Agents Washington and Carolina stood together, looking out over the rough terrain where the Reds and Blues now lived.

"I guess this is goodbye, Wash." Carolina said. "I'm taking Epsilona and we're going to go see if there are any Freelancers left aside from you and me."

"Um, Carolina. I never got to say this...but, thanks. For everything you taught me." Wash said absently.

"Sure. Hey, Wash, do you remember training? All of it?"

"Some parts are fragmented, but I remember all the others." Wash told her. "I don't know exactly why, but I always remember all the other Freelancers, from Alabama all the way down through Wyoming."

"Yeah. Me too."

so, in case you were confused, this scene takes place at the end of Season 10. It's a prequel to the main story, which is actually about the Freelancers' training. I may write a side fic about Carolina going out on her mission to find all the remaining Freelancers, because she was told the Met a didn't actually have all 22 AI fragments, just Eta, Iota, Delta, Theta, Gamma, Sigma, and...whoever else he had. So! Story premise explained: check.

Thanks for reviewing, and remember, reviews fuel the muse so by all means drown her.