Return Of The Spider-Psycho

Here we go! The next chapter! This is my favorite so far.


No... It couldn't be... H-He's dead... I saw him fly off into space, maybe it's just an alien that looks like that Spider-psycho. Yeah, that could be it. There's no way that Scroop could possibly survive being flung into outer space. Could he...?

Jim could see the giant spider's lips moving, but the voices were too soft to hear. Straining his ears, he was able to pick up a few words.

"Cabin boy... You... Kill..."

"Aye, aye, Captain." The aliens replied, saluting to their leader.

Jim gasped out loud, quickly covering his mouth and backing away from the door. His heart pounded against his eardrums. His heart was speeding up, feeling as if he couldn't breathe. Those three words were enough to make him realize that the spider in there was actually Scroop. So many questions fllled his mind, but sadly, he was left without an answer. Jim stood there, frozen with fear. He had no idea what to do. Then, an idea struck him. "The captain..."

Jim turned around and ran, but he only took two steps before slamming into something hard, falling backwards onto the floor. His gaze flew up to a big, fat green alien with one eye. Before Jim could process the situation, he was unexpectedly pulled to his feet and dragged along. "Look what I found." The big alien threw Jim into the room, falling flat on his face, all eyes upon him. "A nosy rat." The fat green alien laughed loudly, making the room shake like an Earthquake.

Jim's eyes scanned the area. None of these aliens looked familiar Except the giant bird, he was the one that attacked Jim a few days ago. They definitely weren't Silver's old pirate crew, those guys were all hung for their crimes. Well... Except the ones that died during the voyage to Treasure Planet. Some fell through the hatch in Hangar Bay thanks to the Doctor and his gun. While the rest fell into the lava on Treasure Planet because they got too greedy. There were only a handful of pirates that actually survived that voyage, only to be hung once they arrived on Montressor spaceport. All those pirates that did that mutiny were dead now. All except for Silver and... The Spider-Psycho who wanted Jim dead.

The thought made the teen shudder with fear. Breaking out of his reverie, his gaze fell upon the very person who invaded his thoughts. Scroop...

"Why, if it isssn't the cabin boy. Long time no ssssssee," Scroop hissed, taking a few steps towards the boy. Jim got to his feet, never breaking eye contact with the spider. So many questions floated around his mind. He was desperate to ask Scroop, but what if he asked the wrong question? Would this spider actually kill him? He couldn't do that. His Mother knew that he was here.

Swallowing hard, Jim found his voice and spoke, "Scroop... What are you doing in a police station? You never were that bright, but this is just crazy, even for you." The teen knew that he should had kept the remarks to himself because you do not mess with Scroop unless you had a death wish.

Jim waited for the Spider-Psycho to grab him by the collar and slam him into the wall or throw him around until blood came out. Either way would cause the boy pain. Jim squeezed his eyes shut, waiting for the torment to start. His eyelids flew open as laughter filled the room. It was Scroop. Jim insulted him, but he seemed to be taking it rather well. Maybe the spider grew a sense of humor when he was flying around in space. The laughter died down and he once again directed his gaze upon the boy who returned the gaze with wide eyes.

"I'm ssssurprissssed you haven't figured it out yet." Sroop smirked, turning his back on Jim and retreating to the back of the room.

"figured what out?" Jim suspiciously narrowed his eyes at Scroop, ready to make a break for the door.

Scroop picked something up off the table, turning his body around to face the boy. Holding up the item between his sharp claws, Jim could clearly see that it was... A mask? Jim resisted the urge to burst out laughing, waiting for Scroop to explain. "You ssssstill don't get it, do you?" Scroop's smirk widened.

"Get what!?" Frustration was obvious in Jim's voice. Was Scroop just messing with him?

Scroop pressed a button, covering his face with the mask. To Jim's surprise, the Spider's body began to glow bright green, taking on a different shape. His crab-like-claws formed five fingers, his skinny legs grew skin and feet with five toes, his usual hunchback back straightened and a police uniform appeared over his body, his large yellow eyes turned smaller and white. To top it all off, he grew yellow hair with a police hat resting on top. When the glow around him faded, Jim couldn't help but stare wide-eyed at the former Spider. He knew that there was something weird about Chris. But not this weird.

"Hey there, Sport," Scroop A.K.A Chris said in that cheerful voice.

"You were Chris this whole time, but... But how!?" Jim could feel his adrenaline pumping, starting to feel very lightheaded all of a sudden. He felt as if he was on a ride at the festival, watching as the room spun around while he stood in one spot

Chris smirked. "Easy... This nice guy saved me from flyng around in space. He created this mask that is able to transform anybody that wears it into any person they think of, whether that person exists or not. He said that he was going to use it himself, but thought that I would be better fitted for the place," Chris explained, flashing Jim a toothy smile.

"Wait... So me hanging out with you today was part of your plan? You never really wanted to get to know me! You just wanted to get me alone!" Jim shouted, feeling his blood boiling with anger. He never trusted Chris from the moment he saw him. There was just something not right about this blond-haired-man and now he knew why. But just because Jim wasn't fooled by Scroop's phony act, doesn't mean his mother wasn't. She seemed to really trust Chris. But now... But now! "Once I tell the Captain about your phony act, you'll be hung just like the rest of your crew mates!" Jim glared at Scroop, his eyes full of anger and hatred.

Chris just smirked, shrugging as if what Jim just said wasn't anything to fret about. "I wouldn't worry too much about the Captain. Besides, there's nothing that you can do to stop me. Without Silver or the Captain, you're nothing but a kid." Chris turned his back to Jim as if he was nothing more than a fly. That only added fuel to Jim's anger.

"Listen here you, Spider-Psycho-" Jim took several steps forward only to have the fat green alien block his path.

"I think that it's time you headed home, Cabin Boy. I'm giving you the rest of the day off," Chris said, his back still facing Jim.

As reluctant as Jim was to leave right in the middle of a fight, he didn't really have a choice on the matter. Scroop had a huge advantage. He had a huge gang of aliens as back up. Even with a weapon, he couldn't defeat them by himself. He had to accept the fact that he lost this battle. But that doesn't mean he's going to be giving up that easily. Bowing his head in defeat, Jim turned around and exit the room, shutting the door behind him. Scroop grinned with success, watching the teen leave without another word.

Jim lingered in the hallway right outside the door. His mind racing through the event and ideas of how to stop them. He could go grab a police officer and drag him to the room the pirates were hiding in. But Scroop would probably expect that. He would surely be ready no matter what Jim threw at him. As long as he had that mask, nobody would believe a former delinquent over a fake police officer. Scroop did have the upper hand. The only person that would believe Jim was the Captain, Doc and his Mother. Silver, was of course, another person. But the old cyborg wasn't here so he had to cross him out.

"Let's go, Morph. We need to warn the Captain about our unexpected guest..."

There was only one person that guessed Chris's true identity. To be honest, I didn't plan that. It just kind of came to me while I was working on the story so I thought it would be a good twist. I hope at least some of you were surprised. Let me know in the reviews!