Heehhehe Im not going to tell you why Im laughing. Oh about the hiatus thing? The snow today canceled are flight- for two weeks.

-.- How dose that even make sense? two weeks?

"what do you want fruitloop" Danny said defensivly, Sam ran over to help Jazz to her feet.

"Well, Yes, Its not really what I want, I had no intention of speaking to you, that is, until Mrs. Manson ruiend it, But its mearly what I need. You see, by exposing you, I have seemed" He paused in embaressment. "To have expossued myself."

"Yea, It figures, you shoulve known by blowing my secret you blow your own fruitloop." Danny said harshly.

Vlad frwoned. "But the good news if you would team-


"But If-


"DANIEL! Let me finish my -


Vlad held one hand to his head, sighing, he attempted to continue,

"We could-


"Teamupandfindawaytofixit!" Vlad blurted

"Dang it, I didnt want you to finish your sentence." Danny said

"So is that a yes or-


"WILL. YOU. STOP. THAT." Vlad yelled.

A smile flew up Danny mouth as giggles filled the room.

While Vlad was distracted, Danny had a sudden burst of anger and did what nobody expected. Danny flew at a forcefull speed and held Vlads neck and pressed him against the wall.

"Your job right now is to give me an answer using one word. One. Word."

"Or else what?" Vlad spat. Vlad's eyes flew open and a gasp filled the air as electricity filled his veins.

"That." Danny said, gripping his neck tighter. "A new power, I haven't told anyone about it yet, but I figured it would be the perfect time, for a test run."

Vlad managed to nod, still recovering from the pain in his body.

"Did you, or did you not, tell my parents."

Vlad gave a silent "no" and Danny dropped him.

"Ah Daniel, you are turning into him, you no that, I should just start calling you dan from now on.

"I not like him." Danny said, resisting the urge to lash out.

"Ok, Dan."

Danny's head shot up out of bed as he started to hyperventilate.

His head was full of thoughts, That was a dream? It couldn't be! It was to real!

He looked around turned the lamp on, he was in his room and the clock read 3:00 am.

I wonder If i do have electric powers...

"But... How?" Danny said. It didn't make sense! He was just in a plane talking to Vlad. If it was a dream, then he never got to find out why he exposed him.

Dang it.

But there were more serious problems at hand.

Danny flew out his window, and over to Sam's.

"Sam." He said knocking on the window.

"Sam." He said tapping louder. The door flew open.

"What..." She said yawning.

"Were we flying to Florida yesterday?" He said in a worried tone. "And did Vlad expose me?"

"Danny, That was probably a dream." She said starting to close the window.

"But it couldn't be it was to real!"

"Sorry Danny, Now go to bed." And she shut the window.

It was to real...

Suddenly a memory burst into his head.

"I see time like a parade from above, all the twist and turns it may... or may not, take"

Sorry, Its not that I don't want to write this anymore. Actully, this is how I planned the story to got, like from the begging. Im not kidding. You get to decide what that memory meant. :b I know the real reason, but If you guess it I will PM if you are correct! But Im not kidding, this how I planned the entire story to go, from begging to the end