Hey all, It's Isra...The one you would have loved to kill...

As you may know, I have quite obviously stopped updating the story and decided to discontinue it. Now, i went back and re-read the story, and honestly I didn't really like it, I looked at it and found that i had somehow put in some mixed messages (Well i thought they were, if you didn't then good for ya). And some point's weren't as clear as others, and over all i wanted to fix some things that would drastically alter the story.

So, the point of the message is that i was thinking on Rewriting the story, Because i've been In a Lotr's mood lately. And I have been for some time and wanting to write for it, but i didn't like the idea of throwing balmung away because i liked her. There was a possibility of me doing it for a Reborn into the Lord of the ring's story, where the Oc was reborn as Legolas' twin, Thus going through both the hobbit story and the Lord of the rings. But, I didn't since i was contacted a while back about doing a joint Lord of the rings story with Balmung in it, but the person was/still is having computer problems, so I am currently waiting.

But then the urge hit me again because of listening to Music from both Lotr and the Hobbit (Freakin' pippin and his voice).

That prompted me to thinking of the rewrite and putting up the Hobbit story for Balmung, Because people have been messaging me for the story (Which was surprising) and wanted to see what changes (Because there will be some changes) Balmung has made within the company and being Bilbo's daughter. And some were very curious on the romance part of it, on who Balmung liked and what her reaction was at the end of the story (Wow, a little too enthusiastic about that part, don't ya think?). I was also playing with the idea of putting bard as a love interest instead of Legolas or fili, or just make it three love option's (Legolas' would not come to fruit until Dragon's soul).

I also wanted to put up the option of a Genderbent story for Balmung, The male self is named Asura (Ironically i never noticed that i used the same name for another of my male characters for Magi until i found his concept art) and, yes, he was In love with the Durin's Heir despite being a boy. The other love option for the Hobbit was Legolas (One of the changes from the book since i'm going to do a mix between the movies and book), which would carry on into the Lord of the rings story. Why a genderbent story you may ask? Because there would be more challenges in getting the company to accept him then when he was female, and the fact that he is a drake will also contribute to the hardships, not to mention liking Fili- the prince who would have to marry a female to produce heirs- would also get on Thorins bad side.

I will put up a Poll on my profile so you can vote on it, If you're still interested that is.