Hey guys! So, this story is going to be about after the war where all of our favorite heroes grow up! This was originally just about Leyna, but now it will be Leyna, Percabeth, Jasper, Frazel, probably with some Tratie, Gruniper, and Chrisse sprinkled here and there. It will be Leyna and Percabeth centric, but this chapter is just about Leyna! Enjoy! BTW, this was inspired by Little One, by starlightarrows.

"One more push, come on!"

Reyna gripped Leo's hand, her features scrunching up with effort. Leo started to breathe heavily, his vision swimming.

"I swear to all the gods, Leo Valdez, if you faint right now I will kill you slowly and painfully," she seethed. His vision focused again, and he tried his hardest not to let the light headedness overwhelm him. Another yell split through the air as she pushed again.

"Oh my gods," he whispered. "Reyna, I can see her head!" He laughed, almost in disbelief. "I can see her head!" She ignored him, letting out another shriek.

"Okay, one more time, and we're going to get her head out. Come on, push!" the doctor said. Reyna yelled, squeezing her husband's hand so tight his fingers started to go numb. Suddenly, the sound of high pitched whining pierced the air as the baby finally made its way into the world.

Reyna collapsed, breathing heavily.

"Ready to cut the cord, Dad?" asked the doctor, and Leo nodded numbly, taking the scissors and snipping the umbilical cord. They immediately whisked the child away to be cleaned and measured, and the proud father headed back to his wife, taking her hand and rubbing her back.

"You did so good," he whispered. She smiled up at him.

"We have a baby," she told him. He smiled back.

"I know." One of the nurses came back, holding a tiny pink bundle.

"She's 8.3 ounces and 20 inches, on the dot," she said as she handed it to Reyna, who looked down at the newborn in a state of wonder. Leo crouched down next to her, reaching his finger to brush the face of the still-wriggling child.

"Hey there, little lady," he breathed, beaming as she giggled and grabbed at his finger. The baby looked- well, she looked roman. Sharp jaw, slender face, aquiline nose. Like her mother. But Leo couldn't help but smile when he saw the slight point in her ears and the way her lips curled when she smiled.

"Esmeralda Valdez," Reyna whispered to the newborn, stroking her cheek. "We did it, Daddy." Leo pulled up a chair to sit next to them.

"Yeah." His wife handed the bundle to him, and he held it gingerly, petrified he was going to do something wrong.

"My gods," he whispered. "This baby is the most gorgeous thing I have ever seen in my life." He glanced at Reyna, smiling happily. "Well, she's tied with you." The couple stayed like that for a while, basking in the warm glow of a new addition to their family. Suddenly, the baby sneezed, her nose sparking before bursting into flame.

"Ha!" Leo exclaimed, looking at his child proudly. "Look at that!" Reyna chuckled, too, cooing over the blazing newborn as she giggled and tried to grab the flames with her chubby fingers.

"This is so perfect," Reyna whispered as their little one yawned, her eyelids fluttering and the fire dimming to a warm glow.

"I love you," Leo replied. His wife smiled.

"I love you both."

How did ya like? Please review and tell me what you think!