Chapter Rating: T

Italics = thoughts

Only seven people knew where Naruto went. Shikamaru, Gaara, Neji, and Sai – for they were his closest friends. Sadly, his other close friends would undoubtedly spill his secret to the whole town. It was better safe than sorry. Iruka, Kakashi, and Itachi – his closest adult confidants. These seven people were his family, though none of them were blood related. Naruto firmly believes that family members do not have to be by blood, it is how much you treasure them and they treasure you back, unconditionally and eternally.

Six months and a week after the Uchiha's and Hyuuga's wedding, Naruto left Japan.

After confessing to Sasuke, dating him for three long years, having both of their families understand their relationship, and so much more, Naruto could not take it. He could not stand seeing, much less imagining, Sasuke married with someone else, and possibly doing what married couples do. Sasuke is - was - his. His best friend, his lover. Naruto does trust Sasuke, he knows that he does not love Hinata, but... the fact that love can grow plagues his mind. In the end, he could not have a relationship with a married man. Naruto knows that if he stayed, every time he's with Sasuke, he would feel guilty seeing his marriage ring. He knows Sasuke would be made to attend parties with his wife, holding hands with his wife, and upholding his imagine as her husband. It would hurt too much, more than it hurts now, to physically see it every goddamn day.

Even his closest friends agreed completely. Iruka, especially. He couldn't understand why Sasuke stayed with such a controlling family, or why he even considered them family. Family do not wreck each others' lives on purpose for extremely selfish and unjustified reasons.

Having such great support from his closest friends, Naruto felt grateful to leave Japan with a lighter heart.

Right after Naruto left, Sasuke found out what happened to Naruto from Itachi by email. He figured Itachi probably found out since Naruto and Itachi sometimes contacted each other to keep in touch.

Itachi, being Sasuke's older brother, knew this piece of information would finally let Sasuke rest. "Maybe it is better that he knows" were Itachi's thoughts. After all, Naruto may have moved on, but at least he was not drowning himself in misery and walking on a road to nowhere. Sasuke was devastated after finding out, of course, but he could not do anything. The matter was out of his hands… his life.

Their love did not let them overcome his father's actions.

Loving each other does not solve problems, and being a teenager means you're basically powerless - Naruto and Sasuke learned that the hard way.

On the plane, Naruto continued to reminisce through his memories of being with Sasuke.

The time he confessed, the first time they went on a date, the first time they held hands, their first kiss, their first date, when they told their friends they were together, the first time they did anything sexual, the first time they had sex, when Sasuke told Naruto he loved him, their first vacation together... so many fucking memories.

Luckily, Naruto had a window seat so he could distract himself with views of blurry clouds and sunsets. He glad that the person sitting next to him did not mind him crying every once in a while, since he slept for most of the time.

After the plane landed and Naruto took the first step out of plane's door, he breathed in the refreshing California air.

This place will be my home for the next four years. Please be good to me.