Rather short chapter but... its better than nothing.

Marceline watched with a casual smile as they dragged her towards the disguised entrance to the underground agency headquarters. She ate more of the strawberry's laughing a bit of how the entrance looked as if it were a rundown building long abandoned. "Wow. Nice place you got here." Marceline teased, looking around at all the cobwebs and broken planks of wood littering the floor.

Finn and Fionna both ignored her, deciding it was better not to socialize with their prisoner.

Marceline shrugged, eating more of the strawberries as they took her towards the hidden passageway. Her red eyes darted around, taking in every detail of the route they were using, watching as Finn and Fionna did their high-security entrance access. She sighed, seeing they were purposely blocking her from seeing what they were doing. Not that it mattered anyway.

The light from the agency blinded her a bit as the passageway opened, Marceline blinked a couple of times and adjusted her eyes with a small hiss. She wasn't exactly a big fan of bright light, a slight reason why she and Marshall lived in a cave aside from the obvious fact that their home needed to be secluded in the first place.

Finn and Fionna noticed her reaction with a raised eyebrow, immediately shaking it off as they continued dragging her in.

Marceline gave a short whistle seeing how the actual inside of the agency was high-tech in comparison to the entrance to get there. She took a look at all the doors, lights, and air vents, taking in everything at once as she studied the place. "This place is kinda how I imagined it would be." Marceline noticed with a smile.

It was funny. Everyone normal who lived above ground had no idea that such a technological world was right under them. Nobody believed in agents. Agents were a joke. Yet they were the ones who kept the entire town under control. The majority of the time anyway.

They took her though numerous elevators and flights of stairs. Marceline watched their every move, humming random songs in the process while seeming to check out what a nice, clean place they lived in. "Where we goin?" She finally asked after they kept bringing her down.

Fionna looked behind her back at her, "We're taking you to jail."

"Jail? You guys have a jail here too? Woah."

Finn shook his head, "Not really. It's like a major security container to keep you in before we can figure out what to do with you." He answered.

Marceline shrugged, "Okay." She agreed.

They took her down to the deepest part of the agency.

"Shoot. Ran out of strawberries." Marceline spoke, having eaten the last of the giant strawberry pile. Though she never did take her eyes off of the new setting she was dragged into, watching as a giant containment field came into view. "Am I going in there?" She asked, peering through what seemed to be a window that couldn't be broken.

The entire 'container' was empty of anything save for a simple chair directly in the middle of the whole thing. Marceline assumed that was where she was going to be sitting later on.

"Yes." Finn nodded. They stopped dragging her once at the lockable doorway, taking off the net and then immediately cornering her with guns before she could escape. "Try anything and we'll shoot."

Marceline stood up and dusted herself off, simply raising her hands up in defense. She seemed to be bored though rather than the fear and begging for mercy they were kind of expecting, but it was better than nothing.

They began removing all the weapons and tools she carried on her, placing them in one large bag.

"You aren't going to strip me too are you?" Marceline asked with a laugh as they took nearly everything away.

Finn and Fionna paused, "Uh… We don't plan to…" And they continued. "How the heck do you carry all this stuff?" They both asked at the same time, taking all of the weaponry away and noticing that she had way more stuff than they expected.

Marceline shrugged, "I don't know. You guys do that too with all your weird gadget thingies."

"Yeah but we don't have this much stuff…"

They removed her thief cloak.

"Hey!" Marceline yelled, "Yo that's not cool! I need that to hide my identity."

"We already know what you look like…" They took the scarf away too.

"Aw man! Come on guys… That's not cool…" Marceline was now fully exposed, them leaving her in a tank top and jeans which was what she usually wore under her cloak and all that stuff. She followed as they led her into the cage, forced to sit down on the single chair. They handcuffed her arms behind the chair then tied her legs and body with a rope to the chair too. "Well this sucks."

Finn and Fionna took a couple of steps away from her, just staring like it was too good to be true that they had caught her. They had heavy breathes, trying to take in everything at once. "Get Chief… Now." Finn commanded Fionna. "I'll stay here and keep watch in case she has any tricks."

Fionna smiled brightly with a determined nod, dashing out and up towards Chief Bubblegum's main desk room to go get her as fast as she could, leaving the two by themselves.

Marceline casually looked around at her new room, observing the roof that was so high up with a large vent to let air in. No normal person would even be able to get up there which was probably the reason the room was so tall. It was for insanely-good at their job- bad guys after all. A simple room was just asking for escape.

Finn was watching her with a glare, crossing his arms as he leaned against the wall, making sure she couldn't do anything. He pressed a couple of buttons on the side, setting up the defense mechanisms.

It was quiet, except for the beeps of the many security cameras pointed straight at her. Marceline smiled at them all, giving a laugh as they focused their lens automatically towards her. There were so many of them while at the same time being evenly placed out that they went all the way up almost to the roof.

She groaned in boredom, throwing her head back with a sigh, "You know what you need?" Marceline broke the silence. "You need some music in here. Do you play anything?"

Finn decided small talk was fine, it was pretty bland in the room anyway, "I play a flute. And a balloon. And yeah."

She laughed, "A balloon?"

"It works pretty well actually."

Marceline hummed in thought, "I'll try it sometime. I play a lot of instruments. Probably all of them- well… besides a balloon- but my main instrument is a bass."

"Is that what that weird axe-looking thing was?" Finn asked curiously.

She smiled, "Ohhh. So you've seen it? Yep that's it alright. Unless you're mistaking it for Marshall's guitar then no you have the wrong one." Marceline looked back over at him with a grin, "So anyway… What was the point in capturing just me?"

Finn raised an eyebrow. Might as well tell her, it's not like she can escape with all this. "You're bait for Marshall Lee. We figured out that you two are pretty useless without each other and have telepathy. So Marshall will come here, and we'll catch him too."

Marceline smirked, "Oh? Useless without each other huh?"

"Well… We did just capture you when you were by yourself and got you all the way down here while also removing your weapons and everything…"

Marceline continued smiling but she didn't reply back.

About an hour had passed, Finn became a little impatient. "Where the heck is she?" He asked out loud, referring to Fionna. It wouldn't take that long to convince their Chief to come all the way down there. Sure capturing one of the Duo of Thieves seemed way too fake and unrealistic, but she should still come anyway.

Marceline laughed.

"What?" Finn glared at her. "What's so funny?"

She shook her head, "Nothing much. –Anyway I think I should be heading home soon. It was a nice visit."

"And what makes you think you can-"

An alarm went off, the room blinding by a flashing of red light. Finn's eyes widened with shock knowing that the alarm was an emergency alarm. It was rarely ever used, meaning something big must have happened. He covered his ears from the deafening sound, looking around to see what was wrong.

The entire agency was having this alarm.

Marceline was grinning, using a hidden tool they had failed to take from her to cut the ropes off. She jumped backwards from the chair, still unfortunately handcuffed. "Sorry Finn. We're stupid but we're not that stupid." Marceline spoke over the blares of the alarm. Her grin grew wider seeing the walls of the chamber opened up and revealed countless amounts of deadly weapons, ready to stop her.

Finn gritted his teeth together, lunging forward as an attempt to capture her again.

Marceline jumped out of the way with her smile, at the same time jumping over her handcuffs so that her hands were now in front of her. Guns all over the walls were fired at once. She dodged them, also using her handcuffs as a shield to release their tight grips on her wrists. And just like that, she was free.

"Finn!" Fionna's voice yelled from outside, they listened as multiple footsteps came rushing down the flight of stairs, trailing behind Fionna. Finn could hear the yells of other agents coming down to the lower floor where the container chamber was located.

"To be a great thief…" Marceline started. "You have to be clever. I memorized every single detail of whatever I saw in the agency as you guys dragged me in. I knew what could be used as escape routes and passageway to other secret chambers. And since you know one of our secrets… You know where all of that information was transferred to."

He tried punching her. The defense weapons didn't move, knowing he wasn't a target to be hit so they had to be careful.

She swiftly dodged with a smirk and kicked him down. "We aren't useless without the other." Marceline seemed to disappear for a second, returning back with the bag of her supplies. "Probably far from it." She put back on her clothing. "But it's easier with the two of us if we work together." Her hood was put back over her head.

Finn got up the floor with a scowl, wiping away a bit of blood from his lower lip. Gadgets. His eyes widened. He had gadgets. Finn pulled out a gun used to tranquilize the enemy, aiming fast and firing.

Marceline's eyes widened as it nearly hit her, only for it to suddenly be hit away by something small and sharp that shined in the air.

Marshall appeared, jumping in front of Marceline in defense, and he smiled continuing where Marceline left off, "Like, with the two of us…" He held up a bag that jingled with coins. "It was easier to steal this."

Marceline nodded, "So… In a way you were right Finn. I was the bait. Just not the bait you expected."

They both jumped up into the air, using all of the firing weapons as their way to get up. All of the weapons attacked, yet only provided as an extra boost for the two for their escape up the giant air vent which no normal person would be able to do. But that was the thing. They weren't normal.

The alarm stopped once Fionna and the other agents came barging into the room, the weapons still firing up at basically nothing as they two disappeared.

Fionna gasped seeing the ropes snapped through, "Oh don't tell me…" She ran over to Finn, helping him back up to his feet.

Everybody shut up as the pink leader shoved through the crowd, her eyes fiery with rage. She looked up at the air vent with a scowl, barking orders for the rest of the agents to begin searching the entire agency. "They're still in the building! I don't care whatever it takes, find those two now before they escape! –Check the air vents! –Search everywhere! –Do something!"

They agents scurried away in fear, doing as she commanded and looking through every place they could find for the two thieves.

Chief Bubblegum's eyes landed on Finn and Fionna. "You two…!" She growled, balling her fists in the collars of their shirts.

Bum bum BUUUUM~! Yeah I suck at drama and suspense. Oh well, what ya gonna do? -Shrugs-

Reply Time!:

BJMDTC: Thank you xD And sorry about the wait! (again too)

Sammyluv21: Thanks! :D

Questionable: I am fairly certain I will not be changing it or deleting it xD Thank you!

Anon: Ah I see... Thank you for that. I guess I'm just usually negative about basically all of my stories even though a lot of other people love them... Thank you.

He23t: Aha sorry bout that...!

JayXNitro: Okay

martiin-lpz1: I guess. Thanks!

Charmanderfan: Haha! Thank you!

EmmaWinterFrost: Heheh... Uh... *Doesn't say anything* Guess you'll have to wait and see! Heh.

The Fan Without An Account: Thank you! I try to make this story semi-funny and all that mixed in with the actual story xD. I'm freaking obsessed with Frozen! Unfortunately, no, I am not a fan of Jelsa lol. I prefer Elsa alone. Sorry. Question of the day huh? Eh... Well I have a lot of favorite shows, my main being Adventure Time so... uh. I don't have a second. Hm. I'm stumped.

See ya later!