Crimson wolves, ninja and, Hogwarts?!
Authors Note - I was really bored during classes today so during my fourth hour I started writing this and finished this chapter about an hour or so after I got home so if it's not as good as it could be… oh well.
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto
Kaze Hatake and Hogwarts
"You're late!" rang all around konoha and Kaze Hatake sighed and turned to the hokage. "My dad never changes does he?" she said softly. "No he does not." The hokage, Lady Tsunade, said "he's at training ground seven with his team if you want to go and join their training."
Kaze left the tower and took a minute to look around, breathing in the air and just taking in the feel of finally being home. Kaze was the daughter of Kakashi Hatake and had long black hair that faded into silver at the tips. She wore black combat boots, black pants that were easy to move in but hugged her legs, and a black face mask just like her dads, a blood red tank-top and black arm guards.
Kaze got to the training grounds just in time to see her dad picking himself up of the ground after getting beaten up by his students for being late. She heard him muttering things like "mean genin… "And "Kaze wouldn't have…" then the pink haired girl, Sakura if she remembered correctly, asked "Who's Kaze?" Kakashi paused and was about to answer when Kaze stepped into the clearing. They looked at her in confusion and Kakashi in shock before Kaze said, "I am. And dad you know I would have done the same thing." "DAD!"Sakura yelled at the same time Kakashi cried "When did you get back!? And why are you covered in blood?!" before he rushed over to her and picked her up off the ground by her foot and started checking her for wounds while he held a foot above the ground. Kaze sighed and said "Dad calm down, the bloods not mine. You know I never really get hurt. I just ran into some trouble on the way back. And baa-Chan already checked me over for wounds because she said and I quote that she didn't want 'a certain late and lazy jounin 'to have her head if I was hurt. And I have a question, When did SHE become Hokage?!"
Kakashi grinned and let go of Kaze hoping she would hit the ground. But Kaze simply flipped over using her hands and when she back on her feet she flipped him off. Then put on a serious face and said, "Anyway… lady Tsunade wants to see you guys. There is a new mission for you. I'll be going too but I've already been briefed, so I'm going to go home and get cleaned up then meet you guys back at the hokage tower at 5:00. Ok? "They all nodded and took off. Kaze grinned 'they were in for shock when they found out about the mission.'
After her shower she went back to the hokage tower and walked in just in time to hear Naruto's voice yell "A SCHOOL FOR WITCHES AND WIZARDS!" Kaze grinned and walked in to the room and said "so ready to go to Hogwarts?" "What?! But we still have to pack!" Sakura shrieked. " actually you don't you already have all your weapons in those sealing scrolls and when we get there you'll be getting new clothes so you fit in more at the school. "Kaze said with a smirk on her face. She then turned to the hokage and nodded to let her know they were ready to go. Lady Tsunade smiled and said "Hogwarts, Hogwarts, hoggy, warty, Hogwarts."
They landed a little distance away from a HUGE castle and a greasy black haired teacher (ha-ha snape arrives) and told them to follow him. He took them into a room and told them to wait until they heard Dumbledore call them in. he then took Kakashi in through the doors. And introduced him to the school. While he was gone the ninja debated whether or not to do a flashy entrance. In the end, they decided to wow the school with their 'wandless' magic.
Scene change
In the great hall with the harry potter crew…
Harry, Hermione and, Ron starred at the man Snape was leading up to the teachers table. He was quite odd looking with gravity defying silver hair, a blue head band that had a weird symbol engraved into it slanted to cover his left eye, and a black face mask. When they got to the teachers table professor Dumbledore stood up and walked over to stand by the silver haired man. Snape went and sat back down in chair just before professor Dumbledore announced," this is your new teacher for a new class that you are required to take. It is a self-defense class, and professor Hatake is your teacher but as he is from japan he will probably be more comfortable with Hatake –sensei." Kakashi cleared his throat and said, "Kakashi-sensei actually, our students address us by our first names then add sensei on the end." "Alright then Kakashi-sensei. "Professor Dumbledore said, "I believe that your students from japan are getting quite restless so let's invite then in shall we." The doors to the great then flew open with a BAM!And a ton of wolves ran into the hall. There were all types of wolves red, timber, gray, black, artic the list goes on and on. Then a girl with black hair with silver tips and weird clothes (see description of Kaze at the beginning of chapter) and a black face mask just like the new teachers, walked in just behind them. Walking proudly beside her were two wolves one on each side, one was a midnight black and the other blood red. she walked straight up the new teacher bowed and with a mischievous glint in her eye she said" hey, evening old man." The new teacher, Kakashi, sighed before her smacked her upside the head yelling "Gaki! I was with you just a few minutes ago! And I'm not old!" Kaze shrugged and said, "Yeah well…." Before she turned toward the students and called out in a loud voice, "YO! I'm Kaze Hatake your new teacher's daughter." And then in a quieter voice that carried nonetheless she said, "Oh and by the way dad I was just told that Raijin will be joining us in a week." Kakashi groaned, "Another ramen obsessed student… joy…" Kaze laughed before making weird symbols with her hands and yelling "Shadow lightning dragon jutsu!" She then placed her right hand to her mouth with her index and middle finger in a V shape and took a deep breath before exhaling sharply and out of her mouth came a dragon that looked like it was made out of pure shadow and lighting. The dragon flew to the doors and out them just before three other people walked in. the newcomers walked halfway up the walk way before stopping and let the students have look at them. They were a shock to look at they all looked like they'd walked right out of a magazine. Hermione turned to Harry and Ron before saying" that girl with the pink hair. Her hair must be dyed there is no way that's natural." The three teens were quite beautiful. A girl with emerald green eyes and bubblegum pink hair with pretty pale peach skin. A boy with light tan skin deep ocean blue eyes a bright smile and bright golden blonde hair. And the last one pale skin dark obsidian eyes, and raven black hair that stuck up in the back like a ducks butt. (Sorry Sasuke couldn't resist… :) Kaze appeared next to the pink haired girl in a burst of black flame and pointed at her while saying "this is Sakura Haruno." She walked over and stood by the blonde and said "this is Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze." She then walked over to the last boy the black- haired boy and said' "this is Sasuke Uchiha." After she had finished the introductions professor Dumbledore once again spoke saying "they are part of a new house the house of Konoha. But will eat with the Gryffindor's, and attend classes with…" he was cut off by the blonde, Naruto, yelling "Classes! Kakashi-Sensei you never said anything about classes! We all already graduated!" " Maa, Naruto I thought that would have been obvious… after all this is a school…" Kakashi replied with the air of one speaking to a dummy. The pink-haired girl, sakura, punched Naruto in the face and yelled "BAKA! As he flew back ten feet. "Well without further adoo. Let the feast begin!" Dumbledore called out. The young ninja made their way over to the Gryffindor table and sat down just as the food appeared. The whole hall quieted down and turned to look at the Gryffindor table a few minutes later after hearing a yell of "RAMEN!" and a few seconds later "SHUT UP DOBE! " Followed the shout. Once the feast had ended and Harry, Ron and, Hermione were back in their common room Harry spoke and said "they seem ok. Sasuke seems a bit emo and Sakura's a hothead and Naruto maybe a bit to cheerful but in all they seem ok" "yeah" Ron agreed "but what about Kaze?" "She seemed normal maybe a bit of a prankster like Fred and George but she seemed more normal than the rest of them." Harry replied. "That's true… well goodnight!" Hermione called as she made her way to the girl's dormitories. After hearing the replies of "goodnight" all around them, they went to bed ready to face the next day and wondering what it would bring.
The next day during the Gryffindor's self-defense class just after they had all sat down Kakashi-sensei walked in and then they heard the the start of the yell "you're La…" before they heard a gasp the all turned to look at the ninja who were staring at the teacher with their jaws dropped and awestruck looks on their faces. They stayed this way until Kaze seemed to regain her voice and said "well somebody stab through the heart with a kunai, YOURE ON TIME!" " Yeah kaka-sensei what happened to the Kakashi Hatake who's known for being three hours late to everything?" sakura asked in an awed voice. "I didn't want to be fired you see here unlike back home in konoha I can be fired. So…." The three young ninja starred for a moment longer until Kaze grinned and made symbols with her hands again before she bit her thumb hard enough to make blood flow and slammed her hands down onto her desk and called out "Wolf summoning jutsu! There was a poof of smoke and when it cleared standing on her desk was the same blood red wolf that had stayed by her side during the welcome back feast. Kaze looked at the wolf and said" Crimson I need you to go and tell Baa-Chan that dad was on time to teach his class today and bring me back her reply." In another poof of smoke the wolf had disappeared. "Well class time to start. And Kaze just for sending Crimson to tell Hokage-Sama that I was on time so that she'll keep trying to get me to be on time back home, you're going to help me give the class a demonstration. Come on up here in the front, we're going to spar." Kaze sighed before going up to the front of the classroom and after setting up the rules, nothing too destructive like the chidori, the two engaged in a fierce battle that had the Hogwarts students awed and dumbstruck. Even the ninja were amazed. After ten minutes or so of the spar professor McGonagall walked in and saw what was going on after watching for two minutes she walked up to them and grabbed both Kakashi and Kaze by their ears and dragged them out of the classroom.
Oh no what is professor McGonagall going to do to them?! And in the next chapter it is explained how Kakashi has a daughter and Vsasseranbuninjafromkonoha this is also the chapter that Raijin comes in.
Flames will most likely be used to warm me up since it's snowing where I live so… anyway REVIEW!