
This was really, really fun to write. I noticed the lack of complete SPNxDP crossovers and decided why not? So I wrote this. A bit of angst and some blood I suppose. Anyway, I hope you enjoy yourselves reading this as much as I did writing it.

The iron cuffs were hot against my wrists. It felt like a bad sunburn. The kind where your skin starts to peel away and it feels like winter if there's even a breeze. Not to mention the chaffing. My wrists were bleeding because of these stupid it was all because of these two freakishly tall, very attractive brothers, and a short, handsome, asian guy.

I don't even know where I am. All I know is that it's dark, I'm probably underground, and at the rate the cuffs are going, I'm gonna have some likely permanent scars.

When I say dark, though, I mean DARK. Like, I couldn't even see anything with my improved night vision. It's the first time in a long time that I haven't been able to see anything. I'm pretty sure I didn't like it.

The place smelled like blood, probably mine, spray paint and old paper. It was an interesting combination of smells, to say the least. I think I heard a mouse running around behind me at some point. Yeah, I have no idea where i could've been.

A loud clanking echoed from behind a wall and light poured in. Heavy footsteps thunked towards me and stopped. The air was filled with electrical buzzing and the bright, fluorescent light above me flickered on.

I shut my eyes against the light and groaned. My body was still sore from when they were trying to catch me and the sudden light didn't help much.

"Heya, Spooky." The shorter brother said with a growing smirk. I think his name was Dean, and the taller one was Sam. The shortest one was Kevin, I'm pretty sure. He was standing back in the other half of the room.

"What?" my voice was cold and tight with repressed pain and anger. Dean's lips quirked upwards with a huff, then his face got serious. "What are you again? We've got all of our books here and we can't find anything like you. You weren't lying were you?" I rolled my eyes and responded snarkily. "No, but I can if you want me to."

Dean frowned and looked back at Sam who started to recite some gibberish lines.

Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas…

Sam stared at me when nothing happened. He repeated the line again and looked at me, confusion clear on his face. I cocked an eyebrow at him. "What? Was that supposed to do something?" Sam glanced away before he stood back behind his brother.

"Look, guys, I told you what I was. There wouldn't be anything in any of your books because I'm kind of a new thing. Ghost-human hybrid. There's only two of us, and the other one became a halfa around 20 years ago."


"Yeah, it's what the ghosts call us. Half-a-human, half-a-ghost? Halfa. It's a slur, I guess."

"You guess?"

"Well, it's not exactly a compliment. It points out our 'only half' status. Which, personally, I find a little offensive. I don't like to think about the fact that I'm half dead whenever someone refers to my kind."

Dean nodded in understanding. Sam spoke up from behind him. "So, you say you're half dead. Does that mean you think of yourself as alive?" I paused. I hadn't really thought about that before. "Well, yeah, I suppose so. I mean I never really got to experience death or whatever, I don't think I ever really died. So, yes."

Dean turned to his brother and shrugged. "Kevin, what do you think?" The shorter guy jumped and shook his head.

Kevin walked up to me circling the chair I was sitting in. I would feel threatened, if Kevin didn't look like a teddy bear and if it didn't seem like he was only analysing me. His face grew more grim with each step, his shoes tapping on the cement floor with every other heartbeat.

"How old are you?"


"On what?"

"Do you mean total or how long I've been half ghost?"


"I'm 15."

"How many years have you been a ghost?"

"Just 1."

Kevin frowned deeply, grabbed Sam and Dean, and pulled them out of the room. He left the light on and closed the doors to the hallway. I only heard vague mumbles, but after a few minutes, they came back in.

Kevin was at the front of the group and walked with purpose, Sam and Dean walked slowly behind him, each loosely holding guns.

That's how they caught me.


My parents had rejected me. I couldn't stay in Amity Park, they'd find me in a second. So Sam and Tucker's houses were out. Jazz was in college halfway across the country, living in a dorm with another girl. She wouldn't be able to take care of her little brother there. She needed a good education, and she couldn't have that if she was worried about me the whole time. Vlad's house was definitely not happening. There wasn't anyone else I could stay with, unless you count Aunt Alicia in Spittoon, but she'd tell Maddie the second I got there, same with any other relatives.

So, the the best alternative option would be settling into a new town, somewhere else. Maybe going into the foster system with an alias. But I've heard what happens to some foster kids. I don't really want that to happen to me. I could go to a home or something, but then I'd probably still end up in a foster home somehow. I'd only go into the system if it was absolutely necessary.

I was walking around a small town somewhere in Kansas. The nighttime air was cool against my cheeks and my backpack strained against my shoulders, full of food, clothes, blankets, and other supplies. I could almost see my warm breath puff out in front of me.


I could see my breath, but it wasn't warm.

I quickly dashed behind a bush, checked to see if anyone was watching, and transformed into my ghost half. I jumped up and soared over the houses and stores, searching for a disturbance.


Unnatural, orange light flashed from the windows of an old, rundown looking house. I phased inside just in time to see a rotting person slowly burn away. Two tall men stood over a hole in the floor. The wooden floor had been broken through, and a skeletal form was exposed. A fire raged in the pit.

"Well, Sam. Wasn't that fun? What was it you said? 'Let's go investigate the old Roddy house, it'll be an easy hunt!' well, I've got a broken nose that says otherwise." The shorter one said angrily. The taller one, presumably Sam, snapped back. "You're the one who got in the way of the pole I was swinging, Dean. I'm sorry I hit you in the face with an iron bar, but you didn't have to get in the way." Dean pouted and turned around. "Whatever, let's just get out of here."

Unfortunately, he was facing me now, and I barely had enough time to go invisible. Dean stopped in his tracks. "Sam, did you see that?"

"See what?"
"A kid."

"What? No." Sam's eyebrows furrowed and he looked unkowingly at me. I gulped and started to slowly back out of the house, keeping my eyes on the two. Dean slowly raised a shotgun and aimed it at where I was backing away. My eyes widened and I went intangible as he fired.

My stomach burned. I screamed.

I fell backwards, losing my intangibility and invisibility and hitting the ground. My stomach was bleeding, hit with, what is that? Buckshot? No, there was too many. My middle was dotted with green and red dots.

"What are you?" someone asked. I couldn't understand them. My gut was on fire. I gasped in pain and my stomach sizzled, steam and smoke curling up, reeking of burnt ectoplasm.

"Is he okay?" Voiced blurred into background noise and my breathing and heartbeat pounded in my ears.

"I don't know…"

I felt myself being lifted and carried back out into the crisp night air. A brilliant white ring formed at my waist and split, travelling up and down my body, transforming me back to my human form. Well, there goes my secret. I'll probably have to leave town again when I'm better, so no one calls the GiW, or worse, my parents. With my completed transformation, I heard gasps and someone ask "Kid, what are you?" to which I weakly responded "Half ghost."

Darkness consumed me.

When I woke up I was here. Bound in heavy iron cuffs, and tied to a chair in a dark room.


Kevin smiled warmly at me. He held up a heavy looking key and started explaining. "We're gonna let you go." My head snapped up to look at him. His face grew uncertain, and his eyes shifted to his left and he continued. "If you tell us everything right now. Depending on what we hear, you won't have to stay with us."

"So, if I tell you the truth about what happened to me and why I was in that house, you'll let me go?"

"Yeah, basically."

"Sounds good to me." I said, smiling. I was gonna get out of these cuffs and out of this hole in the ground. Kevin's warm smile faltered and he looked back at Sam and Dean. Sam pulled a card table out of a corner of the- file room? Am I in an office? and Dean grabbed a few folding chairs. They set up in front of me and sat down, Sam with a legal pad and pen.

Dean motioned for me to start talking and I sighed, wondering where to begin.

"So, I was walking around here and I saw my ghost sense go off-"

"No, Kid. From the beginning. Start with your name, where you're from and how you got like this."

I huffed and looked down. I still don't like talking about the accident. Especially not to some strangers who shot me in the stomach and chained me up in a basement office. They would find out if I lied about anything I said though, about my family especially. I don't have any fake records or anything set up for any fake identities, so I'd have to use my real name. They could google the ghost portal easily enough and I wasn't getting out of here without telling them about that.

"Alright. I'm Danny Fenton, I lived in Amity Park, Minnesota until a few weeks ago, with my parents Maddie and Jack Fenton. I went to Casper High School and when I was fourteen, I died in a lab accident in my parent's basement lab."

"Wait- Fenton? As in ghost hunters Fentons?"
"The very same. Anyway, I was in my parent's lab, showing off their new invention when my friend Sam encouraged me to take a look inside. It was a ghost portal, a controlled tear between the dimensions. Only problem, though, it didn't work. My parents were really broken up about it and they weren't eating or sleeping or anything, just trying to figure out what was wrong with the portal. I felt kinda bad for 'em. It was their life's work, and it never even turned on. I was already thinking about what I could do to help out when Sam suggested the idea. Then I got it into my head that if I could figure out what was wrong from the inside, then I could fix it and they could turn it on again.

So, I put on a white hazmat suit with black boots, gloves, belt and neckpiece, and went inside. The floor was covered in wires and I put one hand on the wall so I wouldn't trip on anything. A few steps in, I felt a click under my fingers and the world turned green. It hurt. I mean, it really, really hurt. We calculated it later and there was at least a million watts flowing through that portal. That, combined with the ecto-energy from the portal, basically fried me from the inside out with electrified ectoplasm. I'm not completely sure what happened after, but I woke up and my hair was white, my eyes were green and the suit had sort of inverted its colors. Y'know, black became white, white became black.

We thought it was just a temporary side effect and that it would go away after a while. We thought it did because those rings- the transformation rings did come and turn me back to normal. We were wrong about it being temporary.

I started dropping things and tripping and falling through stuff and going invisible, even floating sometimes. We figured it out eventually.

Anyway, a few months after the accident I got in a fight with another ghost. That's when I decided that I was going to try and stop all of the ghosts that would come through the portal. It's my fault it was open in the first place, so it was my responsibility to send them back to the Ghost Zone. I helped people and saved them. I-" Dean cut me off.

"Did your-uh- ghost form have a name?"

"Yeah, Danny Phantom. The media hates me though. Prejudiced against ghosts and all that. Everyone thinks all ghosts are evil."

"So why are you here? Shouldn't you be in Amity?"

My face fell. I looked down at my feet and my breath caught in my throat. The edges of my eyesight blurred with the tears I was holding back.

"No. M-my parents found out about me."

"What does that mean?" Sam asked. My response was sarcastic and my voice was thick with emotion.

"They found out about me being a ghost. Ghost hunters- no, ghost nazis finding out that their son has been the ghost they were hunting? Yeah, that would end very well." My heart clenched with how robotic I sounded. Completely emotionless. The three men's faces twisted into pity and sympathy.

They stood up and left the room. I called after them but they ignored me.

That's when I finally broke down. All of the emotions I'd been repressing since Maddie and Jack decided I wasn't their son anymore bubbled up and overwhelmed me. My body shook with silent sobs and the blood that had dripped from my wrists was mixed with my salty tears.

It was nearly ten minutes later when Sam, Dean and Kevin came back into the room. Kevin silently unlocked the cuffs around my wrists and helped me stand up. Sam and Dean stood by the entrance to the room and Sam opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted by Dean.

"We've got an offer for you." I stared at Dean, narrowing my eyes at him. He continued. "You can stay with us if you want, and go to the school in town and come hunting with us sometimes. We have extra rooms here and having a half ghost on our side would be really cool, so-uh, you don't have to, it's just an option, you can leave whenever you want. Just consider it, maybe. We won't tell your parents you're here and you can still have a relatively normal life, I mean it's not gonna be typical suburbia life, but at least you'll have a home and a room and whatever else. So whaddya say, Danny, want to live here? With us?"
I could only stare at him. He was a hunter. He hunted things like me. They all did. I looked from Dean to Sam to Kevin and back. Their faces were honest and sympathetic. They actually wanted me here. They knew that I was half ghost and they still wanted me in their house. They invited me into their house.

I had never felt more accepted than I did right then. These people, these complete strangers, wanted me. My face was a mixture of shock and confusion. Who would want a freak like me in their house, living with them? Well, apparently, three hunters would.

My lips slowly turned upwards into a eyes lit up with a light they hadn't held in weeks.

I was finally home.