Thanks to my BETA (and best friend) CodeNameKittyHawk for reading through and putting in a lot of extra commas

John woke with a start. He let out a high pitched yelp as his tea sloshed over the rim of the cup into his lap. The noise that awoke him rang out again throughout the flat: knock, knock, knock. John sighed, hauled himself up out of the arm chair and attempted to pat his trousers down with the newspaper.

Knock, knock, knock.

"Alright! I'm coming!" John shouted. He moved towards the door and opened it to reveal a woman with her hand poised upwards in a fist, ready to knock again.

"Can I help you?" he rubbed his face with his hand in order to rid his complexion of any evidence that he had just been napping in the middle of the morning like an elderly person.

The woman looked him up and down doubtfully, then said in a muffled voice,

"I'm looking for Sherlock Holmes, is he home?"

It was John's turn to look the woman up and down suspiciously. After all, it wasn't often that Sherlock got female visitors. The woman was John's height or a bit smaller, with long brown hair that was hiding a large portion of her face. The other portion was hidden beneath a long, red and gold scarf that was lifted over her mouth and nose, so John could only make out her apple green eyes. She was wearing a black coat and what looked like jeans. What he could see of her face made him think she was in her early twenties –so why was she looking for Sherlock?

John was brought out of his amateur deductions by a small cough. The woman looked at him expectantly from beneath her hair. John smiled apologetically,

"No he's not in at the minute. He'll be back in couple of hours though; can I pass on a message?"

The woman looked like she was thinking for a minute then replied, "No it's fine; I'll just come back in a couple of hours then. Thank you."

Before John could say anything she had turned and rushed down the steps to the front door. He winced as she slammed it shut; he then picked up his tea back and began to read the paper that he had left earlier. He didn't even hear the sharp crack from the streets below.

I don't own anything but the plot and the woman.

This is my first Potterlock so I'm still trying to figure out the timings. It is about 10 years after the wizarding war so I'm aware that Sherlock is set in 2010 but it isn't that different. This is set before Hounds of Baskerville though. I don't know how old Sherlock is but I see him as about 7 or 8 years older than the woman here but that will come apparent later...

Please review! It means a lot

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