Well then, I finally decided to do a Lord of the ring's Fanfiction! HOORAY~! I should hope that i did a good job. This first chapter introduces my character, i have her picture on my profile if you have a hard time imagining her, (Because i have horrible description) i should clarify now. the outfit she has on in the picture is the one she will wear when she meets the fellowship. just imagine her without the shirt and tasset around her waist. the gauntlet on her arm actually changed from her original design, and next to her arm is what her cloak looks like...yeah.

SO THEN! i do realize that i have skipped some of the prologue, but i didn't think it was necessary to have it. I do not know who she will end up with. In fact i'm having trouble deciding, so...i would like to ask for your help. well if its not to much trouble, the only one i don't think i'll ever have her end up with Is gimli, Gandalf (for obvious reasons) or any of the hobbits. so then, again if you do have any suggestions then i would appreciate the help~!




DISCLAIMER! I do not own the lord of the rings! It rightfully belongs to J.R.R. Tolkein! (awesome) i only own My Oc.

Chapter 1: Messenger

It began with the forging of the great rings. One was given to the dragoon's, an ancient race, great warriors who were the strongest of all. Three were given to the elves, Immortal, wisest and fairest of them all beings. Seven to the dwarf-lords, great miners and craftsmen of the mountain halls. And nine, nine were gifted to the race of men, who above all else desired power/ for within these rings was bound the strength and the will to govern each race. But they were all of them deceived, for another ring was made. Deep in the land of Mordor, in the Fires of Mount Doom, the Dark Lord Sauron forged a master ring, and into this ring he poured his cruelty, his malice and his will to dominate all life.

One ring to rule them all.

One by one, the free lands of Middle-Earth fell to the power of the Ring, but there were some who resisted. A last alliance of men and elves marched against the armies of Mordor, and on the very slopes of Mount Doom, they fought for the freedom of Middle-Earth. Victory was near, but the power of the ring could not be undone. It was in this moment, when all hope had faded, that Isildur, son of the king, took up his father's sword.

Sauron, enemy of the free peoples of Middle-Earth, was defeated. The Ring passed to Isildur, who had this one chance to destroy evil forever, but the hearts of men are easily corrupted. And the ring of power has a will of its own. It betrayed Isildur, to his death.

And some things that should not have been forgotten were lost. History became legend. Legend became myth. And for two and a half thousand years, the ring passed out of all knowledge. Until, when chance came, it ensnared another bearer.

It came to the creature Gollum, who took it deep into the tunnels of the Misty Mountains. And there it consumed him. The ring gave to Gollum unnatural long life. For five hundred years it poisoned his mind, and in the gloom of Gollum's cave, it waited. Darkness crept back into the forests of the world. Rumor grew of a shadow in the East, whispers of a nameless fear, and the Ring of Power perceived its time had come. It abandoned Gollum, but then something happened that the Ring did not intend. It was picked up by the most unlikely creature imaginable: a hobbit, Bilbo Baggins, of the Shire.

For the time will soon come when hobbits will shape the fortunes of all.

It was a calm day, the sun shining through the thick forest, the sound of a small stream as birds chirped and sang in delight to welcome the sun. A lone woman was lounging in a tree, sleeping the day away with a content smile, but she was no mere woman. She had the purest of white hair, the long waist length bundle of it tied in a white silk wrapping, the top half was noticeably short and shaggy like, with two small elk like horns coming out, but went well with her pale skin and slightly squared jaw line. Some of the hair cascaded around her neck, her bangs were long and went past her eye's, they were swept to the left, and famed her face. Her sharp hawk like eyes were closed, her eyelashes were white as well and long, occasionally moving under her eyelids. Her ears were pointed, shaped like a deer's, with the top half covered in white scales that ran towards her cheek and faded into her skin. She stood at a good 5'9", three inches taller then the normal height of the females in her race and was more physically fit, and had an hourglass body type. She had wrapping to hold her ample bosom in place and some on her feet. Her trousers went down to just below her knees and had a puffy look to them towards the end, they were black with a light blue lining. A white sash was around her waist to match the wrapping and the one sleeve on her right arm, that was held there by a silver strap tied loosely across her clavicle. Her hands, which had claw like black gauntlets, were on her stomach as she slept.

"My Lady!" a female voice called out. White and turquoise iris's opened slowly, the pupils were softly glowing slits, the turquoise rimmed the iris and sped out to halfway outwards from the pupil and the rest was white until it hit the rimming of the iris. The eyes lazily blinked a few times as they roamed towards the ground, to find an older women with light brown hair tied in a bun, her ears were like hers but more upwards and had brown fur instead of scales. She had tired but determine dark chocolate eyes. She wore a light blue dress with an apron tied around her waist, she also had flats on with a slight heel. "My Lady come out this INSTANT! I have some URGENT news from a friend of your parent's!" she called out. Said 'lady' sighed, she really didn't want to go down there to face her personal wet-nurses, since she was a child, lecture. "MY LADY!" the wet-nurse called out again and stopped just underneath the tree she was sitting in.

"What is it Cellia." she asked her nurse while she hung down from a lower branch and faced her with a bored expression. Cellia jolted and put a hand over her heart, taking a breath, and then faced the girl with irritation before gasping as she looked at her. She raised a thin brow at her reaction before looking at herself then groaned as she knew what was going to come. "Cellia, before you even start-" but it was too late.

"MY LADY! WHAT ON MIDDLE EARTH ARE YOU WEARING?!" Cellia yelled out as she pulled her from the branch and turned her around with furrow brows. "Where is your dress?" Cellia questioned as she held onto her shoulders and looked into her eyes. The girls eyes went to the side for a moment in thought, 'well...i don't think I should tell her that I discarded it somewhere in the woods just to move easier...' she thought with a sigh.

"it...was burned by...a hatchling I found in the woods." she said said as she stared Cellia in the eyes so she would seem convincing enough. She then got out of Cellia's grasp and started to head towards her home. "Anyway that is not important now is it? You said something about my parent's, correct?" she said changing the topic, as she looked back over her shoulder at Cellia. The nurse gasped and nodded her head as she quickly ran up besides her.

"Yes, well it seems that an Ally of your late father and mother, may the ancients think them battle worthy," she clasped her hands together and said a quick prayer before continuing, "has sent a messenger with urgent news and would like you to attend a council meeting." Cellia explained. The 'lady' furrowed her brows in thought as they neared the kingdom of the dragoons. Her father, Azel, and mother, Nari, had and still has many allies.

"hm..." she mused as they walked through the kingdom, the buildings were all made from different types of wood. The houses were one story's, two if you were wealthy, each had sliding doors made of either red or maple wood. They had paper screens over them to have the house cool and keep the insects out. The roofs had red oak shingles lining it in rows, some had pillars and some did not. "Do you know who it was that sent the messenger?" she asked as she waved and slightly nodded to the greeting that the people were giving her. She loved her kingdom, the dragoon race live along side dragons and any branch from the family instead of hunting them. Each family usually had at least two dragons in the house hold, or an egg on the way. When she entered the market she was greeted by loud cheers, laughing, waves, sales pitches, small yelps from their companions, etc. she greeted them with a slight nod, she glanced towards Cellia while waiting on her answer. "what did he look like? Was he a son of man? Elven? Dwarven?" she asked with a slightly raised brow as she eyed a couple of baby dragons playing on the road. She giggled as the red one sat triumphantly on top of the green one.

Cellia thought back to the messenger, "uhm, he did not seem like a son of man. He had fair skin and was tall, so he could not be dwarven, and he wore a cloak..." she mused as she tried to remember anything else that stood out. She didn't have time to actually look at the man, she had run out to find the young lady, so she had a hard time remembering anything. "OH." she exclaimed in recognition, "He spoke in the Sindarin language!" she said with a nod.

'hm...So it he is either elven or a son of man that can speak the language.'but she quickly decided on elven, that last human allies that her parent's had broke off their relations with them after the incident with the sheep. She nodded as they reached a flight of stairs that lead to the top of a cliff that overlooked the kingdom. It was a giant castle with the banner, it has a dragon in a circle biting its own tail and in the middle was a white woven crown, hanging proudly in the front and around the castle. The guard's that stood at the front gate bowed as they let the two in, she strode towards the throne room and opened the doors. Upon her arrival a man with pointed ears, dirty blond shoulder lengthen hair, a strong jaw line and deep green eyes turned to her. 'so it was an elf.'she mused.

"Hello, lady Balmung." he said with a bow. Balmung nodded her head in acknowledgment, as she went past him and sat down on the throne. She saw that the elf had looked towards the side and had a light blush on his face. Balmung wondered what he seemed to be flushed about, "L-Lady Balmung...should you not...should I wait until you are dressed?" he asked with a stutter as he fidgeted a bit. Ah, thats what he seemed to embarrassed about. She had forgotten that her people do not dress the same as the rest of middle earth. If memory served correctly, then, women usually have most-if not all-of their skin covered.

She sighed, "I am dressed elf. Did you not know that the customs that the rest of middle earth and my people's customs are quite different." she said in the elvish tongue. The man looked startled at the news, he didn't seem to understand why most of the people here were...very lightly clothed. Well, actually Balmung was dressed a little less then what was considered decent, but she didn't care, no one bother to even do anything by it, besides Cellia, because they also did not really care. "So, what is this about a meeting? And who is it that you serve?" she asked, 'it must be either Elrond, Galadriel, or Thranduil.' she thought with a amusement.

"I serve Lord Elrond of Rivendell." he said proudly, Balmung nodded her head and gestured for him to continue. "I was sent to inform you that Lord Elrond would like to have you for an important meeting." he informed. She had a questioning expression.

"And what, I should ask, is so important that he wishes to summon me for a meeting all the way to Rivendell?"

"He did not say, all he said was to tell you something about a 'ring' being founded. He said that you would understand." he finished as he didn't know what his lord had told him. He looked at her when he heard her cure under her breath and saw concern and recognition on her face. She stood up quickly and paced for a bit, she then stopped and turned to him.

"Tell Lord Elrond that I will arrive at Rivendell in a few moon." she said and the man nodded as he turned and left, she then turned to Cellia as she strode towards the armory. "Cellia, I will depart to Rivendell alone-" she raised her hand when Cellia opened her mouth to protest "-And while I am gone I want you to inform Ruhk that he shall be in charge until my return. Understood?"

"BUT LADY BALMUNG!" she began "You CANNOT leave the Kingdom! Not only are you our Queen but you are also the captain of our most elite fighters! What will happen if we were to be attack while you were gone! Send someone in your place instead, I beg of you!" Cellia pleaded but the look that she received from her queen shut her up.

Balmung sighed, as she rubbed the bridge of her nose. "Cellia...It is BECAUSE I am the queen that I must go." she told her, when she saw that sad look on Cellia's face she went up and hugged her, "Cellia our people will be fine, Ruhk IS my second in command. He is more then capable to take charge when I am gone." she then chuckled, Ruhk was her vice captain and her longtime childhood friend. She could trust him with her life and almost thought of him as a brother, he was very smart and was talented when it came to battle strategy's. He, like herself, was brash, headstrong, kind, and he was also loved by the people just as much as they loved her. He had the skill to be a leader so that was why she would always leave him in charge when she left the village, or whenever she just didn't feel like working. But unlike her, he was not lazy and so laid back. She pulled back and smiled softly down at her, "If it will make you feel better, I plan to take Narga, Barri and Kuhn." Cellia's shoulders slumped in relief. Yes, she knew that her queen could take care of herself, but she felt more reassured that Balmung was taking her loyal pets, who would defend her to their deaths, and her faithful longma Kuhn, a half horse half dragon breed that they would use instead of regular horses. She nodded her head and sighed.

"Well...you should get packing should you not?" Cellia said in amusement as she opened the door to the armory, she then turned towards Balmung with a smile. "I shall fetch you armor and weapons so that you can pack your clothing." she suggested, Balmung nodded and turned and started to leave. "The usual weapons I suppose?" Cellia called out and received a nod.

Balmung stood there, staring at the whole kingdom that seemed to have somehow heard of her departure and was now lining the road to see her off. When she was noticed cheers and yells exploded through the sky. She sighed as she glanced at Cellia, who just shrugged, before kicking kuhn to start a trot. Kuhn had fangs that stuck out, his eyes were fully white, no iris or pupil, he stood at 6'3" because of the dragon blood in him, he had a mix of scales and fur. His legs, which where covered in scales until they faded out into the body with fur, were muscular making him faster then any horse in middle earth, instead of hooves he had claws, his front had thumbs while the back didn't. The underneath of his neck to his underbelly also had scales, his tail was that of a normal horse as was the head shape and main looked like that of a normal horse. He was gray colored with small white spots splattered here and there, his claws were pitch-black and faded back to gray as they reached the body.





Balmung smiled and waved at her people and their dragon companions, who had brought her flowers and food. It was always like this whenever she had to leave, be it for war or for something else, she then kicked kuhn to have him start running. She pulled up her cloak over her head and leaned forward. The forest whipped past her, the trees and ground became blurs, inhaling deeply she closed her eyes. 'Lets see. The barrier to the kingdom should be about 5-6 days ride from the castle...At the rate kuhn is going we should arrive and pass it in three days...a day if kuhn fly's, but then he would tire out easily...hmmmm...' she mused to herself. "Kuhn," she said to her longma, "Do you mind if we fly? Should you tire out then I shall have narga carry you while I ride on barri..." she told him. They road more, she had thought that maybe kuhn had refused and was about to put the idea of flying away, until wings sprouted from his shoulder blades and jumped into the air. He hovered for a bit then accelerated with all of his energy. Balmung smiled and leaned down and hugged kuhn. "I'm sorry to push you, kuhn. But the one ring has been found, and there is the danger of it falling back into the hands of Sauron, we cannot waste time. We must protect our people." she mumbled, kuhn snorted in agreement and lightly neighed. She would arrive in a day across the barrier's, then from there to Rivendell it would take 3 days, not including rest, to get there by flying; 5 days if they flew with rest in between; 6 nights by land without rest and a week if they went by land with rest. But with the speed that her two companions have and their stamina, she thinks that they may make it. But she decided that she would let them rest, so she would arrive in five days.

Thank's for taking the time to read this! I look forward to your reviews.