I promised the sequel would arrive soon and here it is! For those who haven't read my previous story please see my profile and read "The shop next door" first. This story is a continuation of that one.

Italicized words are spoken in Japanese

This story will loosely follow the plot of Deathly Hallows.

Please as always enjoy and review.

"Well he's a rude little man." George commented taking a seat on the sofa of the office they had been escorted to. Fred nodded in agreement.

Kagome smiled excited to see one of her old friends again. Even if it was the rude old kappa

"He's not a man. He's a Kappa demon." She told the two.

The trip to Japan had been a pleasant one. With her family safe at home Kagome set out looking for her friends from the past. Kotastu had been a great help. Kagome let him smell one of the swords Sesshomaru had given her. Even though some time had passed the sword had been in storage so the scent was still fresh. That led them to a large office building. She should have figured that he would be a big business guy.

When she had first asked for Sesshomaru the secretary had laughed at her. Jaken however had proven to be their way in. After some arguing and some minor physical aggression on Kagome's part he led them up stairs to the elaborate office they were currently waiting in.

"Miko, care to explain why you are in this one's office." A smooth voice cut through her thoughts and Kagome turned gracefully to its owner.

"Sesshomaru," she greeted him with a respectful bow. The twins copied her bow having already been told by Kagome that it was expected. They remembered her stories of Lord Sesshomaru and didn't want this demon on their bad side.

He was as she remembered. He may have been 500 years older but he looked physically the same. Only his hair was caught in a low pony tail, and His kimono was replaced with a sharp black business suit.

"Can't you simply enjoy the company of one you claim as younger sister?" she asked playfully.

"There is no time for enjoyment. I've a company to run." He countered. The twins who didn't understand Japanese were weary of the tone of voice that the demon was using. Kagome however caught the playfulness behind it.

"Yes, a company that my knowledge of the future helped you obtain." She responded with a bit of wit in her tone.

"Knowledge given in exchange for training to help you survive in the past."

"Training that I used to save the life of your ward."

Sesshomaru paused before turning to her with a thoughtful expression. Kagome knew he was going over the tallies in his head to see if he still owed her for that one. Kagome knew he did, it was during the final battle. She never had the chance to see him after that.

"For which this one still owes a debt. What is it you need of this Sesshomaru?"

"There is a war going on in the wizarding world. I need Allies." She told him knowing it would be best to get right to the point.

"It is unwise to become involved in the affairs of other world Miko." He told her.

Kagome nodded her head "None the less I am already involved."

Sesshomaru let out a sigh before turning to his work. "This one cannot help you with your battles. It would risk my company to do so. However if it is allies you require then they shall come to you."

Kagome smiled and bowed once more. Again the Twins copied her. "Thank you Brother."

With that the Kagome left the twins following.

"And…." Fred prompted once they were in the elevator. He swore if this trip lasted any longer he would learn how to speak Japanese just so he wasn't out of the loop the whole time.

"And now we go back to the shrine and wait."

"For what Kagome?" George inquired as equally curious.

"For the others to show up." She told them.


They didn't have to wait long as a knock sounded at the door while everyone was gathered at the dinner table.

"I've got it." Kagome said as she got up to answer the door.

Kagome felt a few tears start to fall as she looked at the much older Shippo. He had grown in to a very handsome young man. He had grown his red hair out long and like Sesshomaru held it back in a low pony tail. He had taken on a bit of a hipster look with is cloths. He smiled at Kagome with a goofy grin. \

"You miss me Kagome." He said with a wink.

"Shippo!" Kagome exclaimed giving him a large hug. Shippo returned her hug with a laugh. Fred and George rounded the corner.

"You've gotten so big! I don't quite think you could ride on my shoulder anymore." She joked with him.

Shippo laughed and turned to the twins. "So who are you new friends?"

Kagome smiled and switched to English again for the twins benefit. "Shippo this is George and Fred. Guys this is Shippo."

The three exchanged pleasantries before a cocky voice interrupted them. "You didn't forget about me now did you Kagome."

Kagome turned both glad to see her friend and apprehensive about it as well. She had pre-warned Fred about possibly running into Inuyasha. She had forgotten to warn him about Koga.

"Hi, Koga." She greeted hoping 500 years had dampened his persistence.

Koga grinned and Kagome inwardly cringed. She knew that grin. He was about to say something or do that would create chaos.

"Of course I when I heard that my woman needed help I rushed right over."

Fred who had been talking to Shippo quickly looked up and glared at Koga "You're what!"

Kagome hung her head and groaned. It was going to be a long trip back to England.