Chapter 12: They Come to Terrorize


I didn't know what to do. Kali was walking behind me when she said she didn't feel right. I turned around in time to see her collapse.

I caught her and, the only thing I'm doing is holding her while sitting on the ground. Careful not to hurt her, I reached down in my pocket for my phone.

I did what anyone would do in a situation like this.

I called Klaus.

"Klaus, something happened to Kali," I told him through the phone. My voice was a little shaky.

"What happened?" he demanded.

"I don't know. We were walking back. Everything was fine until she said something that she didn't feel good. Then, she fainted."

I could hear Klaus growl on the other end. "Where are you?"

I looked around me to look for any notable things. "We're by the highway, just a little further into the Bayou grounds." I noticed a rather thick stick on the ground. Pieces of it were all over, as if someone had just broken it into little bits from a walking stick. A symbol of some sort was carved into one of the pieces.

Remembering I was on the phone with Klaus, I decided zoning back in would be a good idea. "Klaus, I'm by an area. Looks like someone carved a symbol on a stick and…well, let's just say someone needs anger management and broke it into pieces."

Klaus was silent for a moment before describing the exact symbol I saw. After confirming what he described, Klaus simply said, "I'll be right there." Klaus hung up.

Not five minutes later, Klaus was there using his super speed. He looked around, as if looking for something. I wondered what he was looking for…

Klaus walked over to me, gently picking up his daughter and carrying her in his arms.

"I still have need of you, boy. Follow me back, "he ordered.

I followed him back to the mansion and watched as he lay her down on her bed. After putting her in bed and covering her with a blanket, he motioned for me to go downstairs with him.

I walked with him to the main room by the entrance. Caroline entered, worry etched on her face.

"Did you feel any magic before she collapsed?" Klaus asked, turning to me.

"No, sir. Like I said, we were walking and all she told me was that she didn't feel good. And then she fainted."

Klaus walked back and forth, his eyebrows furrowed. I could tell he was thinking. Caroline walked in front of him.

"A witch, Klaus? Could it be Davina?" she asked.

"I don't know. But, I don't believe for one second that there was no magic involved," he concluded. He looked to me, "You can leave now, until we find more information."

I wanted to leave, but if a witch used magic to make Kali collapse then I wanted to know who. I didn't know why, but I had the strange urge to kill whoever did it.

"With all due respect, sir…" I started, continuing when I had his attention. "…I would like to stay. I think you need me now, more than ever, to watch over her."

Klaus walked over to me, eyeing me from head to toe. "You may stay, but if something different happens to her while she's out, I will blame you."

I walked out as Elijah walked in with a smirk. "It seems Kali's bodyguard is starting to develop feelings for her," he mused. Klaus gave a small growl. Remind me not to piss off Klaus, too.

I pretended not to hear and kept going up the stairs to Kali's room. I opened the door and left it open, carefully placing a chair to sit in.

A few minutes later, I felt Klaus hovering by the door.

"May I ask what the symbol was, sir?" I asked quietly.

I thought Klaus had left me to wonder because he didn't answer right away. I was just about to see if he was still there when he answered:

"Let's just say that the symbol is of my family's clan. My mother was a very powerful witch, the very witch that turned my family and I into what we are today."

"Was?" I questioned.

"She's dead," was all he replied back.

I didn't get to say anything back because Kali was moving around in her bed and I was prepared to leave in case we were being loud.

Elijah was there, telling Klaus something when Kali muttered in her sleep, "….Esther…."

Elijah stopped mid-sentence and Klaus froze.

"Did she just…?" Elijah asked, not finishing the question.

Kali muttered the name again, this time it was slightly louder.

"Elijah, I think we have a problem," Klaus concluded.

So, I realized after typing this that some things in here might not be exactly correct. I apologize. If you were wondering, the stick with the symbol was the stick that Mikael (Klaus's father) used to train Davina in that one episode of The Originals. I didn't quite remember what happened to the stick so, in my mind, I imagine that either Klaus (or Davina) came back to find the stick and was SO angry that they broke it into pieces. Logical, right? Anyways, let me know in the comments what you think!