Roman and Dean insisted that Violet go to the emergency room to get checked out, she couldn't remember much about what happened in the lab and they were concerned by the amount of swelling in her wrist. She was far too tired to argue with them, thankfully, Roman rode with her in the ambulance while Seth, Dean and Leslie drove.
Roman then reluctantly left Violet in the hands of the physicians and went to wait with his friends in the waiting room.
"I can't believe they let that bastard out on bail," Leslie said. "Why didn't your buddy give you the heads up?"
Dean just shrugged, "She got him good though, man, Violet is one tough cookie. I still have no idea what she hit him with."
"She doesn't remember either," Roman added. "The cops were grilling her and she doesn't even remember pulling the fire alarm."
"Good! Its better if she can't remember," Seth said, "You know how Vi is, she'll agonize over every detail."
No one could argue with that, they looked up to see Antonio come running in.
"What happened? Is Violet OK?" He said, slightly out of breath, "I am so sorry, I should have never left her alone! Crap man…"
"Relax," Dean said, "The asshole would have gotten his hands on her eventually."
"Really, she was getting tired of being guarded 24/7." Leslie added, "The jerk has been stalking her for over a year now, even Violet knew it would happen sooner or later."
"And she kicked his little punk ass," Roman added smiling for the first time. "She's terrified that she killed him, after everything he did to her and all she kept saying was that she didn't mean to hurt him."
"Hey! I thought the baby was sick? Go home, we'll call you when we have any news," Leslie said shooing Antonio towards the exit.
"No, no, its OK, Shannon's sister Rachel is with her. She's a pediatric nurse so, they literally do not need me. And Shannon is demanding real time updates on Violet, so I better text her now before she gets mad."
"Wait, back up, why does Violet think she killed Jake?" Seth asked.
"She knocked his sorry ass unconscious!" Dean said, "Sadly though, he was still breathing when we got there, I kicked him a few times until he came to."
"A few?" Roman asked, "You sure about that bro?"
"OK, so I kicked him repeatedly from the time we found him until the time the EMT's got there," Dean shrugged, "Not like I kicked him in the head or anything…."
Violet was discharged less than an hour later, she suffered a sprained wrist and some minor scratches and bruises. Even though all she wanted to do was go home, she allowed her friends to convince her to go back to Antonio and Shannon's house for pizza and beer. They both felt incredibly guilty for being the reason Violet was alone in the lab anyway.
"I'm not so sure I should be drinking beer, tho, guys," Violet said, "They gave me some kind of pain killer at the ER."
Dean looked over her discharge papers, "Yeah, good call, kiddo. Stick with water, they gave you the good stuff."
Rachel snatched the papers from Dean, she was every bit as gorgeous as Shannon and no one missed the fact that Seth couldn't keep his eyes off her. "Oh yeah, you'll sleep well tonight, Violet!"
"I was gonna say that, Ms. Nurse," Dean said rolling his eyes, "I am certified in emergency medicine, you know…"
Rachel patted him on head, "Yes, dear, you've mentioned that a few times."
Dean looked open mouthed at Leslie, clearly asking for backup, "Sorry, Ambrose, you are on your own with this one."
Roman chuckled, "Yeah, you totally set yourself up."
After they finished eating, Seth and Rachel cleaned up while Shannon and Antonio attempted to get Tony settled for the night.
"Is it safe to go back to my house tonight?" Violet asked.
"Of course, kiddo, want us to give you a ride? Oww! What was that for?" Dean asked rubbing the back of his head and glaring at his best friend.
"I'll drive my girl back to her house, Ambrose. You take care of your woman."
"Jeebus, Roman, stop hitting him in head, he's dumb enough as it is," Leslie said, "Come on sweetheart, let's go say goodnight to our friends."
Roman walked Violet to her door, he figured after being cooped up in his tiny apartment she would be thrilled to be back home. "I'm really proud of you Vi," he said as she unlocked her door and entered the alarm code.
"Do you want to come in? You know, coffee or something…" She said suddenly feeling nervous about being alone even though she knew she was perfectly safe, safer than she'd been in years.
Roman smiled, "Not ready to be alone yet, huh?"
Violet just shrugged her shoulders, "I'm not sure really. I guess its hard to believe that all of this is finally over. I should be doing cartwheels up and down the block, right?"
He kissed her lips and whispered in her ear, "The only thing you should be doing is getting that cute little ass of yours into bed."
She yelped when he pinched her butt and took off running upstairs to her bedroom. Roman chuckled and gave her a ten second head start before he went after her.
One year later, Violet and Roman returned from their honeymoon in Hawaii eager to meet up for dinner with their friends.
Violet admired the small turtle tattoo on the inside of her wrist, it matched the one on Roman's wrist. It was always her favorite detail of his full sleeve and chest tribal tattoo and she was thrilled by how touched he was that she wanted to duplicate it on herself. "You think the gang will like it?" she asked.
Roman grinned, "Well, if they don't, we'll just kick their asses."
"What do you think Seth's big news is?" She asked curiously as they parked in front of Dean and Leslie's house.
"Well, let's go find out, Mrs. Reigns," he said placing a soft kiss on her lips.
Roman pounded on the front door until Dean opened it and let them in the house, "Easy there, big man, I don't want to have to patch up a hole my door. Tame your beast, half pint!" He said ruffling her hair.
They made their way into the living room where Leslie was putting out what she called light snacks, which was what everyone else called a five course dinner. Rachel was sitting on Seth's lap in the armchair, while Shannon and Antonio were keeping an eye on Tony Jr who was standing up holding the side of the couch with both hands deep in thought.
Both Violet and Roman greeted their friends and little Tony, who squealed with delight and clapped his hands, then wobbled, lost his balance and landed diaper first on the carpeted floor and scrunched up his face about to cry.
"Hope you didn't have any surprises in that diaper little man," Dean said laughing, "Aww, hey now, don't cry, you know it makes my woman nervous when you cry. Come on, gimme a fist bump," he extended his fist to Tony who slapped it with his open palm.
"Bro, you gotta teach your kid to fist bump," Dean said looking at Antonio.
After everyone was finally settled with dishes full of food, Violet couldn't wait any longer, she eyed her best friend and his girlfriend and said, "OK, Rollins, spit it out."
Rachel giggled and Seth grinned. "Rachel and I are getting married!"
The room erupted with congratulations and hugs, with the girls fawning over the stunning engagement ring Seth picked out.
And of course, they all lived happily ever after… The End
So much thanks to all of you for reading and reviewing and for being totally awesome. I just felt like this group deserved an ooey gooey sweet fairy tale ending. I do admit I am a little sad about letting this group go, so maybe there will be some miniupdates in the future, because we all need friends like these guys!