Was it a mask? Was it really the truth, or was it manipulated like so much else?

Severus Snape was not a nice man. His years of poor and abusive childhood followed by betrayal from the only one that mattered made him sour. His membership under the Dark Lord made him tough, but cynic. His role as a spy, along with forever losing his only love made him bitter. Finally, his job, being surrounded by unappreciative and unruly children made him vicious.

Dumbledore made him realize, that his 'equal rights' included Gryffindors being More Equal. That shone through after the Lupin Incident. The headmaster didn't care about him, even after he risked his life and lived through horrors untold again and again.

Then came Potter Jr. One could say that he hated the kid like he portrayed, for his fame and father, along with his attitude. The other side would claim that he had to act, for his duties' sake.

None of them would be right.

Severus Snape was jealous. Potter after all had everything He ever wanted, and couldn't seem to appreciate it on top of it.

He had the leeway, given by the Headmaster, who Cared for him. He had the fame, one which Severus would've got himself, if he didn't need to continue playing his part in the war. He had friends, and fun in school, something Severus couldn't claim for himself.

And most of all, he had a permanent link to Lily. Severus conceded, Potter couldn't really feel the weight of that, like he could, and wouldn't be able to understand what Severus meant, but it was something he longed for for so long, and was denied first by his pride, and later by a so called seer and the dark lord.

Yes, Severus didn't blame Potter for his mother's death, but there were so much more, other things to hate him for, that it just didn't matter.

Life was not fair.