Title: Optimus ' nightmare
Universe: TFA
Couple: No couple, Optimus x Prowl friendship only ;
Warnings: angst, ooc, some spoilers
Rated: T
Summary: Those optical. Those optical. I can not look at them. Are cold, scary, dreadful.

Optimus P.O.V.
"It's night. I'm in my cradle recharging thinking about fear . There are many things i've ever had fear in life. Lot even . Afraid of not getting to be someone in life and be more common bot . Afraid of losing my friends . Well , this is a fear that I still have . Especially since i thought i had lost someone i love forever . Such a person is alive , but is only a shadow of what she was in the past. I was a little afraid of decepticons . But i got over it . Well I had stayed with a horrible trauma of spiders . I was afraid to die. I died . Actually i died . But I had another chance . Afterwards, I never feared my death . But this fact still haunts me some nightmares . Fortunately , they are uncommon .
But I managed to overcome it all . Today , there is only one thing I 'm afraid : a pair of optics . The owner of this pair is not a bad person . When I met him he was a depressed , selfish, a rea shadow person . But that shadow has found his light. Almost lost . But he is safe and secure with us. Even so , I 'm afraid . Very afraid . A supernatural horror that look .Cold , scary , dreadful .
It is that kind of bot that uses the optical viewfinder to hide . My friend Jazz , for example , he was a sparkling decepticon . He was created on Cybertron between Autobots . His spark is good . Even so , his optical remain red . So he continues with that display. Not to discriminate against him. I do not know is the case with my executioner , but that does not matter . That look is just hideous. Do not know how the rest of my team can not face that look.
I talk to him normally. But I can not face him . That makes me sad . He did not seem to matter . Incidentally, I sometimes doubt what he really cares .
Time will past and sleep is coming and I fall asleep . "


"I'm running. Running too fast. Has thousand optical watching me. Thousand looks. Ices, dreadful, dreadful.I 'm getting dizzy.'m Being cornered. It is all dark. But thousand red optical are watching me.I'm suffocating. Kyahhhhhhhh! ! "


I woke up screaming. I'm terrified. My spark knocks vigorously. Hurts. Hurts. I can hear a raspy singing voice. Are those songs. I've heard that before. I can see a pair of optical. Are a more light blue than common optical . It is him. He is without the display.
The ninja approaches me and says, "Rest, my friend . I heard your cries . Let me sing a song to calm..."
I shake my head positively. He's looked directly in my optics. I realize another look. Smoother, but sweet, more peaceful. He continues singing. It's all dark. I fall asleep. I slept in peace.

The next day ...

I find a strange object on my nightstand. It was a cardboard circle with a web of tissue in the center. On one edge, hung some feathers and beads. There was a note saying so at:

beads. There was a note saying so at:

"Dear friend, this object is a human thing.'It is called dream filter. Put it on your nightstand and not have nightmares anymore. Relax and meditate before bed. Dont go sleeping with negative thoughts, that's bad. A good day . Your friend, Prowl. "

Yeah ninjabot. For the first time in my life, I was not afraid of his gaze. I got over my last nightmare. How i'm stupid, sometimes. Fear of a simple look of a good person. How'm stupid. Patience. Patience. But thanks for this, buddy. "