Author's Note: I do not profit from or own any part of The Walking Dead franchise.

This is a sequel to Quiet that I wasn't at all planning. In fact, I had only meant to add a few new scenes to it but the tone of this continuation is so different that I thought it best to branch off. It's not completely necessary to read Quiet first but I highly recommend it because the interactions amongst the characters will make a lot more sense if you do.

We're in AU territory where Daryl and Michonne are in an established relationship. It will roughly follow the events of season 4, reinterpreting some scenes while adding new ones.

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy.

Chapter 1: Home

Michonne pushed Flame a little harder once the terrain began to look more familiar.

She passed the turnoff for her group's emergency "backdoor" path for the prison and noted how much better concealed it was with the overgrowth that had sprouted up in the last few weeks. If she were foolish enough to take her horse off road into the wooded expanse ahead, she'd run into Rick's strategically placed animal traps. In a bind, it was better to veer off to her left and take her chances in the uneven stretch of farmland that led in the direction of where Woodbury used to stand.

No need for a backup plan today though. She saw no problems on the horizon. Her heart rate quickened as she made the final turn towards the prison entrance.

Her standard whistle alerted a couple of roaming figures in the distance, actual living persons for a change. Rick and Hershel. Carl was already halfway to the fence, ready to slide it open once his dad tackled the heavier barrier. It was almost as if they were anticipating her arrival and waiting to welcome her.

A smile crossed her face as she rushed into the prison, the slamming of the doors crashing behind her. It felt good to be back.

Hopping off her horse, she surveyed her surroundings. A crew was picking off a pack of walkers at the fence line and the number of people working at it gave her pause. She'd have to ask about that first thing. There was also a new section of crops planted and the pigs were happily running wild in the small pen. It had been awful keeping track of those little escape artists back when they first got them. The vehicles weren't in their regular spot so either Daryl and Sasha were off on their run or they'd parked them around the side to load or unload.

Carl ran up to take the reins from her, probably so he could wrestle Flame away. The horse's care was shared between her and the Grimes boys so Michonne was sure he was itching to spend some quality time with their pet now that she was back.

"Glad to see you," Rick called out after sliding closed the inner fence.

Michonne grinned as he made his way to her side. "Glad to see you too." Turning to Carl, she opened her saddlebag and pulled out a stack of comics. "Somebody hit the jackpot?" His reaction was worth the trouble she'd gone through to grab the stash.

"And I found this," she said, pulling out an electric razor she'd stumbled upon in her travels. Rick grabbed it from her and frowned. "Your face is losing the war, Grimes." Her smile was met with an embarrassed acceptance. No one was enjoying his descent into a full mountain man look.

Pocketing the shaver, he gazed off into the distance for a beat. "I hope you're staying for a little while 'cause things have been pretty exciting around here lately. Got some crops about ready and Daryl brought in a deer the other day so the eatin's been good."

"This early?" she asked, always impressed by Daryl Dixon's skills. Whether because of walker activity or the weather, the winter months hadn't been a great time for finding much fresh meat. There was some speculation that the spring would bring more prospects but Michonne had chalked it up to wishful thinking until she actually saw some results. There'd been a spike in what Rick caught in his traps a while back but that had slowed down too.

"I'll have to see if there are any leftovers. I'm sure everyone appreciated his catch."

Rick chuckled. "Like you wouldn't believe. They act like they've never had meat before."

Their shared amusement was interrupted by the sound of engines revving and a trail of vehicles coming over the rise, led by the man in question.

She could see his smile forming as he slowed to greet them. Turning off his motorcycle, he eyed her up and down, his lips transitioning into a leer. "Well, look who's back?"

"Look who's leaving?" she responded, drinking him in as well. He was a satisfying picture at that, all disheveled and decked out in leather. He seemed completely in his element on his brother's huge motorcycle, crossbow at hand and leading his small group out into the wild. After being alone on the road for over a week, she was eager to get her hands on him.

Now wasn't the time or the place for a reunion but there was no harm in either telegraphing their interest.

She hated to put a damper on things but there was no sense in holding out about the main reason she'd been gone. "No sign of him, by the way." Daryl's amusement faded as he acknowledged her news. "It might be worth looking over by Macon," she added. The suggestion went over about as well as she expected, starting with Daryl's immediate shake of the head.

"I don't think so, babe. Seventy miles of walkers? And you might run into a few un-neighborly types? Aint worth a damn thing if ya get yourself killed." His stare was hard and unyielding, as was hers.

Rick and Carl stood by as awkward as ever when it came to getting in between the two of them. Michonne and Daryl had repaired the damage to their relationship since their big fight and subsequent fallout. It was a series of long, difficult conversations that led to the occasional solo trip like the one from which she'd just returned. Things weren't necessarily fragile when it came to the issue of the Governor but it was unrealistic to think they wouldn't still clash from time to time. They just tried to be less dramatic about it; they found out the hard way that it didn't work for them at all.

Rick cleared his throat. "Y'all checkin' out the Big Spot you were telling me about?" A change in subject was probably for the best since the festive vibe of her return was completely shot at this point.

Reluctant to back off his confrontation with Michonne, Daryl slowly turned to Rick and nodded. "Yeah, you in?"

"Naw, I'm 'a go out and check the snares. I don't wanna lose what we got to the walkers."

"I'll go," Michonne chimed in, taking a few steps towards the caravan of vehicles.

Carl huffed from where he stood a few feet away. "You just got here." It wasn't quite a whine but it came off as a clear plea for her to reconsider. They hadn't spent much time together at all in the last month and Michonne could tell that, like Daryl, Carl wasn't thrilled with any of her proposals since riding through the gate.

Flashing him a smile that promised restitution, Michonne adjusted her katana and took a few more steps away. "And I'll be back."

"Hey!" Daryl called out. "Don't remember sendin' you an invite." His teasing grin challenged her to protest. Michonne calmed upon realizing that, for now, his affection would override his frustration with her.

She put a hand on her hip and shrugged. "I'll go ask Sasha then," her parting gesture an amused cock of the head.

"Michonne," he said, signaling to her again. She strolled over, compliant but not too obedient. "You best get your ass on this bike 'fore I leave you here." He restarted the motorcycle while he waited on her.

He didn't have to wait long. Without hesitation, she swung a leg over the rumbling beast to settle behind him, arms squeezing him around the hips and her chin at his shoulder. When he turned to check on her, she kissed him, a brief but succulent meeting of lips.

"Saw that little present for Rick," he murmured so that only she could hear him. "You better have somethin' good for me too or I'm 'a be pissed." The growl to his lowered voice was like sandpaper against mahogany, rough and taming. It gave her chills.

She smiled at him, one that promised interesting things to come. "You'll just have to wait and see." A few fingers slipped inside the layers at his waist had him letting out a cooling breath. Stilling her hands and flashing a scowl that warned her to behave, he gave a friendly pat to Rick and rolled down the path towards the gate.

Rick shook his head at them as he went to man the exit.

TBC ...