A/N: I'm back. It's been a while since I've written, but I really want to get back into the habit. This chapter, like many others, was written at work on my phone instead of working. Some people call that irresponsible. I call it ART! Anyways, here's a short one shot for you guys. It's not much, but it's a step towards writing again for me. Review if you like it! It'll keep me motivated and put food on the table.
The first golden rays of a new day beamed through the gaps of the guild hall curtains, casting their light on the sleeping, snoring piles of bodies that was Fairy Tail.
Several groans and murmurs were heard as the partied out people begun to stir, though none fully awoke from their alcohol induced slumber. The sound of something heavy slowly sliding off the table ended with a 'thunk' as one of Erza's swords landed near a certain man's foot.
But the man paid no mind. Sitting awkwardly against the wall, the guild's resident ice mage remained still. At the threshold of consciousness, Gray decided that sleeping longer was more important than whatever the noise is. That didn't stop him from noticing a few irregularities, however.
His right arm was significantly warmer than usual, and it seemed as though something was leaning back against him, right in between his legs. Whatever it was, it was soft and smelled nice, but at his current level of awakeness, he was unable to correlate the two. All he knew was that he was comfortable and not even Mavis could move him.
Several minutes passed, and the object against him shifted and sighed. Gray felt this and cracked open an eye.
Wavy blue locks lightly kissed by the sun filled his vision. Slight panic overtook him as he realized who it was who was more or less sitting in his lap. Juvia Lockser.
The back of her head more or less against his accelerating heartbeat, he silently debated getting up now before anyone saw them. Her hand intertwined with his would make that difficult… and secretly, though he wouldn't admit it, he was actually comfortable with her like this.
He ran his thumb lightly over hers, feeling the smooth skin of her hand. She hummed slightly in content happiness, causing him to freeze again.
This wasn't the first time he's woken up after a guild party like this. In fact, as of the last few months, almost every guild party ended with him waking up to find the bluenette snuggled against him. While at first he would wake up harshly and put some distance between them (much to her dismay), he eventually began to extract himself from her grasp with gentleness he did not know he possessed, often tucking her in a quiet corner of the guild hall with his jacket covering her as she slept on.
But this morning, he did not move. Gray looked around the guild hall subtly through low lidded eyes, seeing who was still awake. So far, only Mirajane seemed functional, already cleaning the bar counter. Their eyes met and she offered him a sly wink. Heat rose to his cheeks as he feigned sleep.
"Gray-sama," Juvia whispered, slightly tightening her hold on his hand.
He cleared his throat. "I see you've fallen asleep against me again," his hushed reply against her ear.
Juvia didn't move for a bit.
In a small voice, she whispered, "This is the only time Gray-sama lets Juvia be this close to him." She paused. "Juvia is sorry." Her fingers began to separate from his.
Gray reacted quickly without thinking, and held her hand in his, bringing his left arm around her waist and burying his face in her hair.
"I-Its okay," Gray tried to keep his voice low. "If you want to stay like this a while longer, I mean. I don't mind." He hoped she couldn't feel the hammering in his chest.
She said nothing, but moved her left hand to cover his around her waist. He held her a little tighter.
The guild would wake up over the next few hours, complaining and nursing hangovers as they made their way home. A few noticed a happy Juvia cuddled up to Gray again, not finding it out of character for her.
What they wouldn't notice was his hold on her, and the barely perceptible smile on his face as they dozed into the afternoon.