A/N:Hey guys,new series,I know!This is especially for Gamma Orionis's 'OTP bootcamp challenge'! 50 prompts for 50 stories featuring your OTP!Just google OTP bootcamp challenge if you guys want to give it a try!

Rating: K+



Summary: One winter night, Remus is made to go along with Regulus and there is nothing but Remus's feelings to be blamed.

Word count~600


Remus couldn't tell when it had exactly began or when he had started noticing it himself but he does know that at present, it is the very reason he was freezing off his body and other significant parts of said body. He certainly wouldn't mind curling up in front of a fireplace for the next five years. A lit fireplace; make that a blazing one if possible.

It being his amorous feelings and possibly something resembling love for Regulus-the reason he had tagged along with the Slytherin to pay a little visit to the lonesome Thestrals.

At one in the night. In the snow.

"Oh! Are you cold, Remus?" Regulus asked genuinely and Remus stopped tapping his leg as his cheeks flamed.

"Of course not!" He exclaimed, "What do you take me for?" He asked with a feigned air of machismo. Regulus looked at the older boy with his teeth chattering and the beginnings of blue lips. Well; that really needed to be fixed. He stepped closer to him.

"Werewolf thing, I suppose." Regulus commented as he placed a hand on his arm and Remus nodded.

"Yes. Absolutely." He replied, feeling his bones rattle inside. Really.

"In fact, if you must know, the wind feels rather good actually, side effects of lycanthropy and all." Regulus nodded and placed a gloved hand against the werewolf's cheek, playing along with him even as he saw his lips quiver and turn a darker shade of blue. That actually looked kind of interesting; how many shades of blue and purple could a human's lips get?

"Mmm, well, in that case-" Regulus pushed up against his cloaked body, his voice low, "I could really do with some body heat, if you don't mind." Then, "Bloody hell, Remus!" He exclaimed loudly and reeled back as their noses touched and looked like he wanted to say a million things but settled on the easiest one.

"Remus! What is the matter with you?" Regulus shouted out against the whirling of the wind and Remus smiled, feeling his nose.

"Oh! It is rather cold, I guess. I mean to be honest; I can't actually feel anyth-whoa!" Remus felt Regulus's hands against his chest before falling back against the willow tree. Regulus grabbed onto the lapels of his cloak.

"Stop! Okay?" Regulus shouted again to be heard, "Why do you always have to try so hard?" Regulus asked, his voice going soft. He placed a hand against the side of Remus's face and slid it up to card his fingers through the wind-whipped tawny hair. He leaned in and kissed the corner of his lips as Remus's arms came up and around his waist. Regulus shook his head.

"Just give me a second, alright." He said and pulled away enough to unbutton his heavy coat and hold it wide open.

"Even werewolves get cold, Remus. It's only natural." Regulus told him and stepped back into his arms.

Remus wanted to protest at being coddled and that what was natural for humans was not necessarily the same for him, but when he found himself cocooned in a mix of the fur lining Regulus's coat, the warmth radiating from his body and something that was oddly canine when Regulus brushed his nose against his with a rare smile; it felt something like affection.

And it was warm, warm enough that maybe he would forsake the idea of sleeping in front of a fireplace for the next five years and never again agree to accompany Regulus.


Then Regulus kissed him; not a peck, but one with tongue…and for a while.

Alright, definitely.
