Day 5: Rescue Time!
Happy Sunday dear, Readers! Thank you so much for reading this story! This is the last chapter of Plane Crash Leads to Adventure. An epilogue or omake might come up later (I honestly still not sure about it )
Meanwhile, I'd like to reply to some reviews..
Daygon Yuuki: Thank you for your reply.. :D
The Path of Supreme Conquest: Thank you for loving the story! :)
BabyNightmareLady: Thank you so much for your kind support! XD
Dhea30: LOL! A bit OOC I should say! Glad you love it! :D
Thank you so much for the reviews!
I would also like to thank KeilaR, oOTotoneteOo, Ainilly, Arwen1981 and Ginpachi-sensei for adding this story to your favorite and follow list! Hope you guys enjoy it!
And now please enjoy this chapter! Happy reading! :D :D
Disclaimer: I don't own Kuroko no Basuke and please excuse grammar and spelling errors. Happy Reading!
"This windy storm will not stop. We need to get out of here before it's coming to this island!"
"What?!" The three shouted at the same time.
"That can't be true!" Midorima instantly stood up and exclaimed. "Look at that wind whirl! It's heading to another island!" He pointed out a tiny tornado like figure.
Kise went near the bluenette and grabbed his shoulders "Kurokochi, Just calm down. There is no way-"
Kuroko stepped back and shouted "No! It will come this way! I don't know how to explain it but please trust me! We need to alert them! Please, Midorima-kun!"
"Kurochin is scary~.." Murasakibara frowned.
Midorima stared at the phantom player. Logically thinking, it would be impossible but on the other hand, Kuroko was not the type that panics without reason. And in here, instinct was the best weapon. So, the man that always follows fate, had now decided to follow his instinct. To trust Kuroko's judgment.
"I understand." He said and went back to his position and tried to alert them again using the mirror. However, they were not looking his way since they were to occupied observing the rescue boat.
"Damn! They are looking at the other side!" Midorima cursed and put the mirror back. He ran closer to them and shouted "Akashi! Aomine!"
No response from them. Seemed like they couldn't hear him either since the sound of the wind and trees blocked his effort. And like Kuroko said before, the wind was getting stronger, as the dark clouds were coming to their direction.
"It's no use, Midorimachi! We need to go there!" Kise shouted from below.
"Damn it! I will go! You three go prepare the boat!"
"No! I will do it! I am faster than you, Midorimachi!"
"But your leg is still healing!" He shouted back.
"But I am still faster than you! I can copy Aominechi!" Kise said as he managed to climbed over to Midorima's place.
"And what happens if you hurt of leg in the process and can't get there in time, huh?! Don't be ridiculous! I will go!"
"No, I will!"
"Midochin~, Kisechin~…."
"What now?!" They shouted at the purple head simultaneously.
"Kurochin said 'Midorima-kun's strength is needed here, so I will go and please stop fighting~.."
"Huh?" Midorima and Kise looked at the giants as they blinked.
Kise looked around the area, trying to find the phantom player. "What come to think of it, where is Kurokochi?"
"Kurochin went ahead while Kisechin and Midochin were fighting.."
They soon had the 'idiot-face-look' as the remembered the childish argument earlier. Midorima shook in anger while Kise fake sobbed. "Kurokochiiii/Kurokooo?!"
"Arara..~ bad omen~.." Murasakibara said while watching a group of black crow flew passed them.
Meanwhile, Kuroko tried his best to reach the red and blue haired as soon as possible. Thank heavens he knew the fastest route. He climbed and jumped over big rocks, then ran passed a small wooden bridge. Finally, all he had to do is ran through this small forest, then he would arrive.
Kuroko ran as fast as he could, avoiding branches and roots. A little more and I… Kuroko was unable to finish his thought as he slipped and fell down. He snapped open his eyes when he felt muddy ground below him.
He quickly stood up and looked at the surroundings. The used to be dry ground had now turned into muddy and slippery path way. He clearly remembered no rain poured down since yesterday afternoon. So, where all this water came from? But he quickly recovered and discarded the thought. I have no time for this. I need to get there.
He began to run thought all the muddy ground and up the hill. He huffed hard but he still continued, then, he could see some light across the forest. He quicken his pace and finally he managed to get out.
"Akashi-kun! Aomine-kun!"
"Finally, you guys made it! We need to hurry!" Midorima exclaimed. The three of them were holding onto the boat tight. The sea wave had no mercy.
"Yeah we know!" Aomine shouted as Akashi and him were running towards them.
Aomine ran into the sea until the water reached waist level. He joined them as they were ready to leave. But then he realized Akashi just stood there by the shore.
"Akashi! What are you doing?! Hurry up!" Aomine shouted.
"Where is Tetsuya?"
"Huh? What are you talking about?" The Too ace look at him confused and turned to the three. "He should be here with you guys…" He trailed off as he realized the three looked back at him in horror. He also realized the shadow was nowhere to be found. "Wait, where is he?"
"Kurokochi went after you when he realized this would happen." Kise explained in horror.
"What?!" Aomine exclaimed.
"Sh*t!" The red hared captain throw his binocular to Midorima. He caught it perfectly. "Shintaro, They are on the east side!" After that, Akashi dashed and disappeared into the woods.
Kuroko now is tore between death or death. The first option, die by drowning. When Kuroko ran back, the river broke down, and soon the water filled up the woods. Seconds option, die by falling off the cliffs. Just kept waiting until the water reached this place and then it would soon crumble apart. Kuroko deadpan and silently thought neither good come out of these two options.
He glanced at the damaged wooden bridge and sighed. "At least Akashi-kun and Aomine-kun managed to get out of here safely. " He took a deep breath. "Now, what to do?"
Kuroko looked around, trying to find a way out or something that might come in handy. But so far, he found nothing. There were only rocks and bushes. Kuroko took a long deep breath and thought something positive. "The rescue boat is coming soon. I just need to hang on until they rescued me. All I need to do is hang on, for as long as I can. I need to hang on."
He tried to maintain his psychological issue but in reality, he could clearly hear the water pour out non-stop. It was getting even louder every seconds. Kuroko moved back until the far end. He was now stood near the broken bridge, the end of the cliff. He closed his eyes as he kept repeating those words in his mind.
Kuroko faintly heard someone's calling his name. but he just thought it was his mind playing a trick on him and decided to ignore it.
The voice now was even clearer. Kuroko could even recognized the voice, it was Akashi's. as he opened his eyes, he could see a blur red image running to him.
"Tetsuya, let's get out of here!" said the soaked red haired captain. He was soaked from head to toe and his clothes had mud stains. Then he grabbed the smaller teen's hand.
Kuroko understood what they were about to do and harshly pulled back. "No! Without lifebuoy I will drown, Akashi-kun!"
"Tetsuya, we don't have much time." Akashi reminded him impatiently.
Kuroko desperately asked "Isn't there another way?"
"Unfortunately, no." Akashi calmly said. "Look, just hold my hands and take a deep breath when I tell you to. We will get through this."
"Tetsuya just calm down and trust me. We will get through this. Okay?"
"Okay." Kuroko nodded.
Akashi grabbed his wrist as they ran into the drown forest. Akashi kept leading them down hill as the water reached them higher. The water has now reached their thighs, splashing everywhere as they kept running.
"It's salty?" Kuroko commented after a drop accidentally splashed his face.
"It's sea water. we took out the machine to complete out boat, but in return the sea water will fill up this whole island and sink it down." Akashi explained as they quicken their pace. "Tetsuya, hold your breath. We need to dive from here."
Kuroko gulped and nodded uncertainly.
"Don't worry. I will never let you go." Akashi took a deep breath and they dived into the water.
"Midorimachi, how is it?" Kise asked worriedly
"No good! They are starting to sway to opposite side. We need to alert them where we are now."
"You are kidding! How are we gonna alert them in this kind of situation, huh?!"
"Tch! Don't ask me! I am figuring it out!"
"Should we raise this?" Kise held up a red clothing.
"I doubt they will see it in this crazy weather."
Murasakibara stomach suddenly growled loud, making the other three looked at him sweat dropped.
"m hungy~.. hehehe.." He rubbed his poor stomach.
"You don't need to say that!" the three shouted in unison.
"Don't we have snacks~?" The hungry giant asked as he rampaging stuff.
"We don't! Just stop moving around!" The glasses shooter snapped.
"Hmm~ what is this?" He found a heavy bag and opened the zip. "Who brought this super hard apples? They can't be eaten you know~?"
"That crazy apples! I despise those! Who is the idiot culprit huh?!"
"Wait! We can use those." The glasses tee exclaimed.
"What do you mean Midorimachi?"
" I might be able to shot them to that boat."
"Impossible! Do you know how far is that?! It's no less than a hundred meters!" Aomine pointed out the far away rescue boat.
"No, I can make it." Midorima grabbed something from his bag. "With this."
A baseball bat?! They all exclaimed silently. "Why the heck you carry a baseball bat to training camp?!" the ganguro said their thoughts out loud
"O ha-asa said I might need a baseball equipment, so I brought this. As expected of Oha-asa." He explained in awe. A soon to be worshipful member of Oha-asa.
Bring a ball or a glove instead, you Oha-asa freak! They sweat dropped.
"Alright then. Muraasakibara, Kise, you hold onto this boat. Aomine will help me to toss the ball." They all nodded. Better to try the idea than nothing.
The green and dark blue haired teen went back to the shore line. Aomine dropped the bag and took out an apple. "How do we do this? I never play baseball in my life."
"Easy. Just toss the ball exactly here." Midorima pointed out a space near his stomach. "You can do that, can't you?" Midorima said as he tried to a few swing.
" Of course."
"Okay, let's begin."
Aomine tossed the an apple to where he the spot precisely and Midorima swung fast. The apple flew to the rescue boat direction but it fell to the sea before it landed there.
"Are you sure it's working?"
Aomine got another apple as Midorima readied himself for another hit. "It will. I got the angle and degree correct. This time, I will make it."
"Go for it, Midorimachi/Midochin~.. almost there!" the two of cheered.
"You better make it this time, Glasses monkey." Aomine smirked
"Hmph! I will, Idiot charcoal." Midorima swung the bat to his direction as a challenge.
Aomine threw another perfect pitch and Midorima swung harder this time. The apple flew high in the air for a few seconds and it fell down, followed by Kise's cheered.
"Yeah! Nice Midorimachi! You hit a homerun!" Kise winked. Then looked through the binocular again. "Great job! They are looking at our direction now." He then turned to the baseball duo "Hurry up and hit another homerun!"
"Hmph.. just leave it to me."
And after that, Midorima successfully hit two more homeruns and more shots to lead them to their direction.
"Thank God you are safe, boys! Hurry up get into the boat!"
"Shin-chan! I'm so glad you are alive!" Takao jumped out and hugged the taller teen.
"Takao? What are you doing here?" Midorima was bewildered to see his partner here and forgot to push him away like usual.
"We are helping the rescue team to get you guys!" Kagami grinned.
"Alright boys, save the reunion and stories for later. We need to get out of here! Where is the other two boys? There are six of you right?" The group captain asked.
"That's right. Where is Akashi and Kuroko?" Kagami looked around.
"Akashichi is looking for Kurokochi. We must wait for them! I know they will be back soon!"
"Huh? Just… wait, what do you mean by that?! Are they missing?!"
"It's a long story… but now technically both of them are missing." Aomine said concern while looking at the cliff direction. Of course he would see no one there.
"What do you mean by that?! Explain yourself, Ahomine!" Kagami grabbed his collar.
"I dunno either! Are you looking for a fight, huh?! Bakagami?!" Aomine snapped and did the same.
"Kagamichi! Aominechi! Please stop it!" Kise jumped in to stop the fight. "Murasakibarachi, please me here!"
The captain was about to snap and stop the fight but then a crew asked for him and passed him a communicator.
"Yes? Captain team D speaking."
"Hello. This is Akashi Seijuro speaking. We would like to inform you that Tetsuya and myself are rescued. So, please tell them to get into the boat ASAP. Severe punishment will be waiting for the slow ones. That's all. Thank you."
The captain stared at the communicator confusedly and he exchanges confused look with the crew. But the captain knew he had to pass the younger teen message to his friends here. He felt that he might also get a punishment if he was late to tell.
Meanwhile on the other side of the island, on another rescue boat, the red haired handed back the communicator to a sweat dropped captain. He adjust the thick blanket around his body and walked to an empty seat.
"Achooo!" The red haired sneezed loud.
"Akashi-kun! Here, use this." Kuroko passed a tissue box as he wiped his own watery nose.
"Thank you. Achooo!"
"I think we might get a really bad cold and fever by tomorrow." Kuroko sighed. He hated being sick on bed. He felt his head got heavier.
"Just use it as an excuse to relax on bed all day." Akashi said as he cocooned himself with blankets and sat next to the bluenette.
"I didn't know Akashi-kun secretly wants to slack off." Kuroko smiled amusedly.
"A nice fluffy bed, a warm blanket and peace. That's all we need, don't you think so?" Akashi smirked.
"Yes, you are right." Kuroko smiled. And soon both teen dozed off to sleep.
End of story!
Thank you so much for all readers who support the story till the end. I can't thank you enough for the great supports for my first story! *bow deeply
As for now, I am doing my second KnB fanfic! It's totally a whole different genre than my first. And there will be AkaKuro here *grinned
Here is a small sneak peek of the next story…
Red and Blue Destiny
"What are you doing?" A bluenette asked when he saw a red haired teen, on the school rooftop standing on the other side of the railings."I was about to jump off when you suddenly surprised me."
That day, under the red burning sky, two wheels of destiny strayed off the original path. Together, they found a new path and collided with each other.
I hope you guys will give your support on my next KnB fanfic…. I will see you all on Red and Blue Destiny! Chiao, Readers! Have a great lovely weekend! :D :D :D