This is why I was late on my other fics .
I used to be a huge fan of Yullen, but it sorta just... faded.
I saw a pic the other day on facebook and decided I wanted to write a fic!
It's been a long time since I thought about Yullen, so this may be a little sketchy.
I don't own D. Gray-Man and hope you enjoy!
Allen sat on the bar counter. It was thirty minutes until they closed, and he was already tired. Cross had escaped into the back somewhere to get out of closing up, forcing Allen to be the one to do it. Allen wasn't shocked. His guardian did it every time Allen worked. He knew he could get away with it, since Allen was under his care.
He was about to make his ways to the door when they opened and in stepped a costumer. He looked extremely intimating. He wasn't big, more that his aura warned people to stay back. His eyes were cold and black. That alone would cause people to think twice. The only nonlethal looking thing about him was that he had extremely long hair tied back behind his head. It helped his image look a little more... approachable.
"Were you closing up?" the costumer asked. Allen smiled and shook his head. If he ever turned down a chance to make money, Cross would do who knows what. Allen's punishments changed depending on his mood.
"Welcome," he greeted. He slid off the bar and back behind the counter, motioning for the customer to join him when he simply stood there. The customer sat down in front of him hesitately, as if in a daze. Allen was used to such a mood by now. "What do you want?"
"Just a water," the customer said. Allen stared at him, an eyebrow raised. Who walks into a bar and orders water?
However, Allen doesn't argue and walks to the sink to fix a glass of water, making sure to add ice. When he sets it in front of the customer, he doesn't even react. He continues to sit there, staring at the counter. Must've been a really bad night.
"Did you get laid off?" Allen can't help but asked.
The customer looked to him, his eyes clearly saying that's none of your buisness, now is it? However, he doesn't say anything as he looks Allen up and down. "I'm sorry, who are you?"
"Ah," Allen said. He normally gave his name. How odd that he fell out of rutine. Well, it was late. "Allen Walker."
He nodded. "Kanda."
"Well, Kanda," Allen said, "what's got you so down?"
"Nothing," Kanda answered him. Allen watched him for a moment before shrugging and giving up. Everyone had their secrets that they didn't want to share. Besides, he was a stranger. What right did he have to pry into this man's life?
"Just trying to be friendly," Allen muttered. Kanda didn't really have an open personality. Which was fine and all, but he could at least be a little more polite when speaking to people. Allen didn't have pity for rudeness.
"Well, I didn't come here for a friend," Kanda replied. This comment made Allen pause. It was true; no one came into a bar for a friend. They came to have a good time or to forget their troubles. Allen realized Kanda was there for neither, which intriged him.
"Why did you come in?" Allen asked.
Kanda paused a moment, looking to the wall behind Allen's head. Allen didn't have to turn to know what he was reading. It was the bar's name: Illusion. Many people had questioned about it.
"...Why such a name?" Kanda asked. He couldn't understand. An illusion was something that seemed to be real, but in reality, was the complete opposite. Why name a bar something like that?
"Many peope, weither they realize it or not, put on a fake mask," Allen explained. He'd never explained before. Normally, he just said it was an inside joke to get away with not going into it. However, looking at Kanda, Allen felt that he should tell him. "Illusions, if you will. Having such a name clicks in the back of their mind and they say, 'Hey, maybe I can be myself here'."
"So, sort of an uncoucious desire?"
"I guess you could put it that way," Allen said. "I just wanted this to be a place where people could feel... free. Accepted."
"You chose the name?" Kanda questioned. Something so deep could come from... well, that? Allen seemed barely old enough to drink himself; maybe not even. He looked so innocent and ditzy, yet could come up with something so... mystifying.
"Cross told me to," Allen answered. "He was too lazy to name it himself. Ah, Cross is the owner."
"I'm not an idiot," Kanda growled. "I could tell that."
"So, Illusion, huh?" Kanda questioned. Allen watched as he curiously stood and jumped the counter. If he got violent... Allen wouldn't hold back. However, Kanda's interest was purely on the sign.
Allen watched as Kanda traced his fingers along the "I", then he stood back and stared at it. Kanda was different than most of the other customers. He wasn't a drunk, he wasn't a party animal, and he wasn't a devistated/ crushed man. He was simply there for curiousity sake.
"You seem to know plenty about your mask," Allen said before he could stop himself. Kanda paused, and he gulped. He was suddenly reminded of how intimating the man was.
"And you also," he replied.
Allen's eyes widened. He opened his mouth to ask what Kanda meant, but the man jumped back over the counter and to the door. He stormed out without letting Allen say anything. It was as if he wasn't there in the first place.
Allen thought his mask was on perfectly. Yet, someone he'd never met before in his life was able to see through it. Allen wasn't used to that. He could always see through other people, but no one but Cross or Mana had ever seen through him. He didn't like that feeling. The feeling of being known.
"Who are you, Kanda?"