Infinite Stratos: Recollections

A/N: Just something that came into my mind again. This is a detailed back story regarding my take on the Orimura clan, this happens before the IS. Mostly will center on the young Chifuyu and most of the story will be done in her POV, though there will be some of Ichika's POV in there too. This is related to "Truth Be Told" as the detailed back story regarding the enigmatic clan where Chifuyu and Ichika once belonged to.

Disclaimer: I don't own Infinite Stratos (except my OCs), it belongs to Izuru Yumizuru.

The Clan of Blood and Death:

Somewhere in northern Kyoto.

Hidden within the thick misty forests of the mountains and myriads of other natural and not so natural obstacles, a castle lies. It had been there for centuries now but it was not known to the rest of the world, even to the Japanese government and the people that live near it. It was kept hidden by its inhabitants in the shadows of secrecy since the day it was built, its existence is a closely guarded secret and the outsiders who have seen it... it is better not to mention what became of them. To the outside world, this majestic mansion doesn't exist, but to the ones who are responsible for it, they call it Ryūkyūden. Ryūkyūden, like the Himeji castle, is a complex of buildings, corridors, gates and turrets. In fact Ryūkyūden boasts the same size as the Himeji castle in the surface but unlike the latter, Ryūkyūden has an even more complex underground chambers beneath the ground. Its keepers or rather its inhabitants, like the castle, also doesn't exist to the rest of the world but known only to a very few and those who knew wouldn't speak of them. But even though they don't exist, they are a force that expanded greatly in this world. They are often branded as blood thirsty monsters, harbingers of catastrophe, devil's personification etc. by those who were unlucky to know their existence. But they have a true name only known to themselves; these groups of persons are members of an enigmatic clan... the Orimura Clan.

(Scene Change)

(Chifuyu POV)

"Morning already..."

I grumbled as I got up from my very light sleep. I only slept for about 2 and a half hours and then its morning already... I just can't get a break. I threw off the blanket and stood up, I then proceeded to fix my futon and stow it in the closet. I stretched body as I felt that my limbs are still asleep; I felt that the fatigue from last night still hasn't worn away. I felt that I should go back to sleep and lay in the tatami floor in my room but it would be too lethargic of me to go back to sleep when I just woke up. So I went to the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror.


I'm Chifuyu Orimura, the second child of the matriarch of this clan and recognized as one of the six new prodigies. My thirteen years of life under the wing of this family has been nothing but blood, death, pain and more pain. Since the time that I could perceive the things around me, I've only been thought how to end a life. They repeatedly indoctrinated the mantra of the Orimura clan to me that is "sow the seeds of death and reap the souls of your enemies." Well I've also been thought educational crap, like mathematics, philosophy, history and other irrelevant eruditions but the most focus of my education are directed more in the field of martial studies.

"Stupid hair, I really should have this cut."

I grumbled as I stared at my hair that looked like it went through a storm. I didn't use a comb and just fixed my hair with my hands, good thing that my hair is easy to fix. But I found it really troublesome because it is too long, well it's just waist long but I really find it troublesome when I'm in battle so I always tie it up in a ponytail.

"Grrrrrr..." I growled a little when I found my sleep to be really short. That mission last night was very tiring; I mean I had to pursue a rogue rebel leader and his rebel group through an Indonesian jungle. Well of course I wasn't alone, there are five of us in that mission, we attacked them in their base on the fringes of a forest in Sumatra, they put up a pretty good fight but in the end they were wiped out. But the leader made a hasty departure when he woke up and suddenly found his men and lying in the ground and having a mass public bathing in their own blood. I was just unlucky one who decided to chase the bastard down since my four lazy companions won't do it since it was "tiring", they said that they would rather remain in the base and torment those who survived our initial attack. After hours of pointless fleeing in their trucks, I managed to kill them all and gave the leader, who made me run through a jungle for half a night, extra brutality when I killed him.

"Stupid bastard..."

I'm still grumbling because of the chase last night, I swear I should have made that bastard's death even more gruesome. But anyway, I better get up before 7:30am; my aunt just told me that a major meeting that requires the attendance of every member of this family including me and the other young operatives.

"Better get changed." I groggily said to myself and took off all of my clothes. I'm not in the least bit shy nor ashamed to just get naked, after all this is my room and what's more the people around me don't seem to care. I walked to the bathroom and took a shower, I wanted to take a dip in the bathtub today but since the time is too little I just settled in taking a shower.


I heard knocking from my door; I already knew who that is.

(Chifuyu! Hurry up! The meeting is going to start soon you better step on it or else your mother will stab you in the shoulder again.)

That was my aunt just now, Shiori Orimura.

I hurried my showering despite how early it is prior to the meeting. The meeting is 7:30am and the time is still just 4:05am when I glanced at the clock in the holographic terminal on my desk. But still it is better to be early rather than brave the wrath of the devil leading this family.

"Hmmmm…" After showering I opened my closet, my ridiculously huge closet. But all the clothes hung in it are Yukatas, Hakamas, Miko attires and a few modern clothes bought for me by my aunt. After thinking of what clothes to wear from my wardrobe I finally settled with a hakama and matching hakui, with this attire I can move freely when doesn't impede my movement when in a battle. Well it's not that I'm going to a battle or anything but the peace here in this household can get pretty thin and at the slightest jar a bloody battle can take place anytime. I also took two katanas with me, better safe than sorry.

"Well you look pretty." Dressed in a dazzling gold Yukata, my aunt gushed when she saw me, I don't think there is anything to gush about my attire, this is the same attire I've been wearing ever since I can walk.


Instead of complaining I just ignored my annoying aunt and just walked on. My aunt chased after me with and started saying some things about me smiling and then about happiness and some rubbish I don't really care about.

"Oh hey wait! Geez, don't be like that Chi! Come on smile a little."

My aunt Shiori Orimura is one of the persons I knew who act this way. I don't what's the word of this but I think it is called being kind. She is the youngest of the four most powerful warriors of our clan the most powerful in twelve generations, she stands toe-to-toe against her three elder sisters in a fight but I won't say that she can defeat any of the three, her three elders sisters are way beyond the description of "monsters".

"Chifuyu, at least smile a little. A girl your age should really smile more since you will age fast if you just scowl like that."

"That's ridiculous."

I couldn't help but reply in an irritated voice.

"Oh don't say that." My aunt smiled at me vibrantly. Sometimes, I swear that smile of her is somewhat scary.

Though I can't really tell, but I think that she is a very beautiful woman. Her blonde hair, which I think is strange considering she is Japanese, would sparkle attractively whenever she sways it. She has a perfect figure without any traces of unwanted fat; her chest is pretty big which something I think is a bit of a bother. Though even wearing a Yukata, she her figure always surfaces. But the most peculiar trait that she has that differentiates her from the rest of the family is the way that she acts. She smiles; she laughs and openly shows caring for the members of this family, even to the servants too. I really don't get it. Her reputation in this family and in the outside world suggests that she is a woman of superior skills and a fierce warrior without any hints of mercy in her soul, but contrary to all those monikers given to her, she really doesn't suit being a warrior if she acts like this.


Getting too absorbed in my own thought, I dozed off while walking.


I quickly sprang away when I felt my right cheek being pinched; I then placed my hands on my katanas and adopted a battle stance towards my aunt.

"Geez I was just trying to wake you up." Shiori smiled apologetically at me. I swear if I would've attacked her but I reined my bloodlust before I do something stupid. It's not like I can do any damage to her if I were to truly attack her, I know that my skills in battle are way above any normal human but if faced against her my skills would be mediocre and pathetic.

"Don't touch me." I just threw that one-liner at her and walked off fast.

"You never change."

I heard those words behind me as I walked on. After that me and my aunt just walked quietly now, my aunt who seemed saddened from some reason just stared at the Sakura trees that grown all over the outside my mansion. My aunt and I quietly walked through the dark corridors, it is already morning but the dawn hasn't shown yet since it was still too early.

"So… how did the mission go?" My aunt once again spoke to me and this time she used a more formal tone than the annoying one earlier.

"….We finished it."

I answered with an uninterested voice; I really don't want to remember that.

"So you have something good to report to your mother then." My aunt smiled at me again; seriously that smile is really annoying.


Five girls dressed in Miko attires appeared in front of me and my aunt, the five then bowed at us respectfully.

"Shiori-sama, Chifuyu-sama we are here to inform you that the grand meeting will be held 30 minutes from now." One of the five spoke with a lifeless voice just like a machine.

"Oh? Nee-san probably became impatient again."

My aunt just laughed as she spoke. However I just turned away from my weird aunt, the five priestesses then vanished like wraiths after they bowed at us again.

"Well we should go; your mother is probably in a slightly bad mood."

We walked much faster this time but we aren't really hurrying since the grand hall where the meeting will be held is not far from my mansion. Lately, there have been many meetings happenings often regarding about military actions, interventions, assassinations and others of the like. The leaders are probably planning some big action again.

"Don't worry Chifuyu the meeting will just be short and it mostly won't involve you or your cousins. It will most likely be the heads that will do all the talking."

She probably noticed the displeased expression that I'm making, so my aunt just gave me another of her radiant smiles, I couldn't help but look away again.

Minutes later, me and my aunt arrived at the entrance of a grand hall. Whoever built this temple probably had issues in his height because this grand hall is too big. I'm very surprised that none of those weaklings outside didn't notice the high risers of this place. The grand hall is very Japanese in style but somehow it bears a lot resemblance to the Forbidden City in China and as for its surroundings it is surrounded by a forest of Sakura trees, these trees sometimes are becoming a bother.

"Well here we go."

Aunt breathe deeply as she readied herself to enter the grand hall, meanwhile, I just remained in my scowling state I don't really care about the people inside.


The large gate in front of us opened with a loud and ominous creaking sound, what greeted us when iut opened is a long hallway with giant pillars on each side, and on each pillar there stood a girl in a miko dress.

"Welcome, Shiori-sama, Chifuyu-sama."

All of them turned to us and bowed. My aunt just told them to ease up since we are the last to arrive, I find it really weird that she would care for the slaves but I didn't broach much on the subject. Me and my aunt walked through the huge corridor we hurried our steps since we are the ones who are late and keeping the meeting from beginning.


Another annoying creaking from another huge door.


Another line of attendants bowed at us when we entered. But now, different from the outside, inside the grand hall it was overflowing with killing intent. Any normal exposed in this kind of atmosphere is doomed to go crazy for sure. The eyes of everyone in this room turned to me and my aunt, their stares are empty, devoid of lifeless but full of inexplicable killing intent. They are probably irritated at me and my aunt for arriving late and delaying the meeting but all of them didn't move their lips to speak instead they just stared at us with their hateful eyes.

"We better sit." My aunt turned to me with a guilty smile.



Both me and my aunt used our speed to move fast to our designated seats. I sat in my seat which is just a chair away from the matriarch. In the middle of the grand hall is the huge round table. There are twenty seats in the round table but two were vacant, those belonged to my two aunts that bailed once again, they probably got tired of attending the meetings and just sit this one out. The order of seating is the matriarch, on her left is a vacant chair, Shiori, my cousins Saya, Misaki and Chisaya and on her right is another empty chair, my big sister Chigusa, me and Yuuko. The rest of the seats belonged to the family leaders, I don't really know who they are and I don't really care.

"Late once again. How pathetic." I heard a mocking voice from beside me. I slightly turned to my left where the voice came from and saw a young girl. From looks alone we would be in the same age bracket but truthfully she is a year older than me, she's dressed in black military attire suited for her size. She had long black hair that extends to her waist and a scowl (like mine) plastered on her face. It was my big sister, Chigusa Orimura. She is one of the persons that I loathed so much in this family, I don't really know what the reason is why but we just hate each other ever since the first time we met. That was the time during a party in one of our secret estate in Yokohama. I didn't even know that time that I have a big sister since I didn't even see her even once nor was she even mentioned to me by my attendants, when the two of us were introduced to each other, the two of us attacked each other with the nearest sharpest thing we could grab. That ended with me and her being beaten to near death by our own mother. Like me, she is one of the six prodigies of the family and being included in that group meaning that she is a very accomplished killer despite being just fourteen years old. She favors Katanas for weapons like me and the art of the sword though she as well is a proficient fighter in hand to hand combat.

"If you have nothing to say but rubbish you should rein your tongue and keep your voice in your throat." I replied in an irked tone.


I can hear the sound of her Katana being draw; I also placed my hand on one of my Katanas.

"Are the two of you going to risk it?" Another mocking voice echoed in my ears, this time it is from my right. It was my cousin, Yuuko Orimura. She had black hair that hangs to her hips; I can't really see her eyes because her annoying bangs are obscuring them. She is dressed in blue Kimono with the obi tied to the front. This attire seemed a bit over the top, is she going in some party or anything. Well anyway as for my relationship with her, we really don't get along. Though our interactions are a bit more civil compared to how I act towards Chigusa, it really didn't eliminate the instance where we would duke it out with each other. The last time we had a bloody quarrel is when the two of us are in a mission in Saudi Arabia to hunt down some low-lives that one of the family want dead, we couldn't agree on the approach that we should take, I wanted to barge in and fight them head on while Yuuko wanted to do it clean. So we ended up fighting each other but regardless all our targets were caught in our battle and died so it was still a success. Yuuko is a proficient assassin, trained in ninjutsu and other arts that employ stealth and precision, she really didn't have a weapon of choice though at times she does favor the use a Katana.



Knowing what she meant, both me and Chigusa shelved out intents to start ruckus here and settled with glaring at each other.

"You should know better or did you forget what happened the last time you two let your pettiness get the best of you." It annoyed me to see that smug grin on her face; I really wanted to tear that look of her face. But when she brought up "that" incident, I shivered even without turning I can tell that Chigusa also did. It would be better not to dwell on that event any further.


I didn't answer Yuuko and I just looked away. I didn't notice that the meeting had already started, me, well to be precise me and the other prodigies don't really have any important role in this gathering we are just here to listen to the blabbering of this annoying bunch. My aunt who acts as the presider of this meeting have been talking like a politician with the family leaders. Different from her attitude earlier, right now she is on her politician mode and no traces of her "kind" self can be seen when she is like this.


I couldn't help but feel bored, my eyes wandered to the persons seated beside my aunt. A scarlet-haired girl was sleeping like a rock and using her arms as pillow. She is my cousin, Saya Orimura. Like my big sister, she is also dressed in the same black military attire. I couldn't help but feel annoyed whenever I see her face, I just can't pin-point the exact reason but I really don't like her at all. Her attitude is a bit brash and reckless especially in battle. That is also the main reason why she always gets into a fight us. The last confrontation I had with her is when she came to my mansion and challenged me to a fight, of course I found it bothersome and just shooed her away but she ended up taking it as an insult (of course I intended it to be one in the first place) and attacked me. The aftermath of that was me losing my left arm and her losing her left leg. Of course the two of us were treated immediately so that we don't end up as disabled warriors. As for her fighting style she is a very gifted practitioner of hand-to-hand combat, kenpo, judo, karate, silat, capoeira you name it she had all those mastered at such a young age. Sometimes she does use some weapons as of the late I have seen her carrying long spears and Chinese scimitars.

"Lazy garbage…."

I glowered at her sleeping figure but I opted to just look away since it would just worsen my mood if I were to continue looking at her.


My eyes then fell on the person next to Saya. Expressionless face, bowl-cut pink hair, and motionless like a statue. That's my cousin Misaki Orimura. I really don't get much interaction (fights) from her since if she can she would just ignore any provocation thrown her way. But if her patient runs out then she would like attack anyone that dared the rouse her ire. She too is dressed in the standard military garb of our family. She is a hard-hitter in battle, and I mean that literally. She uses heavy and big weapons in a fight, like broadswords, giant axes, and other weapons that are too big to be used in actual battle. But this doesn't suggest that she is a slow mover, her speed is just the same as ours. She is after all one of the prodigies of this family.


She probably noticed my gaze and briefly turned to me with the same lifeless expression, she then promptly turned away.


My eyes then wandered to the person on Misaki's left. Light blue hair, cold calculating expression, and probably the only one of us who is listening to the meeting. Dressed in the same military clothing is yet again one of my cousins, Chisaya Orimura. Unlike the five of us who focus more on battles and how to get stronger, Chisaya spares some of her time for education like politics, philosophy, history and other crap that I don't want to mention. But this doesn't mean that she is neglecting her true nature, like all of us she is a prodigy of this family and is a natural when it comes to battle. She favors a ranged combat, she is monsters when she has guns on her hands or any other projectiles weaponry, her accuracy is inhuman. In our recent mission, she just made a five mile kill shot through a dense jungle forest while she aimed from the top of a coconut tree. Through the rifle that she used is stronger version compared to those weak .50 caliber rifles, that shots is very hard to replicate even I can't accomplish that. As for our relationship, well it is as sour like the others.


After looking at my fellow prodigies, I leaned back to my chair in a bored manner.

(Why do I need to attend this anyway, it's not like we are going to be the new leaders very soon. I'm pretty sure that all of the current leaders here will live very long since hell would probably spit them back out if they die.)

I grumbled and complained in my mind endlessly. I'm really tired of listening to all the blabbering and chattering of the person here, I would like nothing more but to barge out of this lame atmosphere. But as I continued to gripe, my senses suddenly became aware of a danger nearby. It was so powerful that suddenly found myself unable to breathe; I really didn't need to look around and confirm if everyone in this chamber is the same as me. This level of malice can only come from one person, only she can exuded such a presence that even the devil would cower away from. Only my mother, Izanami Orimura, the matriarch of the Orimura clan is capable of this terrifying feat.


Shiori, my aunt and little sister of my mother suddenly turned with a slightly terrified face to my mother.

"….. Just continue. I'm just trying to keep my boredom from surfacing."

I flinched in fear, good thing she isn't throwing a tantrum here, the last time I seen her snap was two years ago and that horrific events still haunts me to this day.

"Well as I was saying…"

My aunt continued with her speech at my mother's prompting. Even Shiori Orimura who is considered one of the strongest fighters in this family is afraid of my mother. As for me and my fellow prodigies, she is the only fear we know, she was responsible for training all of us and though I must say that her training is impeccable and garnered fast results, her very nature is so rife of everything evil that whenever her eyes lands at us we are shaken to the core.


Though I'm very afraid of her, I am very curious of her history. How did she become this strong and this fiendish? There are so many questions about her that I want answered. But the biggest question in my mind is how she was able to marry my father? How did my father even came to like her even marry a demon like her? It would make sense if she raped him. Speaking of my father, I haven't seen a shadow of him since I was born; I don't have any idea what kind of person he's like. Sometimes I would wonder about him so much that I would go asking some of the elder attendants, but they would hurriedly bow and leave. I know that they are trying to hide it from me and that roused my interest even more. So one time I gathered all my courage and asked my mother about my long lost father (one of the biggest mistakes that I made). When heard my question, she slapped me so hard that I was flung to the wall and was put in a coma for six days.


I just massaged my temples because my curiosity is too strong whenever the subject of my mother came into my mind.

Just recently, she gave birth to two new offspring. The second one was just like us, I don't really know much about her now since I just ignored her. I can pretty much guess how she would turn out when she grows up. I believe that her name was Madoka and her face looked very similar to mine, that only served to irritate me more whenever I see her. But the first one, he is probably the biggest mystery that arrived in this family. I don't know but he is really…. Well….. AH! He is just so vexing. He so different from all of us, I can't any malice from him when I first met him and instead of malice what he has is purity inexplicable purity powerful enough to rein our vicious tendencies. Sometimes that thought scares me; if he were to be guided correctly he would be that strongest scion of this clan. And before I forget he is the only one who could stand the company of mother, he even had the gall to say "I love you" to her and yet strangely enough my mother acts like a…mother whenever she is with him. I JUST CAN'T EXPLAIN IT!

"This is tiring…."

Nearly slumped on the table, my head is aching so bad now just because of thinking of that brat.

(Wait young master you can't go in there!)

Speak of the devil. I heard the voices of the attendants from outside the door, only one person is responsible for every ruckus, that is not bloody and violent in nature, to occur in this household.

(Young master you shouldn't go in there!)


The giant entrance door opened and came a small boy dressed in a blue kimono running from the hordes of attendants chasing after him. Why can't they catch this boy, his little legs won't get him much speed but here he is outrunning the attendant who are chasing after him.


My aunt made a shocked expression when she saw the boy. Even the family leaders had startled expressions when they saw the intruder make a ruckus here.







Me , my big sister and my cousins stood up when we saw him.


He laughed merrily as if he enjoyed being chased around by his attendants, he jumped on the round table and ran all the way into mother's arms. When he is now is mother's grip the attendants stopped chasing him and lined with each other.

"Found you mom!"

He smiled sweetly and lovingly at the demon that is our mother and more shocking than that, mother smiled back at him. It was a sweet and affectionate smile, what happened to mother? She even kissed him on the lips, it wasn't an erotic gesture it was merely to show motherly love to him. Since when did she even fit the description "motherly"?

"What are you doing here?" My mother cooed at him.

"I want to see mom!"

He clung on mother and snuggled up on her chest.

He, the boy who is clinging to my demonic mother is the biggest enigma in the Orimura clan, my little brother, Ichika Orimura.