Disclaimer: I do not own Familiar of Zero or the Fire Emblem Series. This is merely a work of fan fiction - for fun only! All characters belong to their respective owners!

Siesta accepted her fate, she was a mere commoner after all, passed around by nobles like an object. Riding a carriage towards Count Mott's estate, all she could do was wait. She was grateful to headmaster Osmond for arguing on her behalf, and for trying to keep her within the academy. It felt like a second home to her, although ordered around by nobles all the time, she met fellow commoners who befriended her. There were also nobles who treated her more nicely such as Louise and Robin.

Her family was unique among commoners, having black hair, different facial structure and weird customs that were unheard of. Her grandfather had told her that their family originated from a land beyond the barbarian wastes of Rub'al kali, but she had heard from her grandmother that HER great great grandfather came from another world. It sounded like such a fantastic tale, but regardless, she was going to spend the rest of her days as Mott's slave. Maids in there were said to be shells of their former selves after Mott was done with them.

Upon reaching the gate, she looks out and regrets how she didn't say goodbye to her friends. She believed having no goodbyes was better than having a sad one, at least she didn't see their sad faces. She remembers Robin's world, where commoners and nobles were treated like equals. She longed for a world like that, to live with her friends peacefully, but it was just a dream in the end.

"Are we really going to bust Siesta out of Mott's estate?! He's the royal treasurer!"
Louise warns her friend of the consequences of trifling with such a powerful man.
"Maybe we can negotiate with him?"
Louise suggests, hoping Mott would be in a generous mood today.

"We're busting someone outta that place partner? A normal person would call it crazy! I take it you have a plan though? I don't want to end up from some dusty old shop to a smelly and damp dungeon!"
Robin's new talking sword voices his opinion in the matter. He was right, breaking in there might just put them in a dungeon. The sword had also asked Robin to strap him to her back, rather than her waist, he just preferred it that way.
"Don't worry Derf, I don't plan on living out the rest of my life in some fat noble's dungeon."
She reassures her sword as she looks at the manor. Louise and Robin looked at the mansion from a distance behind some hills.

'Damn pig, he acts like a brigand and he dares call himself a noble?! What a joke!'
Robin tells herself as she clenches her fist. She needed a way to get Siesta out peacefully however. If they break her out, Mott will just enlist the soldiers to take Siesta back and get both of us in trouble.
'I don't want to drag Louise in this mess either, she still has a life ahead of her!'
Considering both her friends she weighed out their options.

Option one was the riskiest, busting Siesta out by force and escaping into the night and hiding her in the academy.
Eventually Mott will find out anyway and take Siesta back, plus get her and Louise in trouble. She crosses that option out.

Option two was pleading with Mott's good graces. Maybe he wasn't such a greedy man, or maybe he was in a good mood. Fat chance - She had heard from Louise that Mott was a rather greedy individual.

Robin had to think of a third option fast, before Mott breaks Siesta. As she loses herself in thought, suddenly a familiar face pops out literally out of nowhere and greets her.

"Hey Robin! Hey Zero! Fancy meeting you two here!"
Of all people to randomly meet, it was Kirche and Tabitha, who had her familiar along - a blue rhyme dragon named Sylphid.

"Zerbst?! Why are you here?! Have you been following us again you cow?!"
Louise replies to Kirche's greeting as she glared at her rival furiously.
"You plan on taking Robin away when I'm not looking and force yourself on her, you damn bisexual cow?!"
Louise adds as she remembers what Kirche had nearly done to Robin last night, her powerful familiar helpless against Kirche's sexual onslaught. She still couldn't believe that Kirche swung both ways!

"I wanted to make amends for what I did last night. I wasn't really familiar with Robin yet, and I heard you two were going to town today, so I got Tabitha to help me observe you two. I thought by watching you two, I could have an idea on what kind of present was suitable for Robin."
Kirche takes out a large ornate wooden case and presents it to Robin. The red head opens the box revealing a familiar sight - the bejewelled sword from the shop!

"Wow Kirche, this thing cost a fortune! You really shouldn't have! And I've already forgiven you last night!"
Robin, not wanting to offend Kirche's genuine attempt to earn forgiveness, takes the sword, not telling her the uselessness of such a weapon in actual combat. As she receives the box however, she notices a strange glint in Kirche's eyes.

"That's it! Maybe we can trade this to get Siesta back!"
Robin happily proclaims while looking at the box.

"Siesta? You mean that black haired maid from the academy got picked by Count Mott? How terrible! That man's a disgrace to his position!"
Kirche shares her disgust at Mott. She had also heard of what happens to Mott's maids after a day or two in his mansion, that they all strangely ended up as husks of their former selves. Mott must have done something terrible to them.

Tabitha adds. She was a quiet person, but she listens to the news and rumours around her, and one was Mott and his maids. They acted rather strangely after staying there for a day, the other nobles visiting his place had said.

"And we plan on using this to get her back. I hope you won't get offended Kirche."
Robin thoughtfully tells Kirche what she is about to do to her lavish gift.

"I don't mind really, it's yours Robin. Getting a maid out of that pig's clutches would be a service to the land! And I wouldn't want to see such a gift go to waste because zero blew it up!"
Kirche approves of Robin's plan, throwing in a small insult to Louise as the opportunity arose.

Louise merely turns away in disgust at Kirche's jab at her. With her gift, they had a chance of getting Siesta out peacefully. She was grateful, however she was also a Vallière, so she refused to thank a Von Zerbst.

Tabitha says while looking at Kirche, rather accusingly.

Kirche pondered what Tabitha said and then ended up flustered and embarrassed.
"N...no! I told you it's not like that Tabitha! It's just a peace offering to her!"

"...you damn bisexual cow!"
Louise once again stares angrily at her rival.

"Hey! Friends of yours partner? Why dontcha introduce me?"
Derflinger cuts into the conversation.

"A talking sword? I've never seen or heard of that kind of thing before!"
Kirche voices her surprise at the sentient sword, as she went around Robin analysing it.

Tabitha was also amazed by the sword. She had read hundreds upon thousands of books, but she had never heard of a sentient sword.

"Ah Kirche, Tabitha, this is Derflinger, or Derf for short. Derf, these are Kirche and Tabitha, they come from the same academy as us. We got Derf from the same shop you bought the bejewelled sword from."
Robin telling the two how they obtained Derflinger.

"In any case we need to hurry and get Siesta out of there ASAP!"
Robin tells them, as she briefs them in the plan. She didn't want to drag Kirche and Tabitha into trouble either so she had to modify the plans a bit.

"Wohoho, this guy is loaded! His house is a palace!"
Derflinger comments on Mott's estate as Louise and Robin - who was carrying the ornate wooden box - neared the gate.
Kirche and Tabitha watched hidden in the nearby hills, their job was to

"Derf! You have to stay quiet while were in there! I don't want Mott to covet you too, I'm certainly not giving up a magic talking sword."
Robin tells Derf as she taps his hilt. She grew attached to the sentient sword, and felt that she could call it a friend. Losing him to Mott was definitely not acceptable.
"Alright partner, I'll shut my yap. Just let me know when were in the clear again!"
Derflinger replies before falling silent.

"You don't know the Count, but I'm a Vallière, so he'll show some respect at least. Let me do the talking."
Louise tells Robin. The Vallière's name was famous among Tristania as a staunch supporter of it's royalty, made even more prevalent by the family's current matron and Louise's mother, Karin, who had also served in the army in her youth, where she earned her runic name Heavy Wind. Louise was proud of her mother and she demanded respect when people started talking about her when she's nearby.

Reaching the gate and it's two guards, they both stop In front of the massive gate as Louise speaks.
"I am Louise le Blanç de la Vallière, and I seek an audience with Count Mott. "

The two guards, who were strangely covering their faces with their visors - at night - and were still as statues, seemingly ignores her. Robin took note of them, they looked as if they were statues. They felt rather...inhuman.

"How dare you ignore me you damn guard dogs! If you do not let us in this instant I will have you two sent to the dungeons!"
Louise angrily threatens the two knights, who were just still and silent. Moments later however, they moved, opening the gate and making way for the two women.
"That's much better!"
Louise tells the guards as she and her companion walk into the compound.

Upon entering Mott's manor however, they were surprised and creeped out at the dark atmosphere. It was dimly lit, with red drapes covering the windows, the moon's rays penetrating them slightly, showing an eerie reddish light.

"Welcome! Welcome to my abode! Please take a seat!"
A tall moustachioed man who wore a golden robe appeared coming out of a door at the back. This was Count Mott.
"Why were you seeking me at this hour miss Vallière?"
The Count asks Louise in a rather condescending tone that made it look he was superior to her, and it felt rather annoying to hear. He had also purposely ignored Robin, which ticked her of a little.

Louise ignoring his tone and the creepy atmosphere, sits down as does Robin, and the count does the same.
"A maid named Siesta from the academy was sent here Count Mott, we want to buy her contract from you with this."
Louise signals Robin, prompting her to open the ornate wooden box revealing the expensive bejewelled sword.

Surprisingly, the Count looks at it boringly and averts his gaze.
"I believe you are mistaken miss Vallière, there are no such maids here with that name, and I haven't procured any maids from the academy."
Mott smirks at the two while telling them their alleged mistake.

"But we saw her enter the manor by carriage not long ago! She's here!"
Louise tells the Count what she had seen earlier. They definitely saw her travel by carriage, she was the only black haired maid she ever knew !

The count's mocking expression then turned to that of anger.
"I believe you should be leaving now miss Vallière. Or are you accusing me of lying?..."

"Louise, I think we should rethink our strategy for the moment. Something's not right here..."
Robin shares her unease with Louise as they head out the door, Louise still a bit creeped out by Mott's expression.


Robin and Louise hear a familiar voice from where the Count had come from earlier. This voice was definitely Siesta's, and she was in trouble!

"Th...that's nothing but one of the maids causing trouble! Now go!"
Mott suddenly felt nervous as he also heard the voice.

"That's Siesta! You lied to us Mott!"
Robin could not contain her anger at the so called noble anymore.

"What is the meaning of this Count?!"
Louise shared the same anger at the Count's deception.

Setting the ornate box down, Robin and Louise rush to the door the Count came from. The Count tried to stop them but was shoved aside by Robin. In it the found a rather surprising site.

The place was massive. It looked like a dungeon that was turned into some kind of temple for a cult. The same kind of guards they saw outside were stationed around the place, and numerous hooded people were scattered about chanting inaudibly. And in a corner in shackles was Siesta, who was about to be marked by a red hot brand.

Robin shot an ice bolt at the hooded person that was about to brand Siesta, freezing him whole. Robin and Louise jump down to Siesta's side and free her from her shackles.

"Robin! Louise! Thank the founder you're here!"
Siesta was overjoyed at the sight of her friends.
"Mott is a member of the Cult of Brimir! The rumours about him were false! The maids he take in are branded by that symbol, and their free will is taken away from them! They're the hooded people! He even did it to his guards!"

"A mind control spell?! The Cult of Brimir?! Unforgivable! I'll see Mott hanged for this!"
Louise angrily declares to her friends.

The guards turn to face them, as does the numerous hooded figures who were the maids.

"We need to get out of..."
Before Robin could finish her sentence, Mott comes through the same door they came in.

"Oh nono, you're not going anywhere ladies. You should have left when you had the chance. It might be troublesome for a Vallière to disappear here, that wench Karin will most definitely cause me trouble. In the long run though, that foolish wench will fall before the Cult, as will Halkeginia when the time comes!"
The Count triumphantly announces as he orders his slaves to converge on the three women.

Louise trembles, wand at hand, clenching both her fists.
Louise shouts out angrily as she points her wand at Mott. Her mother may be strict, but she loved and idolised her mother more than anything in the world, and this dog dare insult her mother in her face?!

Louise casts her spell at Mott with much ferocity, shaking the mansion and producing a massive puff of smoke.

"What in the founder's name was that?!"
Kirche exclaims, as she hears a loud explosion coming from Mott's manor, and puffs of smoke appearing from the numerous windows afterwards.

Tabitha signals Kirche to get on Sylphid as they fly towards the manor to see what was going on.

On the way, Tabitha notices a small regiment of knights headed to Mott's manor...

"*cough* Good job Louise! *cough*"
Robin compliments Louise as she coughs from the smoke. Louise's impulsive action had inadvertently cleared an escape path. The Count was knocked down from the stairs onto some of the guards, and the rest of the cultists and guards were knocked down from the explosion. The smoke had also given them visual cover from the guards who didn't get knocked down.
Being unarmed, they let Siesta get out first, as Louise, then Robin followed.

Unfortunately however, Mott managed to get up, and with his water magic, washed away most of the smoke.
"You Vallière brat! TAKE THIS!"
Mott waves his wand and summons four spears of ice, all directed at Louise, aiming to kill her!

The stairs offered Louise no protection and no room to dodge to either. It looked like Louise was about to be skewered by at least one of those spears.

With no time to counter the spell, Robin threw herself in front of Louise, covering her with her robe, as she puts her back against the incoming spears.

"No Robin! Those spears will kill you! Leave me!"
Louise protests to her friend as she attempts to use her body to shield Louise.

Robin just smiles at Louise.
"Isn't the familiar's duty to guard the master?"
She calmly tells Louise as she braces herself to receive the attack.

"Partner! Let me handle this!"
Derflinger suddenly proclaims from behind Robin. Forcing himself out of his sheathe, he intercepts Mott's attack, and to everyone's surprise, absorbs the spears of ice as he glowed, flaking off the rust covering his blade.
He lands beside Robin and chuckles.
"How was that partner?!"

"You talk AND you absorb magic? Derf I could kiss you!"
Robin praises her sword, full of surprises, as it saves her and Louise.
The pinkette breathes a sigh if relief as she sees Robin unscathed.

The hypnotised cultists and guardsmen had already gotten up by then however. There was no time to celebrate as Robin picked up Derf in one hand and Louise in the other and continued to run out of the dungeon.

Siesta ran out of the room as fast as she could. When she turned around however, her two saviours were nowhere in sight. Worrying for their safety, Siesta picks up a sword from one of the ornamental suits of armour and prepares to go back to help her friends.
Passed down to her family were not only customs but sword techniques that were taught to her by her parents, which in turn they learned from their parents and so on. She was accustomed to using thin, long swords, called "Katanas" by her parents, but she felt she could apply her sword skills to broadswords too, albeit with some difficulty. As she prepares to head back however, her two friends dash out of the door, closing it.

"Thank the founder you two are fine!"
Siesta greets her friends as she finds out they are safe.

The three women managed to get out of the mansion, however they were greeted by around fifty or sixty guardsmen with different weapons ranging from spears, to maces and to swords, blocking their path to the gate and to freedom.
From behind them, Mott had caught up, bringing along about 20 more armed guards and 40 cultists who were armed with daggers.

"This is the end for you three! Hahaha! You thought you could escape me, you foolish bitches!"
Mott proclaims and insults them, believing to have won.
"Leave none of them alive!"
He orders his followers to kill the three women, and Mott's small army converges on them like ants, surrounding them on all sides.

'This is bad, were surrounded and outnumbered! I need to think of a plan!'
Robin analyses the situation, there was no escape but the gates, which was blocked by a high concentration of guardsmen. Looking at her surroundings, a small hill catches the tactician's eye.

"How good are you with a sword Siesta?"
Robin asks Siesta, as they all three put their backs against each other.

"I can fight! My parents taught me how to use a sword!"
Siesta replies confidently .

"This doesn't look good..."
Louise says as she points her wand out.

"We're In a pinch here partner! Hope you got a plan!"
The sentient sword adds his words to the discussion.

"I have a plan! See that hill over there? We have to fight our way there!"
Robin commands the two, assuring them they'll be alright.
"There's not much of then at that side, let's use that opening!"
She exclaims as they successfully fight through their enemies.

Reaching the hill, they know had their backs against a wall. Still a disadvantage, it was a lot less so than being surrounded by enemies.
Being the most experienced, Robin would take the front lines as the vanguard and with Derf, she could defend them against Mott if he intervened. Siesta would intercept any enemies that might get past Robin and finally Louise, situated on top of the hill, would rain down her spells freely as the other two defended her. With higher ground, she could easily aim anywhere, free from retaliation.

Mott's followers start the assault as Robin took them head on. Her runes glowing, and with both sword and magic, she made quick work of her enemies. Using the frost spell, Fimbulvetr, she froze some of the guards at the front, turning them into an obstacle for the oncoming enemies.
She knew they were merely being controlled by Mott so she took care not to land any fatal blows , instead disarming them and knocking them out.

Remembering Derf's ability to absorb magic, she decided to experiment. She casts her frost spell on Derf this time, and as the sword was in the middle of absorbing the spell, Robin swung Derf at the nearest enemy sword. The result was an explosion of ice, which froze an area around her, catching numerous enemies in frost.
"I'll give you full marks partner for originality partner! I've never been used like that before!"
Derf exclaims as Robin's experiment was a success.

Derf absorbed magic at a certain rate and not instantaneously, the more powerful the spell, the longer it takes to absorb. As Derf absorbs the magic however, he obtains an enchanting effect, being temporarily enchanted by the spell he is currently absorbing.

As the fight went on, a straggler managed to get past Robin to try and stop Louise, who was freely casting explosions everywhere. However, Siesta intercepts the guard and engages him in combat. With considerable speed and skill, she dodges, parries and counter attacks. Her lack of strength she made up for with speed and skill. The sword skills passed down her family had at last been of great use as she knocks out the guard and readies herself for another.

Mott prepares to cast his ice spears again at Louise, with her two friends distracted, he believes he could finally end her life.

Louise however, holding the higher ground, spotted him immediately before even pointing his wand at her. His insult of her mother still fresh in her mind, she glares daggers at him as she pre-emptively casts a counter attack at the Count.
Louise casts her spell, which not only hit Mott, but around 6 others as well, as Mott's spell dissipated.

The three women panted heavily as they surveyed their surroundings. It looked like a battlefield, craters, broken weapons and unconscious people scattered about. They had managed to hold off against the small army and won.

"Good work you two!"
Robin praises her comrades, as they decide to rest a bit before heading out. The two nod in acknowledgement as they sit.

"I didn't know you were skilled with a sword Siesta! You're style seems strangely familiar..."
Robin caught glimpses of Siesta's fighting style, though still unrefined, was similar to that of a myrmidon, a master of the sword, back in her world.

"I was taught by my parents, they learnt in from their parents and so on."
Siesta replies as she wipes the sweat off her forehead.

"You're aim's getting better Louise, and I've never seen you cast explosions as many or as powerful before!"
Robin tells Louise as she tiredly sits on the ground still panting.

"*huff*...I didn't know...*huff*... I had that much energy!...*huff*"
Louise could barely finish her sentence as she lies down on the ground.

"That was amazing partner! It's been a long time since I've been in a fight like that!"
The sentient sword was rather happy being used in battle once more, as judging from all the rust, he had been in that store for quite a while.

"Heh...I've been in bigger fights than that Derf! Anyway we should get going before these gua...URGHH!"
Before she could finish her sentence, Robin was assaulted by spears of ice, one piercing her shoulder and the other one grazing her hand, as it knocks Derf away from her.

Her two friends try to come and aid her, only to be attacked themselves. Siesta manages to defend herself but gets knocked down, while Louise was grazed by one of the spears by her leg, forcing her down.

"You three...have caused me so much trouble...I think I'll kill you all slowly, starting with you, you meddlesome bitch!"
Mott had recovered and took advantage of the trio's fatigue, as he now points his wand at Robin.

Robin pulls out the spear out of her shoulder as she prepares herself to fight Mott. Derf was too far away, so she had to use her magic instead.

"You don't know when to quit Mott, why don't you just follow your servants' examples and stay down, you're gonna give yourself a heart attack."
Robin smirks as she mocks her foe.

Psychological warfare. Provoking an enemy by infuriating him, lowering his defences an forcing them to attack recklessly. Using any advantage she could get, Robin utilises this tactic.

Mott launches eight spears at Robin. Rage taking over his senses, he ignores his stamina as he casts a spell that takes considerable energy.

Robin's runes glow once again, and a familiar surge of energy courses through her.
"Count Mott..."
She readies her spells...
"...You're finished!"
Robin lets out a barrage of flame to counter the spears, melting them and dousing the count in water. The Count tries to counter attack but finds himself short of breath as he had used a tremendous amount of energy on his earlier attack. He is then subsequently hit by a bolt of lightning, it's power amplified by himself being doused in water. He falls down, unconscious and defeated.

"Nicely done partner!"
Derf compliments Robin as she walks to him. Robin picks up Derflinger and puts him back in his sheathe.
"Are you two alright?"
She asks her friends, who had just gotten up.

"I'm fine, but Louise has a wounded leg.."
Siesta replies to Robin, telling her of Louise's condition.

"Don't worry! The spell only grazed me see?"
Louise shows her friends as she stands up without a limp.
"How about you Robin? You took one in your shoulder!"
Louise worriedly reminds her friend of the hit she took.

"I'm used to having injuries like this. Don't worry about it. Still I might need to bandage it up soon or I'll get an infection.."
Robin replies but soon after, Kirche and Tabitha arrive on Sylphid's back.

"Are you three fine there?! What happened?!"
Kirche shouts out as she sees the three bruised and dirtied, but overall fine.

"Don't worry! Were all fine! We might need a healer though!"
Robin replies.

The gate is suddenly smashed open as a regiment of knights pour forth, rounding up the unconscious Mott and his followers.

"We saw these knights on the way here by the way! We decided to join up with them."
Kirche informs her friends of the regiment of knights she and Tabitha spotted earlier on the way. The two get off of Sylphid, and Tabitha starts healing the three.

On horseback, a woman with short blonde hair came up to the five reunited friends. Judging by her clothes and mannerisms, she was in charge of these knights. She also reminded Robin of Sully, a tomboyish cavalier woman from her world.

"Pardon me ladies, my name is Agnes Chevalier de Milan, I oversee the operations of these knights in service of the crown. They were investigating odd reports about the Count, so I came here myself to check out these reports, instead I find an explosion within the Count's manor, two ladies flying overhead on their rhyme dragon asking for help and now this. Mind explaining to me what happened?"
The female knight inquires about what exactly had transpired from the small group of women. The place looked exactly like a battlefield, fortunately no casualties were reported.

As Tabitha finishes healing the three with her water magic, Robin steps up to the lady knight known as Agnes and tries to explain the situation.
"Firstly, let us introduce ourselves. My name is Robin of Ylisse, this is Louise Vallière, this maid is Siesta of Tarbes, this is Kirche Von Zerbst and finally this is Tabitha and her dragon Sylphid. This might take a while to explain good lady knight, please bear with me..."
Robin tells Agnes, clearing her throat. She goes on to explain how they tried to barter with the Count to save Siesta, ended up discovering his secret and fighting against him and his guards.

"The three of you managed to fend off that many and the Count without killing anyone? Not bad at all! But miss Vallière, please take care of yourself better, the princess would be devastated to hear something happened to you."
Agnes was rather impressed with them, and tells Louise to take better care of herself, as Louise nods.

"Unfortunately, the crown cannot acknowledge what you did and what you had discovered. This information must be kept secret, if word comes out that one of our officials was involved with the Cult of Brimir, unease and chaos would befall the kingdom. I cannot offer you anything but my gratitude. I apologise."
Agnes tells the girls that what happened here must be a secret. She felt sorry that they could not be rewarded for their efforts after they had just risked their lives.

"I understand Sir Agnes, if this information must be kept under wraps then so be it. If the princess requests an audience about this matter, then we will comply immediately."
Robin replies to Agnes formally, surprising Agnes.

Her answer was more like a high ranking officer's, like she was something like a general. The young woman's understanding and sincerity put a smile to the lady knight's face.
"Thank you for your understanding milady, if there is any trouble at all please do not hesitate to ask me. I was merely inspecting these knights today, I have to go back to the princess' side. It was merely by chance that we met here. Please head back to the academy and we will clean up here. Farewell and take care miladies, now if you will excuse me..."
Agnes excuses herself from the girls, as she turns around to supervise the knights.

"Let's head back to the academy shall we?"
Robin tells her friends, as Kirche and Tabitha ride Sylphid, and Louise and Robin call for their horses, Siesta riding with Robin.

"Why were you so quiet back there anyway Derf?"
Robin asks Derflinger, as he was unnaturally quiet after the battle.

'So I guess talking swords also sleep huh?...'

Robin laughingly asks herself as they head back to the academy.
Those symbols at Mott's however, she thought, were strange...

Meanwhile, back at Mott's...
"Huh? What's this?"
Agnes discovers an ornate wooden box. She opens it and to her surprise discovers a bejewelled sword!
'Hmm...isn't this the sword the girls used to Barter with Mott? Regardless however, this belongs to the crown as evidence now...still...maybe I can trade this for one of those new weapons...muskets as they call them...I'm sure the girls wouldn't mind seeing as they just left it here...'
Agnes thinks to herself as she picks up the box with a smirk on her face.

Author's notes

Well managed to finish this chap after having that copy-paste fiasco that deleted those whole chapter.

Another chapter with fights. Siesta is a myrmidon yes, and the secret origin of Agnes' musket(lol). I guess after all that's happened, an expensive sword is the last thing on their minds.

I know Agnes should be introduced later on, but decided to change it up. The Cult is different from the church is different as I'll explain next chapter.

Reviews and comments are appreciated. Until next time!

Ninja edit! - Managed to get on my comp and edit all the chapters, corrected a lot of typos, added genuine page breaks, improved the structures and changed very minor details. I used to post my chaps on my iphone before but found it rather frustrating and time consuming. Hail the ease of computer editing!