I don't own Grey's anatomy

April found herself sitting around a table with Meredith and her friends as they discussed Cristina. "Oh for heavens sakes Izzy she didn't even want the baby. She doesn't want kids do you really think she cares that she lost something she didn't want in the first place." She snapped. This whole conversation is inane. She got off the chair and walked towards the bar sitting down by herself.

"What can I get you?"

"Martini Joe." She sighed putting her head down.

"Meredith kissed me, Addison Kissed me my wife and my girlfriend kissed me on the same day."

"What?" April looked up at Derek Shepherd. "I really don't think you want to be talking to me about this." She giggled she could feel Meredith's eyes on her.

"Oh sorry I don't think I actually know you but Bailey told me to go away so…" he shrugged.


"Trying to get my sister on your side now I see." Meredith snarked.

Derek's eyes widened. "your sister."

"April Kepner Grey." April introduced herself. "Nice to finally meet you."

"right, yeah." Derek stuttered "Well I should get going." Meredith took his now vacant seat.

"So you kissed McDreamy."

"I kissed Mcdreamy." Meredith sighed.

"you should probably know that his wife also kissed him." April took a sip of her drink. "Or at least that's what he was rambling about."

"Great that's just wonderful." Meredith sighed. "Just wonderful."

"Here let me go home with you I Have a few days off to keep an eye on mother." April scrunched up her nose you know you could have the same days off if you didn't keep trying to outrun her."

"Nope I'm good with the running." Meredith sighed.


April was sitting in her mother's room as the interns rounded. She smiled at her sister as she came in and listened to George talk. His voice did seem to have a soothing tone to it. She jumped up to follow Meredith when their mother banished her from the room. She saw her talking to Derek melting into his touch.

"Oh no I don't think so." She pulled her sister away. "Fix your wife problem before you mess with my sister." She snapped leaving a stunned Derek and a laughing Addison behind him.

"Well that little one certainly told you who is she?"

"Meredith's twin sister."

"hmm." Addison said "Well are you going to listen to her.

"get back on your broom stick and fly back to New York Addie." Derek jabbed the buttons on the elevator.

"Meredith you are better then that I know you don't believe it but you are." April hissed. "I Have to get back to mom and you have to get back to rounds. "be strong."


April chuckled as she listened to her mother talking to George.

"So she thinks you're intern today better then her husband." Webber said from the doorway causing April to burst into laughter.

"That's a matter of opinion." George sighed glaring at the chief. The secrets still swirling in his head. "she's not surgical can't I be resigned."

"She needs stability." Richard pointed out.

"Her daughter is here." He said waving at April.

"Oh April." Richard said looking at the young woman.

"Hello Richard." George cringed

"Right well I have patients to see so I'm off."

George sighed and sat down next to April. "So my mother though you were mother father. I don't see it you look nothing like the man and that's a compliment." George looked over at her.

"Oh um thank you I guess." He sighed.

Hours of talking later and George was seeing the older Grey sister in a new light. She wasn't her sister she was better. She was stable she was soft. The hard edges of Meredith were smoothed down in April. And maybe just Maybe he would have a chance with the other woman. He could hope. His feelings for Meredith were infatuation he hadn't known her but April. April could be the real deal.


April kept an eye on their mother who seemed to want to wonder around the hospital but between her and George they were able to keep her in the room. She was enjoying getting to know George he seemed like a good guy. Someone she could count on. She had a feeling he may have a crush on her sisters and she wasn't sure how to deal with that. But she figured if her and him were meant to be it would happen.

"He's signing divorce papers."

"What?" April looked over at her sister.

"Derek Addison gave him divorce papers he says he has to look over them and then he'll sign them. "

"For your sake I hope that's true." April sighed. "mom keeps trying to wonder so that's the fun of my day me and George trying to track her down. Do you know mom thought George was Thatcher."

"Hmm." Meredith hummed. "You like him don't you?"

"What me. I don't… he seems nice." April shrugged.

"He's a good guy Aps I always figured it would be Jackson but he's a good guy."

"Me and Jackson are friends if that when he isn't annoying me."

"Yeah." Meredith said not really convinced.


"He didn't sign the divorce papers. He says he needs to think about it and blah blah blah." Meredith took a shot of tequila.

"Meredith." April sighed. "She's his wife."

"I know that don't you think I know that but I just I love him."

"I'm sorry Lizzy." April sighed Really sorry lets get out of here go back to your house and drown our self in ice cream."

"Yeah sounds like a plan." Meredith sighed. It was nice to have a sister someone in her corner at all times even if she didn't exactly like what she heard. All the time. M

A/N so I'm moving more towards April and George for the first five seasons yes he'll still die. I think it will add complexity to April and the whole storyline.