Talia, Peter, Derek, and Stiles went back at the Hale House to discuss what had happened with the adults in the family.

Derek was sitting on the couch with Stiles laying down with his head rested on a pillow in Derek's lap. Derek calmly stroked Stiles' hair as his family had a heated discussion in hushed voices.

Everyone in the Hale family had grown to love Stiles in the time that they've known him, so they were extremely worried, not to mention pissed, about what had happened.

"I'm going to kill Ennis!" Laura snarled as she gently lifted Stiles feet and sat down, placing them in her lap.

"Calm, Laura." Her father, Joshua, warned her. She softly petted Stiles' leg, choosing not to respond.

Stiles was the only person that could make her put down her walls. With her family's life style, she had learned that she can't trust anyone, especially humans. Her family always needed to come first. She couldn't be distracted by coming up with lies and covers to sell to any possible friends.

It was a safe choice, but also an extremely lonely.

Maybe it was her loneliness, that kept her from being angry with Derek for loving a human. She could never want her brother to suffer.

There was also constant struggle of learning to control your inner, and understanding pack dynamics, while being trained to become Alpha one day... It was all too much. Her only saving grace was that it would be horrible for anyone.

So when this human came along, taking this all in with a grace she envied, she had instantly hated him. Or, she had convinced herself she did, to mask her jealousy.

But no matter how mean she was to him, he was calm, and kind, and... too good to be real.

One day she had been in a foul mood, more so than usual. She had woken up late, and had gotten to school late, so she got detention from Harris, the creepy fucker. THen she found out she flunked a test. She got food dumped all over her at lunch when someone had tripped in the cafeteria. Then she had to walk home in her gym clothes, because her car wouldn't start.

Needless to say, when she had gotten home, she was n a warpath.

So when she saw Derek and Stiles, cuddled up on the couch, cooing and kissing, she lost it.

Why did everything have to be so perfect for him? Why was her life going to hell, while he was on cloud fucking nine, 24/7? How the hell was that fair? She just wanted to scream and slam things, and break things.

So she did. She screamed at everything, everyone, and nothing at all.

And at some point in her rampage, she shifted, her eyes glowing a vibrant golden-yellow, her claws tearing at the walls. She snarled at Stiles, and her family was getting ready to restrain her, when Stiles shocked them all.

He didn't cower or attempt to run. He didn't allow Derek to stand protectively in front og him, despite her brother's best efforts. He didn't scream. He didn't smell the slightest bit of fear.

He calmly walked towards her, ignoring her snarling, and the cried protests of her family.

He stopped in front of me, and didn't move an inch when I raised my claws to strike.

He looked directly into my eyes as he spoke.

"I am not going anywhere. I have been nearly killed on multiple occasions, by multiple members of this family. I have been tossed, slammed, clawed, and growled at, repeatedly. But I am still here. Whether you like it or not, I am not going anywhere. Because even if you don't like me, I care about each and everyone of you, as if you were my own family." Laura didn't notice her claws and canines were slowly retreating as he spoke. He didn't yell and his voice didn't shake. His heart didn't race. He was completely calm.

"I know you, Laura. I see you. I understand that you feel like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders, with the responsibility of being Alpha one day. I understand that you are exiling yourself to an eternity alone because you want to protect your family. I understand that this is hard. I don't have to be a werewolf to see how much this is hurting you. But Laura," He told her stepping closer, and taking her still raised hand in his, slowly lowering it. The only wolf feature of her that remained was her glowing eyes, which he never took his eyes off of. "You are so much stronger than you give yourself credit for. I know you can handle this. But you have to let us help you. Because all of this, is too much to ask of anyone. It's okay to let people in, even if it's scary. And I know that you don't believe I can handle your world. But I am still here. What does that tell you?" He asked softly.

Laura didn't know when she had began crying, or when she had pulled Stiles into a tight embrace. All she could do was cry as she realised that he was the only one that truly noticed how much this pressure was killing her, and she had done nothing but treat him like an outsider.

When she came back to reality, she was on the couch, her head resting on Stiles chest as he stroked her hair, letting her cry. He knew that she didn't want to hear a bunch of crap about how everything would be okay. All she needed was some comfort. And he provided it.

That was the thing about Stiles. He knew what everyone needed to hear, and never ran away, even when Laura had her episodes. It took months, but Stiles managed to become Laura's best friend, and closest confidant. She knew she could tell him anything, and he would know exactly what she needed. He wouldn't judge her. It was hard for her to accept that, but Stiles was a persistent little fucker. He refused to give up on her.

And without her realizing it, he became pack.

Her brother.

"What the hell could he be?" Peter asked, confused.

"He doesn't smell like a werewolf." Derek's grandfather threw in, patting Stiles arm without really noticing, seeking the comfort of knowing the boy was alive.

"But he doesn't smell completely human either. Like there's a hint of supernatural mixed in there." Derek's grandmother added, rubbing her husbands shoulder as she sent worried glances Stiles way.

"He screamed when it was over. I don't know. I just think there was something supernatural about it. The way it was so high pitched, and drawn out, and just powerful." Peter voiced his thoughts, not noticing as he sat down on the floor in front of the couch, beside Stiles' head.

Though Peter would never admit it, he cared for the annoying teen. Somehow, the constant babble and fidgeting that came with the human's ADHD, had become part of his life, that he wasn't sure he was comfortable being without. Stiles had integrated himself into the pack, and Peter couldn't imagine how they would fare if his nephew lost his love, Cora and Lara losing their brother, Talia and Josh losing a son... All of them losing pack.

"That's what that noise was?" Derek's cousin, Alissa asked, shocked. "We heard that all the way over here!" She exclaimed.

"Wait."Derek's other cousin, Jeff, cut in. "He was bitten? He survived but didn't turn? He smells slightly supernatural? He released a high pitch wail that werewolves could hear miles away? I think we've got a banshee on our hands." He told them, smug that he knew the answer before them, though you could see the tightness in his eyes and the constant worried looks he through at Stiles.

"I thought a banshee had to be a woman." Derek's aunt, Emmaline said.

"And I thought that the boy was suppose to die. He seems to live to be an enigma." Emmaline's husband, Paul, sassed as he rubbed her upper arms softly.

"You sure do know how to pick 'em, huh Der-Bear?" Derek's older brother, Tom, teased him. Derek ignored him, but Laura growled for him. Laura was the closest to Stiles, other than Derek. Cora and Laura had quickly grown to adore Stiles, almost as much as Derek did. After Derek and Stiles had dated for so long, Stiles had already become a member of the family to the Hales.

Stiles' fierce loyalty...his compassion...his unconditional love... his eyes free of judgment whenever the wolves lost control... his dedication...

He was pack now.

"So... what? He can sense the supernatural, and scream so loud werewolves can hear it from anywhere? Nice!" Peter threw in, turning his head to smirk at Derek, who was still oblivious,as he stroked Stiles cheek.

Everyone grew silent when Stiles began to stir.

When Stiles opened his eyes and saw Derek staring down at him, he smiled softly.

"Pretty bad-ass, huh Sourwolf?" Stiles asked, his voice cracking.

Everyone had to laugh at that. Because this was Stiles. The human, running with the wolves, somehow managing to keep pace, and pull them ahead when they fall behind. He had become the pack's heart. Their anchor. The glue that held them together. And his ridiculous babble, and adorable yet slightly annoying jokes, had become something they all loved. So when that was the first thing to come out of his mouth, they knew things would be okay.

"Totally, little Red. You are now an official BAMF." Derek agreed, laughing softly.

Derek would never be the same after watching the love of his life, nearly die in his arms. He would always be plagued with guilt, knowing it was his fault he nearly lost him.

But as long as he had Stiles, the maybe everything could be okay.

Maybe, just maybe, he could forgive himself one day, with stiles at his side.

Because Derek has Stiles, he never goes out with Kate and when she tries to set the house on fire, Stiles catches her, so no one dies. Peter is still creepy, but not insane.

So, ta daaaaa!

Final Chapter! I hope you liked it.

I believe this is my best story so far, and I THINK I'm getting better with my writing. But that's up to you, my lovelies.

Please review and let me know what you think. Anything you are thinking about my writing, the plot twist, good or bad, let me know.

You guys have been awesome, so thank you all for reviewing and giving me your input. You rock!