hospital."

"Chancellor, are you accusing my padawan of something?" Ferus placed a firm hand on his padawan's shoulder, offering support.

"General Skywalker has a head trauma, and the two other commanders are missing, and we're unable to contact them," Padmé informed coldly. "Your apprentice is the last person who has seen them all. The chief of the base's security is asking questions."

"We are not under your orders, Padmé," Ferus immediately countered, taken aback by the tone of his friend. "We are here to help you, if you have suspicions about my padawan's actions, you might discuss it with me first, without the intrusion of your agents."

"My clarity is questioned by half of the Senate, Ferus," she rose and went right before him, her eyebrows angled by an almost anger. "The Jedi are not above the Republic, the people's safety is primary. That means I have to authorize an investigation about the disappearance of my Guardians."

"I killed them," Anteres suddenly confessed. "Your Guardians, as you called them, were plotting against you, obviously working with the imperialist to defeat your government from the inside."

Ferus' eyes widened at the revelation, just like any other person present in the Chancellor's Office, but there was no deception in the boy's voice.

"What?" Luke yelled in shock.

"Artoo has recorded the whole scene," Anteres added, showing the little droid behind Luke Skywalker. "He can bring the proof that I'm saying the truth. Your husband was knocked off by the two traitors before he could do anything. I'm sorry I couldn't protect him enough, but I had to defend Artoo defusing the bomb."

"Artoo, can you plug the record in the central holodevice please?" Shaak Ti asked the droid Anakin used to have around him during the Clone Wars.

The droid bipped in affirmative and introduced one of his mechanical harm in the large circular black device behind the four seats in the room. After a few flicking blue pictures, the Jedi, the Chancellor and Luke stared at the holovideo showing the two traitors Forcepushing Anakin with a terrific speed into a pillar which shattered with a grave sound. Then appeared Anteres Kenobi, with a determined look, drawing his blade and starting his fight with the two Guardians. The silence took hold of the office while the record showed the padawan battling with a consternating ease his opponents while the son of Obi-wan walked in front of the large transparisteel wall, staring at the now black sky of Coruscant.

After a whole minute, they all saw the death of the first guardian, then the suicide of the other which caused both Padmé and Shira to yelp in horror.

"I can't believe this," Shira finally said as the record ended. "She killed herself …"

Luke didn't know if he was awake or not anymore. "You defeated them so easily," he stated watching the padawan who had turned his back at them. "I've never seen someone this powerful"

Luminara looked at Anteres with worries : as he slowly turned again, it felt like the Force had wrapped itself around him once more, giving the boy a true cloak of power on his shoulders. It had been a long time since she had felt such demonstration of power, and she was certain that new war would only improve the boy's strength, which could be more dangerous than the Council had predicted.

"That's not the most alarming thing, Shira," Shaak Ti stroke gently her left lekku. "Who was she referring to? Who is this 'he' she talked about?"

"Someone strong enough to defeat me," Anteres said, his jaw tightening at sight. "The very same person who is leading our enemies together."

"The only person who can fill that place is dead," Padmé retorted, feeling the symbol of power shifting from her person to this young human, as he laid his eyes on her. "Your father killed Sidious and erased his influence on the galaxy for good. I was there. I saw it."

"Sidious had many disciples," Anteres recalled. "The Jedi has not destroyed all of them, who might have regrouped behind the imperialists in the Republic and the Neutral Confederacy."

"They could be the one commanding Ariss, and the two Guardians you killed," Ferus nodded. That was Obi-wan's hypothesis from the beginning. "If they had regained Sidious' teachings, then they have the ability to manipulate the darkside to create weapons, or worse."

"There is more," his padawan added. "I didn't kill only these two. Many soldiers inside the complex tried to stop us from coming back. I was carrying General Skywalker so I didn't have the time to simply neutralize them. I'm sorry."

"How many?" The Chancellor didn't bother yelling. That boy had saved her husband, she knew she couldn't say anything.

"Thirty-seven," Anteres admitted. "I asked Artoo to suppress the security holorecord, to hide my actions which could have jeopardized your position even more, Chancellor. So I suggest you tell your investigator that the two traitors murdered them."

"You're asking me to lie, to cover you," Padmé stared in disbelief at Ferus. "This is the way of the Jedi now?"

"Chancellor, you must understand that you are already a target inside the Senate, "Luminara came forward. "The creation of the Senate Guard was your predecessor's idea, but with your husband as its leader, they will blame you. You'll be framed for letting the corruption inside that group, so revealing that the Jedi have fought against the Republic's men would only compromise your seat."

"You've been set up, Padmé," Ferus bent over her desk, his hands resting on the solid plate. "You must hide some facts to the Senate to protect yourself. This is a very dangerous situation, the imperialists have played their game very well, if you are honest to the Rotunda, you'll be forced to resign from Office. Then, who knows if your successor is not one of them?"

"But if we lie to them," Luke came to help her mother. "And they find out the truth, we will be seen as part of the imperial rebellion."

"That is correct, Commander Skywalker," Shaak Ti nodded to the blonde boy, who looked desperately at Shira Brie. The girl slowly smiled to him, trying to bring him comfort in a situation she knew was impossible to get out. "That is why you must let us do our work."

"You can explain to the Senators that the general lock down of the Military base disabled every other devices, to provide a better efficiency to its primary functions," Shira pondered out loud. "Thus you can bring Artoo's record to them, exposing the traitors within the Guard's ranks, and allowing the Jedi to take charge of their hunt."

"That is actually your best shot, Padmé," Ferus smiled thankfully at the smart red-haired girl.

"I'll appear weak, and under the Jedi Order's command," the Chancellor tapped a finger straight on her desk to mark her point. "Something I cannot do in front of the Senators."

"Better be weak than a traitor, Chancellor," Anteres said back in front of the wide window. He seemed to have sensed something on Coruscant, something captivating his attention more than this meeting. And if Anteres wasn't a Kenobi, Padmé would have felt insulted. "My father is in orbit. We will inform him of the last events, I'm sure you'll welcome his councils."

"Perhaps the Master of our Order will find another solution," Shira tried to ease the Chancellor's panic with a tender smile, but failed when the holodevice started to flick again on the desk, startling Padmé in surprise.

"This is Senator Sate Pestage's code …" she sighed, fearing the anger of the now very popular Senator among his peers.

Pressing the interruptor, the holocommunication started, letting appear the large blue form of an aged bald man, dressed with a rich wide opened coat over a distinguished coruscanti shirt decorated by an obviously expansive stone-collar. This was Sate Pestage, Senator of Ciutric IV, an active leader of the main opposition movement against Chancellor Skywalker. This group was formed to stand against Chancellor Organa, before Padmé, in order to create a more conservative voice in the Senate which was still the minority. But Padmé knew, that during the next election, they will be quite a challenger.

"Greetings Chancellor," Pestage bowed in an honest respect, which surprised Ferus, watching the former first follower of Palpatine.

"Greetings Senator," the Chancellor replied softly. "What can I do for you at such hour? Have you not left Coruscant yet?"

"I'm calling you from my ship, on my way home," he confessed. "But I have been warned about terrible things, my friend, terrible things!"

"What things?"

"Well first I need to congratulate your teams for disabling the bomb in the Military Base," he granted her a smile. "Your men have proven once again their capability." Anteres narrowed his eyes at these words. There was obviously sarcasm in the voice of the Senator.

"This is actually the work of the Jedi, Senator," Padmé showed Anteres with her right hand. "It was his strength and courage that saved us all. General Skywalker was injured during the mission, but he will confirm my words."

"Well he is your husband after all," Pestage smirked. "But does it mean that young Jedi was in charge?"

"Anteres Kenobi is one of the best Jedi I've ever seen, he was more than capable."

"Yes, that he was. Thanks the stars" the Senator hit something with his fist. "I've been given the whole record of your little operation, this is madness Chancellor. You have trusted the fate of hundreds of Republic citizens to a boy, who decided to attack our soldiers!."

"Padawan Kenobi was attacked by these men," Padmé immediately defended, while the young Kenobi went right beside her. "Watch the whole record, Pestage, you'll see that two Guardians have betrayed us, and joined the imperialist cause. The Jedi did what was necessary."

"So you sent Obi-wan Kenobi's son to a potential trap, purposely?" The Senator stared at the padawan. "I understand your powers boy, I've seen other warriors of your calibre, you did protect yourself and General Skywalker. I am not questioning your actions."

"And I am grateful, Senator Pestage," Anteres bowed but waited for Sate's real intention.

"But I am questioning your ability to command, Chancellor Skywalker," the Senator continued. "We could have lost both General Skywalker and the hope of the Jedi's future! This is reckless, even for you!"

"You think I would have sent my husband to a suicide mission?"

"There we are again, we had this conversation over and over," he mused. "Can we trust your judgement concerning your husband and his group? Where is the impartiality required of a Chancellor of the Republic?"

"Anakin Skywalker is the protector of the Senate, not its Chancellor alone, as I've told you many times."

"Alright, alright, this subject has no meaning, I adhere," Pestage paused, and cleared his old throat. "But what about Senator Bonteri? Chancellor have you lost your mind? You sent a senator, without escort, to Mandalore? To our enemy!"

Padmé froze immediately, how could he know about all of this? Lux's mission was a secret, no senator had been warned about.

"I don't know how you manage to gain such intel bu-" however, before Padmé could finish her sentence, Ferus suddenly ended the holocommunication. She stared at him as dread took hold in her heart.

"Calm down, breath," he ordered her. "Pestage knows too much : this is very suspicious. He has tried to corner you for three years, and now …. Now if he goes to the Senate, you're finished."

"Shira and I will go to Ciutric IV," Luminara decided quickly. "He couldn't have gain these informations, someone must have told him. Someone who is plotting against you."

"I agree," Shaak Ti nodded. "We must stop Pestage before he spreads all of this. There is a plot to destroy you, and this Senator might be leading it."

"I'll go with you," Luke suggested. "You'll need a Republic Guardian to go there."

"No, the Guard is compromised, you cannot leave Coruscant," Luminara shook her head in denial. "Return to your father, help him find the traitors in your group. This is very important."

"Ciutric might be an imperial base, Master Luminara," Anteres expressed his concerns. "Perhaps one team of Jedi is not enough."

"We'll contact the Council, Anteres," Ferus informed. "They will send us backup."

"And we don't have time for this," Luminara touched Shira's shoulder, indicating her it was time to go. "Padmé is in danger, we must hurry!"

Kashyyyk was known to be a luxurious forest, with its tall, imposing old trees reaching the sky, covering the sun in more than one place. Under the wide, thick branches of these threes, life had spread in many forms, like glorious plants and flower, either dangerous or perfectly safe, but its fauna was as impressive as the flora. Everything breathed life, and in all of these lives, Corran had felt the Force surrounding him and his master during their walks.

However, here, in the ashes of the village of Rwookrrorro, he felt no life, only death. The burn ground was now replaced by a thick, grey dust, covering the last traces of vegetation that they had seen all around. The trees couldn't be named as such anymore, they looked like broken black bones of a once magnificent body, and the padawan wouldn't even check in the Force for any living survivor : there was none, he already knew it. Everything was gone, every houses, every wood-building reduced by an incredible wildfire.

"What happened here?" Leia wondered out loud, tears threatening to fall from her chocolate eyes. The grief in the Living Force was so overwhelming that it felt like she had lost a friend in battle.

"The Imperialists had not operated like this, last time we came here," Corran explained to the Chancellor's daughter. "Perhaps have they decided to take revenge on this village, after our passage."

"You may be right, Corran," Hcan brought once again his hand on his chin, which reminded Leia of Obi-wan Kenobi. But she had been briefed about that human, his training had been completed by the Master of the Order himself. This info alone would stop many men into a fight against Hcan Ti. And he was also the husband of Shaak Ti …

"But?" Padawan Horn smiled, waiting for the rest of his master's theory.

"This is clearly not the way of a Republic officer," he added, "nor a Confederacy's commander. This atrocity was made by someone much more primitive, and tribal."

"You're not thinking about what I'm suspecting, are you, Master?" Corran felt a cold chill running along his spine. Such tribal warriors able to do this on Kashyyyk were not many : Trandoshans!

Immediately, the sound of several hover-bikes was heard from the eastern side of their position, followed by a big agitation in the trees' branches, making the leaf of the forest around the village flying up in the sky. Leia knew what was coming for them. Maybe they have been spied on since their arrival.

"Skywalker," Hcan grabbed the girl by her shoulder, "you run back to Chewbacca and Tarful, warned them about the Trandoshans!"

"What about you?"

"Corran and I will take these hunters together, and save the other persons hunted," he said, as he sensed that many other beings had been released in the wood, for the reptilians' little sick game. "Bring us support, now go!"

Leia looked at both Jedi, drawing their blue and yellow lightsaber, proudly standing in the middle of the ashes, ready and already releasing their fears in the Force. For a moment, Leia thought she saw the dust flying itself from these two, revealing a circle of untouched dirt, but she understood that the Force was with these two. She didn't have to worry, and only have to do what she was told to.

"Are you ready, Corran?" Hcan grinned at his young friend, who nodded back. "I'll draw their attention elsewhere, can you take care of the prisoners?"

"Of course Master."

"Very good….Let's go!"

Using the Force, both Jedi took different ways, the younger immediately reaching for the closest large trees, where he could feel the fear and the anxiety of the many beings already released in the jungle, for the Trandoshans' hunt, while the Master jumped at the biggest burn debris next to him, offering him enough altitude to observe the whole scene. Hcan, safely landing on a thin spike, ignited his yellow blade and waved it in the air, trying to get the attention of any ships flying above them, and empowered his voice with the Force to create a beast's scream, something between an Acklay of Felucia and a Rancor. This technique had been used by Obi-wan Kenobi before, to inspire terror in the hearts of his enemies, avoiding useless fights on many missions, some of them during Hcan's apprenticeship. This time, here without the Master of the Order, the Jedi planned to actually bring the enemies to him, taking their focus away from his padawan, whose task would certainly be as difficult as his own.

Mere seconds later, several horns echoed in the woods, from many positions around the Jedi, clearly indicating their arrivals, which brought a smile on his lips. Obi-wan had often told him his ruse was his best weapon, making him a legitimate member of the Jedi Council on Ceresta, though Master Yoda had claimed his generous nature was truly his best ally in his life. Today again, he would prove both masters right : he would stop the slavers using his mind, and provide an opportunity to escape for the others, putting at a second place his own safety.

Soon, three hovercrafts spotted him, and hurried toward him, firing lasers powerful enough to obliterate his chest in one hit. These ships were too heavily armed for a simple hunt, something was off, and Master Ti knew he would figure it out very quick, as he dodged the fire, coming back on the solid ground.

Once on the floor, the Jedi did in backflip to avoid more lasers and filled his long legs with the power to run as fast he could, in the middle of what left of the village. Dodging was actually the easiest part of his task, for the Trandoshans had decided to test his strength on the ground, where they were actually much stronger. These aliens could run as fast as he could, their brutality could rivaled with a very trained Jedi, so having six of those at your tail could be a problem. Somehow, Hcan felt like he had to say something sarcastic, just like Master Obi-wan would have in such situation, but no one was here to actually enjoy such comment. No, better let these beasts yelling war screams, or threats at him. The Jedi would let them think he was afraid, and alone, that was all part of his plan. So he stopped. He stood immobile in the widest area of the village, which he assumed was probably the main plaza, and he waited for them, his blade held above his head, in the stance of Soresu.

"Been a long time sinsssssse we had a Jedi," the first Trandoshan appearing said, licking his teeth with his long pink tongue. This one had two very large and heavy axes in his strong hands, clearly preferring melee, than the second one, carrying a rocket-launcher.

"Your bonessss will make a fine collar, human," the fifth one warned in delight.

"Aren't you giving me a chance to escape?" Hcan smiled, toying with their intention to hunt him down. "That's not very fair of you."

The largest one, with a blueish skin, laughed loudly, showing the many fangs of his maw. "I like disssss one!" He motioned two of his comrades to back away from the Jedi. "Fine, we'll give you a head-start. How about ten seconds?"

"That is very kind, thank you," the Jedi bowed to hide his smile, and immediately launched himself in the air, landing right before the leader of the hunters. "But I can take you down in three."

Out of the blue, the Jedi hit the blue Trandoshan, in a terrible metallic sound, with the hilt of his lightsaber, stunning him. He then jumped above his shoulders and used the Force to send him high above the ground while the other reptilians started to react at the attack. The Jedi grinned again, and brought the flying hunter back to the ground where he crashed into two other aliens. The Master improved his attack's rhythm and spinned in the air away from the seven other Trandoshans, who emptied their weapons' magazines at him, without much success as the Jedi managed to parry every single bolt shot at him. But two of his enemies were now running at him, the one with the axes, and another one with a long sword lifted above his head ready to cut him in half. Hcan didn't shiver, he caught the attackers' weapons with his yellow lightsaber, forcing them to back away while he still kept his cocky smile on his face, which enraged both Trandoshans. Hate and anger could become a powerful weapon, he knew it but it came with a price : a loss of control, if you're not strong enough. So their concentration tempered by their rage, the two reptilians charged once again at the still standing Jedi Master.

"Can you catch me?" Hcan asked them, showing his white teeth as he made a small round device explode on the dirt at his feet, casting a very thick, smelly smoke around them. Even with their very sensitive nose and eyes, the Trandoshans had to stop to breath, waving their weapons around them to vaporize the smoke away. By the time the artificial fog disappeared, the Jedi was nowhere to found, enraging the hunters even more.

"Find him!"

After running what Galen felt like a marathon through the streets and buildings of Mandalore, the young Jedi realized he would have preferred to stay with his mother and the Council of the Neutral Confederacy, back in the Star Defender, where no arm would come to them. But he was after terrorists and traitors on a planet he knew only by the books : he had no advantage here. Though his master, Ahsoka Tano had already been here multiple times, and with Liam Kryze as their guide, Galen knew trouble would find them before they actually set their eyes on the enemy. Not to mention that Liam was also flying around with his jetpack, staring here and there for any clue, and clearly captivating too much attention. His friend was the shining star of this world : a Jedi from Mandalore. That was something Duchess Satine Kryze had been very proud of, considering her past intentions about leaving their bloody past behind them and implant an environment of peace, and trust toward both the galaxy and the Jedi Order. Some had said all was possible because of the love the Duchess had had for his adoptive father, Obi-wan Kenobi, but the padawan was certain the Duchess would have reached the same greatness without the legendary Jedi Master. However, having someone as famous as Liam, highly recognizable, at their could warn the enemy before the three Jedi actually get to them.

Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, Galen regained focus on the path in front of him, and joined Ahsoka Tano, standing on a balcony high above the lowest level of the city. She looked even more preoccupied than on Byss, and the padawan could easily hear the dozens of questions in her mind.

"Something is bothering you, Master?" Galen Kenobi asked, kneeling in perfect balande on the balustrade.

"I've been here before," the Togruta nodded to him. "I was Anakin's student back then."

"During the Clone Wars?" the adoptive son of the Kenobis wondered as she nodded again.

Liam had landed right before them, the sound of his rockets turning off made too much noise for Galen's taste. And as a Jedi, did he really need a jetpack?

"There is many known former Death Watch's hidden places down there. They used to smuggle weapons and trained in the dark," Liam informed, repeating the lessons he had been taught by Boba Fett. "Perhaps the terrorists used the same ways to get in."

"I sense a certain amount of fear and tension there," Kenobi stated to Ahsoka. "I can make sure nothing wrong in a blink, Master. You shall continue our mission, I'll catch up with you."

"There is no need to go elsewhere," Ahsoka gently shook his right shoulder, a gesture meant as a praise. "A Jedi must learn to trust his instincts, so I will hear yours, Galen. We go together, I have a feeling we've found what we're looking for."

"Should I inform Manda'lore about this?" Liam was ready to press on his belt's communicator.

"There is no need," Ahsoka granted him a smile, already leaning above the cliff. "We are three well trained Jedi, we'll be more than enough." And the Togruta jumped, letting her body fall in the air, wind blowing on her face and clothes. A mere second later, her padawan followed with the same courage.

"I forgot how nuts the Jedi can be," Kryze laughed anyway, he had missed the boldness of these two more than he would admit. And without igniting his jetpack, Liam leapt in the sky.

As the darkness of the Coruscant's nights had plunged the Chancellor Office in obscurity, Padmé Skywalker asked herself for the second time if that day wasn't actually the worst day of her life. And considering how much agitated her life had been, this didn't meant nothing. But only today she realized how much danger she and the Republic she represented were in, for she had naively thought the return of the Master of the Order Obi-wan Kenobi would have brought good news to her tired ears … It seemed this family was the only ones to make her see the gravity of the situation.

Here, in front of her stood the auburn human who had saved her life so many times, telling her facts of corruptions and deceit she wouldn't have dared to conceit. Even on Kamino, from he just came back, the imperialist had managed to take hold of one of the Republic's most important cores. And honestly, Padmé had lost track of all Obi-wan's theories as she stared absently at Anteres, leaning against a wall, his face hiding in the dark. She could feel the sympathy towards her in his attitude, and the determination he had to destroy those who threatened her and the galaxy. Though the Chancellor was absolutely certain the boy would deny protecting her : he was a Jedi, saving the galaxy, not a political leader of a criticized government. At least Ferus Ollin, sitting in front of her desk was looking at her with the same resolve : he would go once again through hell for her. That was something Padmé liked about him, and she had admitted to herself that she saw this scarred man like her shining Knight, more than a friend. Of course Anakin was her ultimate champion, her first supporter and defender, but Ferus Ollin had saved Padmé from things the Chosen One had failed to.

"Padmé …," Obi-wan called her back to reality, his arms crossed behind his back, perfectly still. "Are you listening?"

"I'm sorry Obi-wan," she blushed. "I was …. Elsewhere."

"I understand you don't want to leave Coruscant, but I have reasons to believe you are absolutely not safe here."

"How could the Chancellor of the Republic not be on Coruscant?" She asked, almost defiantly.

"I'm sure you can cover up your departure with a diplomatic mission," Ferus grinned.

"So I should leave this Office to you," The brunette woman didn't appear amused at all, frowning her eyebrows. "To the Master of the Jedi Order. I might as well bow publicly before you and resigned."

"That's not what I'm asking nor wanting, Chancellor," Obi-wan replied coldly. "But as I just told you, someone used your personal codes to kill the Prime Minister of Kamino. If the enemy uses this information against you, the sentence will be worse than resign. You'll be casted away as a traitor, and probably executed. Leave Coruscant for a while, explain to the Senate that your life is in danger."

"You're indeed Anteres' father," Padmé accused, pointing the son in the back of the office. "One hour ago he just told me to choose weakness over treachery."

"My son can be cold and very direct, but he is often right and cares for the others more than he lets appear," Obi-wan smiled proudly, hearing the wisdom of his boy. "But you are not weak, Padmé. No one is better than you to fill this role of yours, and you made the right decision about Sate Pestage."

"Where should I go?" She managed to smile despite being defeating once again by Obi-wan's rhetoric.

"Alderann might be a good choice," Ferus suggested. "There Anakin can easily protect you, and the Organa are your friends. You'd be safe."

Padmé nodded, "I cannot go until my husband has healed, and cleared the issue with the traitors within the Republic Guard."

"Then I shall help Anakin on that matter," the Master of the Order stated. "I am glad we could find a compromise."

"I know better than to ignore your wisdom, Obi-wan," the Chancellor sighed slowly. "But I can't help this bad feeling I have about this whole story. Something in my bones tells me we are missing the important parts."

"Once we get one of them to talk," Kenobi hadn't still moved an inch, "we'll have a clearer evaluation of their true motives."

The former queen of Naboo understood from Obi-wan behavior that there was more to say : "Anything else?"

"I'd like to have a word with my son," he said almost severely. "Ferus will get you to your husband, I'm sure you are quite worried about his state, though I can assure you Anakin has seen much worse."

Ferus rose immediately in silent and grabbed Padmé by the arm, the two of them had figured they were sent away and they wouldn't dare argue against the strongest being in the galaxy right now, as a storm was now raging in the sky, the lightning casting flash of light in the dark office, and rain hitting loudly the transparisteel wall behind the Chancellor's chair. Walking toward the exit, Ferus and Padmé both slowed their pace as they pasted the boy, sending him a sympathizing look before they left the father and son alone, in an ominous silent.

Few minutes passed with no word spoken, no look exchanged, only the contemplation of the heavy black sky and its thunder, until the Jedi Master called for his son, still behind him.

Slowly swallowing the lump in his throat, Anteres Kenobi separated himself from the wall he was leaning against, and came in front of the wide and large window, his own reflexion, darkened by the lack of luminosity, struggled to form on the wet glass, then turned to stare at the Master of the Jedi Order, not his father. And a scowl was coming.

"Padmé told me you fought two of the treacherous Guardians in the Military Complex, and killed them," Obi-wan started, taking a seat, his eyes locked onto his son's. "But she cannot see things the way we do. I felt your power from Kamino, young one. You never displayed such strength so openly before. Why?"

"They were two against me, and I had to protect both Skywalker and Artoo," Anteres simply said, his voice never trembling nor his confidence shaking.

"You've been confronted to worse, in the past," the father recalled.

"What do you blame me for, Dad?"

"You have been unfairly over-powerful during your dual, Anteres," Obi-wan raised a warning finger up in the air. "You should have restrained yourself, and capture them. Killing them wasn't the right choice."

"You haven't seen the record yet," the boy countered calmly, hiding his emotion behind a mask of impassivity. "You will find that I neutralized only one of them, the second committed suicide-"

"With all your powers, admit that you could have stop her," the parent immediately cut. "But you refused. You didn't want to."

"She was a traitor …"

"It is the second time we're having this conversation, Padawan," Obi-wan frowned. "You do not decide whether she was guilty of treachery or not. Only this government has that power. You're not an executioner Anteres, you are the servant of peace."

"I preserved the peace by stopping these two," the son's anger rose immediately. "By killing them, I gave time to Artoo, so we could save thousands of lives. I served the greater good! How can you not see that?"

"You did not kill them, Anteres, you annihilated them!" Obi-wan stood up as he raised his voice. "And your fight was recorded, how do you think the Senate will react seeing your powers? They will be terrified of you, a being even the Jedi failed to properly understand!"

"Good!" the Padawan was unconsciously exercising a pressure with the Force on the whole Office, making cracks on the glass behind almost forming. But Obi-wan felt it in his every bones as the lightnings grew stronger and stronger. "I intended it! Yes, the senate should fear us, because within their ranks hide our opponents. They must know we are stronger than them."

"We are not gods, Anteres. We do not work this way."

"Have you seen how they all look at you? They respect you because they are afraid of your powers. They know what you can do, and now they know I am just like you. Now they know we are not to be controlled. But I'm not afraid to take actions, Dad, just like you did when you destroyed Sidious. That's the message I sent to the enemies of the peace you worked so hard to achieve."

"War changes people, son," Obi-wan calmed down, running a hand in his hair. "It will have a stronger effect on you. I don't want you to become drunk with power. Megalomania is not a trait of a Jedi."

"I'm not megalomaniac, I'm pragmatic," Anteres comforted. "I swear to you I did not enjoy a second of my dual. I still see the face of that woman, who I thought I would keep alive. Ask the Force, do you sense any trace of malice in my heart? Did I disappoint you that much?"

The father didn't have to check in the Force, he knew his son hadn't walked into darkness. He had perhaps been hard, but he wasn't murderous, nor destructive. Anteres had deemed necessary to quickly defeat his enemy to save others, though the means were questionable, the purpose was one of the Jedi's.

"You never disappointed me, and you never will, son," Obi-wan said gently. "I'm just …. Worried for you. And I'm angry at myself for bringing you into this mess, I know how much disturbing it must be for you."

"I would have come anyway," the boy smiled gratefully. "There is in this conflict something dragging me in."

"What do you mean?"

"It feels like a scream," he explained. "I hear it since I met them, on Mortis. Something frightening, calling from the depths of the Force. It's louder when I'm around you."

Obi-wan's eyes widened in incomprehension, he hadn't felt anything powerful in the Force but his and his son's presence. "You think this …. Manifestation is linked to me?"

"It's calling my name," Anteres shook his head in denial, "not yours. But …"


"Sometimes, it is as strong as you are, in the darkest possible way."

The leader of the Kenobi family brought once again a hand on his chin, scratching his well-trimmed beard, allowing his mind to wander in the Force, searching for a possible answer to the obvious threat he was failing to sense. There was two possibilities, the first and most probable was that the enemy was trying to lure Anteres to the darkness. A fool move because now his son had managed to detect them, and perhaps track them. The other idea, less likely, was that they were skilled enough in the dark arts to infiltrate his son's mind and whispering him terrible thoughts to drive him mad. But the second theory would then mean that Obi-wan could feel the dark presence around Anteres, and there was none : he was not failing to sense, he knew with an absolute certainty that the darkness was fleeing away from his shinning son.

"We shall perhaps call the Council for guidance," the Master eventually said. "On Ceresta, they are less influenced by this conflict than we are. Maybe they will sense nothing we can't."

"What I would do to return home," Anteres grinned. "This planet is a nest of darkness."

"I agree," Obi-wan finally land a hand on his son's shoulder, shaking it to prove his trust and confidence in the padawan's skills. "But now that the Guard is compromised, it is our duty to clean it for good."

"I can't start to imagine how it must have felt here, back in the day."

"Back in the day?" Obi-wan repeated.

"Under Sidious' reign … You spent years on this world you once called home while knowing he was in this very room, plotting against you," Anteres explained. "I will always admire your patience, despite the losses of war. That is a trait I do not have. Satele does."

Obi-wan smiled as the son spoke highly of his younger sister, "You don't have to. I did and will always do everything in my power to prevent you from experiencing what your mother and I've been through. I promised you the day you were born, I promise you again, today."

The father smiled tenderly, and gently motioned to leave these thoughts behind as he headed back toward the main doors. "Come, you don't want to miss the chance to tell Shira goodbye, do you?"

Anteres grinned with all his teeth, and nodded, relieved to be at his father's side once again, ready to face whatever threat might come. Yes he knew, he knew that at this moment, the two of them were unmatched in the entire galaxy. So everything would be alright, and this rebellion would be stopped soon enough. Then they could return to Ceresta, to the Jedi Order, to their family.

Things had gone pretty bad for Liam Kryze, holding his lightsaber on his right to prepare for the next assault of the terrible threat rising in front of him. He should have known better : there was no way such place would only be protected by eighteen mercenaries, easily surrendering in fear at the sight of Jedi Knight Ahsoka Tano and her two lightsabers. These pathetic men had been quickly defeated the moment he, Ahsoka and Galen Kenobi had entered their lair, using the element of surprising to neutralise them without too much casualties, as the female Togruta had clearly voiced her intent to interrogate them about the bombing. But right before she could have even asked a question, a loud metallic noise had echoed inside the secret base, and had made Ahsoka freeze immediately : both Liam and Galen had immediately jumped at her side to help her against something she apparently knew well enough.

" Listen to me," Jedi Tano raised her blades in defense, "I'll take the right one, you too take the left one. Do not attempt to help me in anyway. That thing is more powerful than you know."

" What are you talking about Master Tano?" Liam asked, while Galen nodded in silence and took three steps away from her.

"These two droids …," she started, "They are Terrors Droids, build to face Obi-wan Kenobi."

"I'm calling back-up" stated the young Mandalorian Jedi, but the moment his fingers moved toward his wrist's communicator, a large piece of the destroyed roof was thrown at him with such violence that the boy had to use the Force to stop it.

However the two droids wasted no time, the first one launched himself at Ahsoka, who they had already fought on Byss, and the other tried to jumped on Liam, his all four red lightsabers ignited ready to severe him in two, but failed as Galen Kenobi's twins blue blades intercepted him and started dance that was nothing but lethal. Gathering in his strength, Liam came to Galen's aid by clashing his own green lightsaber against two of the four droid's red blades, and tried to catch a sight of Ahsoka's duel. A foolish move for the droid had noticed his lack of focus and hit the Mandalorian with his metallic leg, making a deaf sound as its strike the Mandalorian white steel of Liam's armor. The blonde boy fell on the ground and watched Ahsoka's padawan Forcepushing the droid only to charge at him even more. For a second that seemed to long eternity, Liam realized how much stronger Galen was, his two blue blades dancing in the air with an astonishing harmony and stopping perfectly the four red lightsabers coming for his life. But Liam also noticed that Galen had no upper-hand, he was only defending himself and sweat was already running on his neck, while the droid couldn't felt any fatigue. With no choice left, Liam ran at his friend and blocked once again the droid's attack, trying to create an opening in its defense, but the machine was quick to recover.

In one spin, the Terror Droid, with, Galen had recognized, the face of the dead General Grievous, infamous Separatist General during the Clone Wars, had jumped on one wall and propelled itself at them again, hitting the ground with such strength that metallic dust was cast in the air, reducing the two humans' capability to see. Though a Jedi knew to rely on the Force to observe his opponent, Galen and Liam were left almost blind because such droid had no presence in the Force, they could not predict its moves, making it so dangerous ! And the Terror Droid seemed to laugh, or create a sound that Galen was not ready to forget so soon. Immediately, the droid brought two of his arms high in the air, while the two others came lower its waits, creating an imitation of a spider ready to tear the two young humans appart in one strike. Galen warned his friend with a touch in the Force, braced himself but watched in stupor the two lover metallic arms starting to spin : to be more accurate, only the hands were spinning on the metallic wrists. And, because the adoptive son of the Kenobi had seen several footage of Grievous' fight, he recognized the stance, create two impenetrable laser circles.

"What do we do now?" Liam yelled, while the droid came of them, slashing and burning the ground closer and closer.

"We dismantle him!" Galen ordered, rising two of the hands to raise the droid in the air, which immediately struggled to break free for the invisible and all powerful force. "Help me!"

Liam copied immediately his comrade, and tried with the Force to tear down the head of the droid, thinking that shutting down the main computer would grant them victory and the possibility to help Ahsoka, still fighting the other droid. After several long second, and the scream of the metal ripped appart, the head finally came off the droid's body, which stopped moving immediately.

Releasing the Force pressure, both young Jedi looked one last time at the defeated machine and started to run at the Togruta, who had abandonned one of her blade to hold her right side. If they weren't quick enough, Galen's master would go down ! But quite suddenly, while Liam was already moving, Galen, right behind him, saw a red blade passing in front of him, aiming his friend's chest with a perfect angle and speed. In no time, and without any doubt as the Force granted him once again its powers, Galen slashed the air with his right blue lightsaber and severed the red lightsaber in two before it could kill Liam Kryze. And in a reflex, for he had presumed the headless droid had risen from the ground and ran at them, he used all of its power to Forcepush the machine in opposed wall, making him crash on the other side of the base in a terrible fracas.

"It's not dead!" Galen informed Liam as he was trying to catch his breath. "We can't defeat it!"

"Ahsoka is hurt, I need to go help her!" the Mandalorian countered tragically.

"Then go!" the young Kenobi urged himself, he then turned toward his enemy, crossing his blue blades as a defiance and yelled : "You wanna fight a Kenobi? Then bring it!"

The droid on the other side was now on his feet, barely damaged, but it hesitated for more than a few seconds. Something told Galen that somehow, he managed to catch the droid's full attention. And even the other droid because from the corner of his black eyes, the young Padawan saw the second Terror Droid, with two arms gone, diving in the air at him, ready to pierce his body with the last two red blades : so the droids were indeed programmed to fight a Kenobi.

For all Galen understood at the moment, it was the scream of his master Ahsoka Tano, yelling his name, telling him to dodge, but there was a fatality in her voice. Was Galen about to die? He had created a significant diversion, perhaps his death would bring the defeat of the Terror Droids, and if so, then Galen was not afraid. A Jedi had a duty toward the galaxy, toward his ally, toward the Order and his family : if by sacrificing his live, he could save more than a few, then the Force would welcome him in its tender and warm arms.

But Galen was still standing in the middle of the lair, alive and well, while the two droids were now lying on the grounds, crippled and holed by an apparent laser shot, with smoke coming from them. The only thing he could hear, was the sound of rocket, of perhaps flamme while he spotted Ahsoka running at him, no longer holding her weapons in her orange hand.

"Are you okay?" She said, bringing him in her arms. "Galen, are you wounded?"

"No, Master," he quietly replied, no knowing what really happened.

"You should have called us," a woman's voice altered by a computer, or perhaps a helmet, reached the Jedi's ears. "A chance I knew something was wrong." It was indeed a woman, wearing the now quite recognizable white armor of the Mandalore's Protector, who had just landed with her jetpack next to them.

"You must have some kind of Jedi powers," Liam seemed to be joking. "For you being able to find us at such time. I thought it was the end of me."

"I'm no Jedi, Liam," the woman took of her helmet, freeing her red hair in a fashionable way. "I'm your mother."

"Bo-Katan," Ahsoka bowed in relief. "You don't know how happy I am to see you."

"You seemed to have a rough fight," the right hand of Boba Fett pointed the bruised area on Ahsoka's side. "You shouldn't be able to walk with these broken ribs."

"A Jedi always relies on the Force," Galen grinned, nodding in gratitude. "But thank you, for rescuing us."

"No problem, kid," Liam's mother grinned, but then motioned two of the twelve Protectors, that had come with her, to approach. These two brought the mercenary that Ahsoka had previously decided to interrogate. "We found this man trying to escape, thought you might need him."

The Togruta Jedi Knight smiled once again, deeply appreciating the insight of the former member of the Death Watch. "This man was talking about the bombing," she then kneeled in front of the quite afraid bomber. "Who hired you?"

"I told them already," the criminal was almost crying in fear. "I needed money okay? I have nothing against Fett and Mandalore, please! Let me go!"

"Tell me, and we can discuss about that," Ahsoka frowned severely. "Who ordered you to sabotage the Council's meeting?"

"I've never seen his face, I swear," he replied. "But he is a little man, a …. a dwarf I think! Yes… a human dwarf!"

"Do you have a name?"

"He will kill me if I tell!" the man's head went on the floor, as he tried to touch Ahsoka's legs. "He has powers you know. That dwarf can cast lightnings! He will kill me!"

"His name," Ahsoka's hand moved slowly, something Bo-Kotan recognized as a move her own son had done in the past to acquire information.

"Kadann … He said he was Kadann ….."

Author Note : and here we go, done ! Man I can't believe I managed to find time for this! My last year of law school is keeping too much away from writing, I am again very sorry, dear followers and reviewers. I hope you'll find in your heart a way to forgive me.

Next chapter : A surprise on Kashyyyk + Obi-wan with the Senate Guard + the Jedi Council :)