Okay this is my first Twilight Saga fanfic, (All my others are Glee) so give it a chance. Just so you know I am a team Edward, but this just came to me, and I have to be ruthless. This story is only in first person for Bella. All the rest are third person.

Chapter 1

The only reason Bella stayed with Edward is because it was a garunteed way for her to become a vampire without being killed in the process. She pretended that she loved him, and maybe a small part of her did, but in reality, she loved someone else. Matao. He was smart, incredibly sexy and also a vampire. But not a 'vegetarian' vampire, a proper blood-sucking vampire. He'd told Bella numerous times that, if he could, he would change her himself. But her being her, smelling how she did, it was already nearly too much for Matao to handle. That's where Edward came in. He had the willpower to stop once he'd started. He'd proved that once before. Even then he nearly killed her but it's better than nothing. Once he changed her, she would be free to persue her life with Matao, and love him forever.

"Bella," I jumped, before sighing and turning to see Edward walking towards me. When he reached me, I slid my arms around his neck and kissed his icy cold lips.

"Hey Baby," Edward stared at me with his golden eyes. I waited for him to say something else but nothing was said. He just kept staring. "What?"

"You are so beautiful."

"You're the beautiful one." That wasn't untrue. I did think that Edward was beautiful. But what vampire wasn't? Edward was beautiful, handsome and sexy all rolled into one human-shaped ball.

"I've never seen anyone as beautiful as you." Edward smirked.


"No you're still the most beautiful."
"Alice, Esme,"

"Just stop." Edward covered my mouth with his hand and kissed my forehead. "You will always be the most beautiful woman I have ever seen." I smiled up at Edward and kissed him. There were times when all this dramatic, obsessive behavior was exhausting, but Edward bought it. Because he couldn't read my mind, he could'nt tell it was fake.

Edward took my hand and walked me over to the bed he'd put in especially for me. He sat down and pulled me onto his lap. We sat still like that for a number of minutes. Him staring down at me, as if was about to be taken from his sight and he wanted to be able to remember me perfectly, and me staring out the window and into the distance.

"Are you nervous?" Edward asked, breaking the silence.

Confused, I tore my gaze away from the window to look up at his face. "Why would I be nervous?"

"The wedding is in a week and you let Alice plan all of it,"

"I trust Alice."

"You shouldn't."
"Well, I do. And besides, she so badly wanted to do it. I couldn't not let her,"

"I'm sure she'd survive."

Matao watched from outside. He was hidden high up in a tree, far enough away that Edward couldn't see him, hear him, or read his mind. But he could see and hear Bella. Because he drank human blood, his senses were sharper than that of the Cullens'. It was like torture, watching that yellow-eyed monstrosity hold his Bella, kiss his Bella, talk about marrying his Bella. Frustrated Matao jumped down from the tree and tore the lowest branch from the trunk. Realizing Edward or any of the other Cullens may have heard that, Matao cursed and took off as fast as he could. Without really thinking about it he found himself back at his ... house? (It was no more than a run down shack hidden in the depth of the forest.) Instead of going inside, Matao mumbled to himself and made his way to Seattle to hunt.

He crouched on a rooftop and waited. He usually only killed prostitutes, drunks and druggies. The kind of people whose deaths could be easily explained. He could smell the tainted blood of an alcoholic coming towards him. Just as he'd thought, it wasn't long before a drunken man stumbled into the alley below. Matao dropped from the rooftop, landing silently. The drunk was a middle-aged man, singing some horrible country song to himself.

"Would you please shut up? My god, you're making my ears bleed." Matao's voice startled the man, making him turn in clumsy circles trying to find where the voice had come from.

"Lord?" The man slurred, looking up to the sky. "Is that you?"

Matao rolled his eyes and emerged from the shadows. "Yes, it is I your one and only saviour." he said sarcastically.

"Oh Lord, forgive me for my sins," The man got down on his knees and bowed his head down.

"Stand up, you imbecile." The man rushed to his feet and all of a sudden Matao had one hand on the man's throat and his lips hovered above his throat. "Give me one good reason, why I should let you live."

The man started crying, small strangled noises escaping his throat. "I, I, I, I have a wife. And kids. Three of them." The man held out two fingers to emphasise and Matao released him.

"Does your wife know about your addiction? Your Friday nights down at the pub? You're pathetic." Matao walked around the man slowly and then went back to holding his mouth above the man's throat. "Your reason was not good enough." Matao's throat burned with thirst and the blood, tainted as it was, pumping through those veins was too good to resist. Matao bit into the man's throat and felt the delicious -if slightly bitter- blood pool in his mouth. He drank it down greedily and tossed aside the body. He was about to leave when a voice caught him by surprise.

"Matao. Must you always play with your food?" The speaker landed beside Matao and slapped him on the back.

"Jerome, how are you good friend?" Matao pushed his blonde hair out of his face and turned to Jerome.

"Just visiting. Care to hunt?" Jerome had long, dark dreadlocks held back with a bandana. The beads in his dreads clicked together everytime he turned.

"Of course, one drunkard is never enough to satisfy a thirst," The two vampires had known each other a very, very long time so walking together, they just looked like old friends. They left the alley and followed their senses in search of their next victims.

Okey dokey, please reveiw or else I won't update. Matao will show his nice side in the next chapter, I promise. Also the history of Matao and Jerome will be revealed so be sure to read it. Thanks for reading.