Wow, this chapter is really awful. Sorry, I just needed a transition to the next thing. And BTW, Leo and Reyna and Percy and Annabeth are the only couples with kids. Ryan is Percy and Annabeth's 18 month old son.

"Leo!" Reyna groaned, half-asleep.

"Whatsit?" he asked, opening his eyes blearily.

"Go check on Em. She's fussing again." He nodded, but he just rolled over and fell asleep again.

"Leo!" Reyna exclaimed, throwing a pillow at her sleep-deprived husband. "I checked on her the last time! Go!" He sighed, dragging himself out of bed and into the nursery down the hall. He flicked on the lamp in the baby's room, picking up the crying child and cradling her.

"Hey there, girlie," he said, bouncing her like Reyna had shown him. "What's the matter? Huh?"Esmeralda whined, looking up at her father with those big eyes he loved so much. He held her close to his chest, supporting her head with one hand and patting her back with the other.

"I got it," he whispered. "You just wanted to get some cuddles, huh?" The baby's cries soon turned to nothing but the occasional whimper of slight protest, and Leo smiled and kissed her head. "It's okay, baby," he told her, rocking her slightly and chuckling when he saw the grumpy face she had on, immediately reminding him of his wife. "You look like your mama, you know," he whispered. "Did I ever tell you how we met?" Leo took his daughter's silence as a no. "Well, it's actually a funny story. Kind of.

"When I was a teenager- something you're never allowed to be, by the way- I had to go on this big, scary quest. There was this mean lady who wanted bad things to happen to me and mommy, so I had to go defeat her with Jason, Percy, Annabeth, Piper, Frank, and Hazel. I know, we were pretty heroic back then," he said, chuckling. "Anyway, when we got back, there was war going on between the two camps. So we had to stop that, too.

"After everything got peaceful again, I found at that mommy was actually really lonely. So then I started to hang out with her. She didn't really like to trust people, and she tried not to let me be friends with her. But you wanna know a secret?" he asked, and he leaned in close to whisper in her ear. "I was just too much for her to resist." Esmeralda giggled sleepily as he tickled her chin.

"When we started dating, she didn't want to tell anyone. So we had to sneak around. But it was actually kind of fun, because I knew she was all mine and nobody else's. But one day, Jason walked in on us doing some stuff that you aren't allowed to do until you're at least 64, and our secret was out. But mommy still liked me, so we kept dating. And even though we fought, we always forgave each other. And eventually, I worked up the nerve to propose to her, and she said yes, of course, because, I mean, who would say no to this?" He flashed the baby a dazzling smile. Esmeralda yawned in response.

"Exactly," he said, but lowered his voice to a whisper when he saw how she was falling asleep in his arms. "And then, a few years later, we had a baby. Her name was Esmeralda Esperanza Valdez. And we love her soooo much. But right now, that little baby is really tired, and I should probably put her to bed," he finished, kissing her head and setting her down where she snuggled happily under her blanket.

"Night, sweetheart," he whispered, walking back to his room. He climbed into the bed, and Reyna moved closer to him, putting one hand on his chest as he put an arm around her.

"I love her so much, but I'm pretty sure I'm going to die of exhaustion if she keeps this up," Leo said.

"Don't forget, we have the reunion tomorrow," Reyna pointed out. Leo sighed.

"And I'm sure everyone will want to meet our little bundle of joy."

"She is quite the charmer."

"Has anyone at Camp Half-Blood met her yet? Besides Piper and Jason?" Reyna pondered this for a moment, trying to make out the details of the past few months.

"I don't think so, except maybe Chiron one time when he came to discuss the next inter-camp gathering."

"Which is tomorrow."

"Mhm," Reyna mumbled sleepily.

"Where is it gonna be this time?"

"I think," she yawned, "I think it's going to be at Camp Jupiter."

"Good. We don't have to travel across the country with a 3-month old. What time is the actual event?" There was no answer. "Rey?" he asked, looking down. Reyna was fast alseep.