Chloe walked through the woods, Usagi by her side. He was talking about the history of the Battle Nexus, going into great detail about Master Yoshi and Splinter's victories.

"Are you going to enter the next one?" She asked. "It can't be far away."

"Possibly, what about you and your brothers?" He questioned.

"Depends, Splinter might want a word about it though." She replied, chuckling slightly.

"He seams like an excellent father." Usagi said with a smile.

"He is. He took me in when I had no other place to go." She said with a small smile.

"So he is quite similar to Daimyo then?" Usagi questioned.

"Yes, he is. It seems that they both have similar characteristics." Chloe chuckled.

"So what are your brothers like?" He asked.

"Each of them is different." She stated. "Mikey's loud and creative, Donnie's a bit shy but very intelligent, Raph's short tempered but loyal to a fault and Leo's concentrated but hard to get through to."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, if he knows you, he's quite open. Otherwise, he'll put as much distance between him and you as possible." She explained.

"Yet he seams fine with me and we have only known each other for a matter of hours." Usagi poi ted out.

"I guess you're an exception." Chloe replied with a smile, which Usagi returned.

They started to walk back to the Nexus. Once they arrived, they were met with Daimyo, Splinter and the 4 boys all talking about the Battle Nexus.

"Very well my sons, you may participate." Splinter said, to which the boys cheered to.

"Participate in what?" Chloe asked.

"Splinter said that we can be in the Battle Nexus next week." Mikey said with a huge smile.

"You gonna join to Clo?" Raph questioned.

"Sure, sounds cool." Chloe replied.

"Will you be fighting as well, Usagi?" Daimyo asked.

"I expect so." Usagi answered.

Splinter looked to the clock on the wall. "We need to be going, my children."

"Hai Sensei." They replied.

The four turtles, rat and rabbit all stood in front of a portal.

"Goodbye." They all said. With a final wave, they disappeared into the portal.

~Lost Bunny~

Walking out of a portal, instead of falling out, the Hamato family arrived back in their home. They parted their ways, Leo going to the dojo, Raph joining him, Donnie going to the lab, Mikey running off with his skateboard and Splinter going to watch his shows.

Chloe walked silently to her room, shutting her door behind her. Once she was certain that no one would see her, she jumped up and grabbed her journal from the top of her wardrobe, landing silently on the floor. It wasn't a very easy place to keep something that was used so often, it wasn't her first choice. She had tried hiding it under her bed, in her drawers, in her pillow, taped to the bottom of her table, but each time either Mikey or Raph had found it. Donnie and Leo knew she had it, but never tried to look for it. They knew the means of privacy more than their brothers.

The journal itself was white. It had a black spine and silver lines decorated it. Splinter had given it to her for her 10th birthday so she had something to write her thoughts in. Chloe opened it and turned the pages, looking through her various entries. She smiled as she stopped on one.

Chloe-age 11

I had to move this book, AGAIN. Why do Raph and Mikey feel the need to evade my private life? Donnie and Leo don't.

She turned a couple pages.

Chloe-age 12

Donnie blew up his lab. I really need to ask Splinter if I could move further away from it. I swear, the next time he blows it up, he'll be taking my room with it!

She turned a few more.

Chloe-age 13

Raph and Leo are fighting. This is the fifth time this week-and it's only Tuesday! They're scaring me, what if they never stop fighting, or take it to far. I'll have to stop them.

The next page.

Chloe-age 13

Note to self-NEVER INTERRUPT A FIGHT BETWEEN LEO AND RAPH. Unless you want a broken arm that is. Leo's said he's sorry like, a million times. Raph hasn't looked at me since.

She turned to the next available page and started to write.

Chloe-age 15

Splinter took us to see his friend-Daimyo. He introduced us to this boy, a mutant rabbit named Usagi. That's right, I'm not the only one. We're also competing in this fighting competition, the Battle Nexus, next week. I better get training.