A/N- Hi again! There wasn't an episode this week which made me sad but just four days until the next one! In the mean time enjoy this chapter!

Fitz seemed floored by the news that Skye had just delivered. His partner was not as shocked, "Really?" Simmons asked, "Wow. Ummmm… that's interesting." She looked Skye straight in the eye and the other girl could see that the scientist was not surprised at all.

"You already knew didn't you?" Skye accused, "How'd you know?"

"You're right I did know. Anyone with basic reasoning skills and a knowledge of genetics could've figured it out. Plus I had medical records so I could run DNA tests."

"And in all the months we've been on this plane together, you didn't think to tell me?"

"I thought you knew and if you didn't, I thought that they would tell you when they were ready."

"Don't you think that twenty-three years is ready enough? I can't believe that you didn't tell me!"

"Skye calm down." Ward tried to subdue her, "She just did what she thought was best."

"God Ward just shut up!" The agent stood up. He muttered something about going to his bunk before walking out. Skye got out of her chair and lay face down on the couch. The scientists were very quiet. Jemma signaled Fitz to leave the room. He nodded and went back to his bunk. Skye whispered just loud enough for Simmons to hear, "How do I manage to alienate everyone in my life in just one day?"

"I'm still here," The other girl approached the couch carefully and sat on the edge by her legs, "You know, you can't do anything lying face down on a couch." Skye sat up and tucked her knees under her body.

"I'm sorry."

"I should be apologizing for keeping something like that from you."

"No. You were just trying to help. I shouldn't have snapped at you."

"Well at any rate, I think you should save your apologies for someone more important than me."

"You mean Ward?"

"Of course. When'd that happen by the way?"

"My life is falling apart around me and you want to talk about who I'm dating?"

"You're being melodramatic. It's not that bad. And I'm very interested in Skyeward."


"Well you need a couple name!"

"That's ridiculous but, whatever. Fine. He came into my room last night when I had a bad dream and he stayed to make sure I didn't have another one."

"Oooo did he 'comfort' you?" She did air quotes at the second to last word.

"Not in that way. I basically had a panic attack and then threw up. It wasn't very romantic."

"You what?" Simmons looked startled.

"I'm okay."

"No you're obviously not. I want to just run some tests to make sure you're alright."

"Jemma there's nothing wrong with me. I just freaked out a bit."

"Besides the vomiting and panicking was there anything else?"

"Yeah." Skye admitted, "When I tried to stand up after I was really dizzy and lightheaded and I fell over."

"Did you hit your head?" Jemma reached over to the girl's face and pulled out a flashlight to look at her eyes but Skye slapped her hand away.

"No Ward caught me."

"Well that's good." She stood up and reached out for Skye's arm to help her up.

"Where are we going?"

"I told you. To run some tests."

"And I told you I'm fine."

"Please Skye. I'd feel better if I knew you were okay." Jemma made puppy eyes. Skye was unable to resist.

"Fine." She stood up and shook Simmons' hand off her arm. She followed the scientist down to the lab. Ward was in the airlock punching the bag. He watched them come down the stairs.

"What's going on?" He asked.

"Oh it's nothing. I'm just going to run some tests on Skye." Simmons said cheerfully.

"Why? Is something wrong?"

"Its sweet that you're so concerned." Sarcasm dripped from Skye's voice. Ward ignored her.

"She's fine. But she told me about what happened last night and I just wanna make sure that it was all just her panic and not another underlying cause."

"Jemma. " Skye said, " Can you go into the lab? I'll meet you there. I'll just be a moment. I promise I won't try to run away." Simmons gave her a small smile and went into the lab. She busied herself with beakers and chemicals, giving the two left outside some privacy, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped at you earlier."

"It's okay."

"Are you mad at me?"

"No. You're stressed out. I can hardly blame you." Both of them moved in for a hug and Skye was all too aware of Jemma watching them from inside the lab, "Now. How did Simmons convince you to let her run tests?"

"She guilted me into it with her puppy eyes and concerned voice."

"But, you're pretty sure you're okay?"

"Course I'm okay. Why wouldn't I be?"

"You threw up and almost passed out last night."

"You both do have a point."

"Good. I think someone's waiting for you." Ward pointed to the lab. Simmons was as close to the glass as humanly possible staring at Skye, "I'll go with you. I'm not sending you to the doghouse alone."

"It won't be that bad Agent Ward." The scientist had emerged from the lab. She turned to the girl next to him, "That was more than just a moment."

"I know. I know." The three of them made their way to the lab and Jemma pointed to a table. Skye hopped up on it and Ward stood next to her.

"D'you mind removing your shirt? The machine is more accurate than I am." She held up three sticky patches attached to wires. Skye took off her shirt and turned to throw it at Ward to see that he was standing there covering his eyes.

"You can open your eyes."

"Are you wearing a shirt?"

"No. You're seriously closing your eyes because I took my shirt off? If you're that scared of boobs I might have to rethink our relationship. Hold my shirt." She tossed it to him and he caught it as he opened his eyes. He glanced at Skye but soon realized that he was staring. She looked at Simmons who was looking very uncomfortable, "Hey Ward. Can you stop checking me out now? I think its making Jemma feel weird. But, don't worry, there'll be time for that later." She winked and the scientist groaned, "You're just jealous 'cause you're not getting."

"Oh my god Skye."

"You know exactly who I'm talking about."

"Can we just get on with it?" She stuck the patches on Skye's chest and back and let the machine get to work. After a bit of fiddling she turned back around, "Well everything seems normal."

"I told you I was fine."

"Well I feel much better knowing for sure."

"So do I." Ward chimed in.

Simmons took the stickies off just as Fitz arrived at the door to the lab. He looked in and stopped when he saw them, "I'll uhhhh ummm come back later then."

"We were actually just leaving." Skye said putting on her shirt. Ward helped her off the table and the two of them walked to the door. As the two of them passed Fitz she murmured to him, "Eyes on your girl Leo."

A/N- I feel like my idea kinda ran away from me part of the way through but it ended up alright I guess. Skye'll talk to May next chapter I promise. (Okay so I don't promise but it will be soon like within a week.) Reviews make me happy! Have a nice day!