Splinter walked down the pathway next to the sewer. He had left his 5 year old sons alone, leaving Leonardo in charge, with clear instructions not to leave. He needed to try and get more supplies for his now large family. The boys were growing and needed food, not to mention blankets for the upcoming winter.

He sensed a presence behind him and turned around sharply, in position to attack. He froze at the sight of a small creature. He stepped forward and examined it. It was a rabbit, but not an ordinary rabbit. For one thing, 'it' was a she, she was also a mutant, much like his rat self and his turtle sons. She had grey fur covering her body, along with dark brown hair and soft grey eyes. She was wearing a black dress, which was frayed and ripped in certain places. She was also clutching a baby blue rabbit soft toy, hugging it as if it would disappear at any second.

She stepped back cautiously at sight of the 7ft tall rat. Splinter held out a hand to her. She starred at him for a couple seconds before stepping forward again.

"Who are you, little one?" He asked, hoping she could speak.

She gulped. "Chloe." She whispered.

"It is good to meet you Chloe." Splinter replied. "Where are your parents?"

A tear reached her eye. "Heaven."

"I am very sorry for your loss. May I ask, where do you live?"

"The streets. I petted a bunny that had come out of the woods, then stepped in this goo, then I was a bunny and someone screamed at me and told me to get away. Nobody likes me."

Splinter sighed. It was obvious that the young girl had unknowingly stepped in some mutagen. As a consequence she had mutated into a rabbit.

He knew what he had to do. "My dear, would you like to come to my home?"

Chloe stared at him, trying to figure our whether she had heard him right. "Ok."

~Lost Bunny~

The four turtle children sat around the Ludo board game. Splinter had given it to them for Christmas, and it had quickly become their favourite pastime.

Footsteps were heard walking in. Leo turned around and immediately grinned. "Master Splinter!"

The others all turned.

"Daddy!" Mikey called.

"Dad!" Donny exclaimed.

"Sensei!" Raph greeted.

They all ran up to him. Donny saw a grey ear stick out from behind Splinter. "Who's that?" He asked.

Splinter smiled. "This, my sons, is Chloe." He pushed her gently from behind him.

The boys starred at the rabbit. She shuffled her feet. "Hello."

The boys all glanced at each other. Leo stepped forward. "Hi. I'm Leonardo, or Leo."

Mikey took a step forward as well. "I'm Michelangelo but you can call me Mikey."

Donna stepped next to Leo. "I'm Donatello but everyone calls me Donny."

"I'm Raphael, or Raph." Raph said joining his brothers.

"Is she joining our family daddy?" Mikey asked, tugging oh his father's kimono.

"Only if she wants to, my son." He looked down at the young rabbit. "Well Chloe, would you like to join our family?"

Chloe looked to the rat, then to the smiling turtle boys. "Yes."

The boys cheered, causing Chloe's ears to perk up.

"Welcome to the family, Chloe." Splinter said, putting a hand on his new daughter's shoulder.