Thanks to all who take the time to read! I'm going to skip an intro to this fanfic. All you have to know is that Team Crafted (especially Mitch) are the characters of this story. I will definitely offer some smut later, but this story is not all smut. If you don't approve of curse words, then you can leave.

Enjoy and don't forgot to leave a review 3


"If you enjoyed this video doods SLAP THAT LIKE BUTTON WITH YO FOREHEADS! Thanks for watching!" I heard his voice as I drifted off into sleep. I had just spent a couple of hours catching up on my favorite YouTube channels. Traveling through Europe for two weeks was exhausting. An experience for sure, but still very exhausting. My mind and body turn numb as sleep took over.

My eyes open and I'm in Europe again. I can distinctly tell. This was the beautiful cobblestone street in Barcelona that I absolutely fell in love with. It was vivid and full of life when I visited, but something isn't right. I get up from the ground and look around. Huh, weird. Not a soul, or even a sign of life to be found. It looked… abandoned. Silence blanketed me. I take some cautious steps forward in hope of finding something, anyone.

Suddenly, I feel two hands snake around my waist. Before I had time to react, the mystery person twisted me around so I was mere inches away from their face. I tried to push out of their grasp, but their arms were locked like steel on my tiny, frail body. With no choice, I looked into his face. My heart raced, my breathing stopped. Scratch that, shit, even time could have stopped. This was so real, but I felt like I was on cloud nine.

This stranger had beautiful dirty blonde rustled hair, untamed. I want to run my hands through it, pulling this beautiful creature closer to me. His kind hazel-chocolate brown eyes pierced my own. I was vulnerable to this man as he stared into me. He looked so familiar and it made me feel exhilarated yet panicky.

I couldn't resist. Wiggling one arm free, I slowly moved from his strong chest up to his neck and to his jaw. He loosened his grip on me, resting his face into my hand.

This man towered over me as my head barely reached above his shoulders, but I did not fear him. I only fear the possibility that he could abandon me any moment and I would be helpless.

I open my mouth, willing my lungs to talk. It didn't work. I was suffocating. My hands flew to my neck and mouth. I began to feel this familiar numbness. Images flashed in my mind, the car door not opening. I was stuck, left to die a horrible death. My parents, they were unconscious gone. Water surrounded me now. The beautiful man was long gone as my dream became a nightmare. I was alone.

I tripped and fell into the void of numbness that filled my body from my toes to my head. My thrashing and screaming became weaker and weaker until I slipped away. Unwillingly, I stopped my struggles letting the suffocation take me into oblivion.

I shot up heaving for air. My body was a hot and sweaty mess. It took me several inhales to catch my breath, the ones that were taken from me in my dreams. Only after did I take in my surroundings. I was on my bed again, my computer to the side of me where I left it. Glancing at the clock, I find that it was 3 fucking am. I groaned and fell back down on my bed.

"Carina, it was just another nightmare, get a grasp," I said to myself. What a failure I am. I get up and walk towards my full-length mirror on the other side of the room. I was 5'5.5" and yes the .5 inches count. To make my petite figure worse, I was extremely skinny. I always try to gain weight, go to the gym and build up muscle, but it never worked. I have long wavy brown hair that ends at my bellybutton. My eyes, well my eyes are honestly fucked up. One day they will be a sapphire blue and the next they will be a gold-specked forest green. My mother used to always say I should look into getting contacts so I won't make people feel uncomfortable. Maybe she was right? Ugh, a migraine started to flare up. I rubbed my temples while I moved to my bathroom for medicine. On the way there, I stupidly whacked my big toe into the leg of my desk. HOLY FUCKING MOTHER OF PEARL HOOGLY BOOGLY BITCHES BUDDERRR. This is going to be the best fucking jet lag ever!

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