It's five days since I last updated this story. That is like a record for me.

I haven't read over this, so I'm hoping it isn't completely awful. My mum's downstairs trying to get me to do my maths homework but ugh.

James was happy with his potion.

Sure, he'd nearly passed out making it, and all that sulfur didn't exactly smell like roses, but it had pretty much gone well so far. Maybe he was better at Potions than he gave himself credit for.

If all went to plan, anyone who came into contact with the substance would be out cold for a few minutes. Then the fun could begin.

Groggily, Sirius woke up. Oh boy. Oh great Godric. Oh Merlin's bloody well beard.

"My head!" he groaned to himself.

But...something was wrong. The other two were slowly rousing beside him.

Why were they here again? And that smell.

As Prongs sat up, he opened his mouth, presumably to question what they were doing on the floor of a deserted corridor. A back-fired prank perhaps? They'd had plenty of those.

But the first thing that came out of James' mouth was;

"I fancied Circe Stebbins in first year!"

What, that spotty pig of a Slytherin? Sirius was about to respond with a hearty laugh, but what came out instead was;

"I played show me yours with Bella when we were eight!" Wait, what? That was secret.

Peter was in fits now, and he tried to speak, but;

"I want to become a death eat-" "I have a fart fetish!"

James?! This was just too funny.

Padfoot was desperately trying not to laugh, knowing that if he did another embarrassing secret would weave its way to his lips.

Again, Peter started;"I want to become-"

Padfoot opened his mouth to laugh, but unfortunately for him;"I really like Blodwyn Bludd!"

"I'm a bottom!"

"I want to become-"

"Our enchanted mistletoe made me snog Narcissa!"

"I knocked over a stack of beans in that muggle supermarket!"

"I want to become-"

"Snivellius beat me in a quidditch race in third year!"

"I read fanfiction!"

"I write fanfiction!"

"I want to become-!"

On and on they spilled out embarrassing stories and tendencies.

Granted, whoever came up with this was obviously as genius as they were. But they were going to pay, Marauder style. Sirius tried to mime opening a book, and then pointed over his shoulder.

They were off to the library to meet Moony and get their sweet revenge.

As long as the other two understood the hand signs.

Review or dieeee

Also smh it's so hard to come up with embarrassing stuff.
