:P and one of the sentences is from another story, u will probubly tell. I dont mean to copy it, I jsut couldent get that out of my head. oh and Vlads the Mayor

PS. Im not a man, I dont have black hair, I dont have a job, i DONT shave my face, And im in Middle school. Therefor, I am not Butch Hartman

Danny sped down the hallways of Casper High, sweat dripping from his forehead.


Dash Baxter hollard, chatching up to him.

Danny looked over his shoulder, but by doing so, tripped and fell on his face.

nice going, now you get to feel the wrath of Dash's "D-" Danny thought

Dash stopped and loomed over a worried Danny.

"HA- I thought you were a wimp, but this is just to easy!" Dash yelled reaching for his shirt collar.

Danny blew a bang of his raven black hair out of his face, but then yelped at the sudden jolt as his body was hoisted into the air.

"Anyway, I got a D- minus on my test! And I blame you!" Dash said forming a tight fist.

"Seriously!? what did I have to do with your test scores!?" Danny protested.

"I never get to study because I'm always wailing on YOU!" He screamed, now raising his fist.

"And how is that my fault!?" Danny said, once again protesting.

"Shut Up Fen-turd!" Dash said throwing a hard punch.

Danny was hurrled across the hall, crashing down onto the seniors lockers.

Oh great. It was Jazz'es locker. How could he tell? Hundreds of Ghost Envy Thesis pages came LITTRELY exploding from the crammed cubical. (A/N dose any body think that sounds like the box ghost? :p)

Dash came strolling over to Danny, obviously wanting seconds. But before he could reach for him, the announements came on.

"whould the student body please report to the aduitorium? Said Principle Ishmays voice. We have an emergency meeting on Danny Phantom from our citys mayor."

greeeeaaaaatttt Danny thought, leaning his head against the lockers.

"Your off the hook Fentina... For now." He said letting out a cackle.

The seconds Dash left the room, the Hallways blew up with kids of all ages. Dannys eyes widend as he quickly became intangible and Ducked under the lockers, fazing out of the school, onto the parking lot.

He let himself breath again when he realized he was safe form the rampage of feet, And BO. Danny Fazed into the auditorium. (yes you idiots, hes invisable.)

He sat next to an unexpecting Sam and Tucker and wrapped his invisable arms around them, becoming Visable.

"Hello Freinds!" He said laughing to himself.

"GAH!" Tucker hollard shaking his arm off. Sam on the other hand, new this was coming and wasent effected, but... she didnt shake off his hands.

"So, whats this all about?" Sam asked.

Danny groand.

"A message. on me. from winscons one and only fruitloop."

"Ah." Sam said, now just as annoyed as Danny.

The microphone turned on.

"Hello Casper High." Vlad said, walking on stage. "As you may have noticed, I, me, myself, has uncoverd some unknown information on Amity Parks hero, Danny. Phantom."

Danny gasped, He wasent going to blow it, was he? Sam stood up hollaring onto the stage.


Principle Ishmaya instintly came over and dragged her to the office. She yelled her finnal words.


Vlad looked sternly back torward the jittiering audience.

"After finding sevrel peices of evidence, We have uncoverd the Danny Phantom, is indded, half ghost.

Danny's face paled as the crowd began to flip out. His eyes flashed a dangerous green as anger suddenly flooded him.

"How very straight forward." Danny mumbled

wow. if i was Danny i would be pissed. Vlad litterly walked in there and blew his secret. well, half of it. OK bad pun. PLEASE REVIEW IF YOU WANT THE NEXT CHAPTER