A/N: I know, this chapter is long overdue :/ But I must say…the writer's block is NO MYTH! It has been difficult, but I was able to produce something and I would like to thank the wonderful Maybelady for ensuring that I did not give up on this story. Also I would like to say a huge thank you to those who reviewed, favourited, followed, and even inboxed me. It gave me the motivational boost I needed. Love you all and I promise you, one day this story will finally come to an end…one day.
Sophie pushed herself away from him, her eyes welling up with tears as she fell from the bed and onto the floor.
"I'm sorry," she whispered, her trembling hand against her cheek.
She couldn't believe it.
"I'm sorry for the way I acted Shanks."
Her lips quivered. What was she about to just say then?
"It's really nothing."
She knew how he felt about Yuki and she had seen the way he sometimes looked at her.
"It's really…"
Knowing all that, she had chosen to act in this manner because it was convenient for her.
"I'm sorry."
She looked away from him, realizing that she was indeed the worst.
Shanks watched her silently, an apologetic smile on his face. He walked towards her, kneeling by her side. Hesitantly, he wiped the tears from her face as a small smile crossed his lips, "You are tired and you have just had a really horrible day. Everything you said and did…it has nothing to do with your character. You bear no responsibility so there is no need for you to blame or despise yourself."
Shanks could feel his heart racing. He stroked her cheek, his lips slightly parted as his face drew closer to Sophie's. He had rejected her sudden approaches out of surprise rather than displeasure. His lips gently brushed against hers and she did not seem like she disliked it. He bit his lower lip, trying to hold himself back. He could not take advantage of the situation like this, this was completely out of character for him, but he never got closure from Yuki. Ever since that night he spent with Sophie, he had found himself constantly thinking "what if they had actually…" He shook his head. This was not the way forward.
Reluctantly, he placed a kiss on her forehead before standing up, retreating from the temptation that came disguised in the form of the woman he had loved and still loved.
"I am going to spend the night in Benn's room," Shanks smiled as he opened the door, "Sleep well."
He closed the door, slowly slid down the door before he sat down on the cold floor. His hands were hot from the lecherous intent. If he had spent a second longer in that room, he dreaded to think what could have happened. His squeezed his eyes shut as he listened to Sophie's muffled cries through the door. He wanted to embrace her and tell her that everything was going to be fine. He longed to give her the emotional support she so needed, but he knew that he would not be able to control what happened next if he was to walk back into that room.
He sighed. The tests had been done and all they had to wait for now where the results. Once she got better and received the medication she needed, they would then concentrate on helping her return to her world and he was hoping all of this would happen before Mihawk found them.
Shanks' eyebrows furrowed as he spotted the change in the atmosphere. He felt uneasy. The deck had grown awfully quiet. Alarmed, Shanks rose and began to cautiously walk towards it to find Benn standing by the entrance alongside his pirates. They seemed to be conversing as usual, though he could sense fear from some.
"Benn!" Shanks called out as he got closer, "What is going on?"
His first mate took a draw of his cigarette and turned to look at his captain.
"His here."
"Who's here?"
"Oo," Yasopp grinned, "that's a new look he has on his face too."
Rockstar silently nodded as Shanks scanned the room to catch glimpse of this person, but his line of vision was limited due to the gathered pirates. He sighed, wishing everyone wouldn't be so cryptic.
"That's one way to put it," Lucky Roo said as he stood behind Shanks, rubbing sleep from his eyes, "He looks as fearsome as ever."
"Must have woken up on the wrong side of the bed," Yasopp laughed.
"Does he ever wake up on the right side?" Lucky Roo added, which was followed by more laughter. Shanks took a step back, his eyes widened as he realised who they were talking about.
Dracule Mihawk.
And he did not look amused.
"Careful now captain," Benn whispered as he exhaled the smoke into the air, "He might just slaughter us all."
Shanks regained composure and plastered a goofy grin on his face.
There was no way he could know where she was, right? So all he had to do was act like his usual self and feign ignorance.
After all...he was now dealing with Dracule Mihawk.