I'm really sorry but this isn't a new chapter. Hell, there won't be new chapters for this story. Mostly because, after reading it and rereading it, I realised something.
It is bad. The writing is too fast-paced and the characters are way too shallows, even for a comedy.
Also, after reading the last chapters of the manga, I got a lot of new characters that could and will make the plot way better. And I can't just go along and add them in this story. Thus, I'm going to rewrite it.
And that is why I'm leaving this note and putting this story (or rather attempt at a story) as finished.
The new (and better I hope) version of Seducing Fleas is already on its way and I will post the first chapter today.
It will be similar to this story, yet different. Because, let's be honest, Levi's characterisation in this story was truly horrific.
And that's why I give you all my apologises.
I'm truly grateful for everyone who put this story as their favorites, followed it and reviewed it. It was great. Awesome, even. And I got to this point thanks to you all.
And that's why I want to rewrite everything. Because you deserve better. This story deserves better.
Thus, a rewrite.
And that's it. Once again, sorry.
If you want, you can go and read the first chapter of the new Seducing Fleas.