Disclaimer: I do not own TMNT - NONE OF IT

A/N: Please review because I am considering taking a break from fan fiction if I don't get any reviews, so please review!

Review with an OC name, and I might incorporate them into the story!


"Because of this," The voice then ceases as I faded back into the real life - escaping the horrible dream.

Past Donny POV:

"Because of what?" I asked, staring down at the twin lights on both of our Donatello bodies . The lights kept flashing merrily. Their joyful twinkling opposing the grim look on my future self's face. I continued on with my inquiry…

"I mean, they're not very orthodox but surely a few little lights couldn't keep you from your family. I mean, come on, you can't be that selfish!" Future Donny turned to smooth his hands down his face as silence assaulted them. Donny began to observe the man who was him or could be him or may be him. This was all too confusing. His future self's skin was a less vibrant green skin and his eyes seemed duller. His hands were cracked and callused. However, this was all masked by the large scar running down the arm and across the collar of his chest.

"That one looks nasty." I stared down at the scratch - not even bothering to make polite eye contact.

"Yeah - got it as a tot. I wouldn't call it dumpster diving, but there are some sharp objects in the dumpsters." He said, almost casually. The light tone of his voice almost reached his eyes. Almost.

"Wait… You said you were a tot when that happened? But I never had that experience!" I couldn't help but run my fingers along my unmarked skin at the thought of that scar. His eyes followed my fingers.

"I didn't even notice," my future self muttered, shaking his head wearily as he spoke.

My mind was reeling. I stared at the man - TURTLE sitting across from me. How could he have known about the dream? How could they have matching lights?

"You are supposed to be the solution!" I heard my future self say to himself. His eyes lit up with understanding.

"Excuse me," I scoffed. The insanity of the situation was beginning to get to me; it was all too much. "Just because you chose to abandon your family doesn't mean I will do the same. In case it escaped your notice, we are obviously not the same person. So for now, you will listen to me! I am going to save them - I will not become the disgrace that you did. I will fight!"

There was a small silence, a small gap compared to the chasm between the two turtles.

As if they weren't broken enough, a slimy voice echoed through the air:

"Well that is going to cost you"

And that was when I shattered.