Here is Chapter 10. NOTE: This will be the last chapter set before the events of The original Toy Story. This is a prologue on the First Film.

August 7th 2001

It was August. Andy was turning 6 soon. We was wondering what he might get.

"Hey Slinky Dog!" I said

"What is it, Rex?" said Slinky

"Have ya heard any explosions from Sid's house?" I said

"No. He's at Summer Camp." said Slinky

"Exactly!" I said "This is the one of the year where we don't have to look out and see toys get blown to bits."

Anyway I was a slow Tuesday night so he and his family had decided to go the movies to see Shrek. Me and the other toys were glad we would have the whole night to ourselves. So Woody decided to call a staff meeting.

He said "Attention. Can I have all the toys in the room here by the chest?"

Me and the other toys went over to the toy chest. I saw Woody and Bo talking. She gave Woody a kiss on the check. Woody and Bo Peep had become a couple over Valentine's Day. She then walked away.

"What's going on, Woody? Why are you calling a meeting now?" Slinky asked

"Mr. Spell has asked me to call a Plastic corrosion awareness meeting." said Woody

"Corrosion? What's that?" I said

Woody and Mr. Spell told us all what plastic corrosion was and how to prevent it. When they were done, Woody said "All right. That went pretty good. Thanks for that out there, Mr. Spell."

"You're welcome, Woody." said Mr. Spell

Then Woody grabbed Mr. Mike's microphone and said "It's been awfully peaceful in the neighbourhood lately. Does one know why?"

"Because Sid is at summer camp!" I said

"Exactly! Thanks, Rex!" said Woody "Yes! Sid is at summer camp again for the eighth in a row. It's great when Sid is away, Isn't it?" We had warned Woody about our evil neighbour over time.

"Yeah." I said "Although he'll just be back again on the 20th."

"Well what if i told ya all we wouldn't have to worry about it?" said Woody

Me and the others were all confused.

"Why won't we have to worry about it?" Slinky asked.

"Because Andy is moving!" said Woody

We were all shocked.

"What?! Andy's Moving?" I said

"Yes." said Woody

"When?" I said

"On the 16th." said Woody

"Where?" I said

"Probably to a new house" said Woody

"Why?" I said

"Maybe to get away from Sid!" said Woody

"Wow. In a few days No more worries! No more explosions, No more Sid! No more watching inconnect toys die, No more Sid! No more evil laughter, No more Sid!" said Hamm

"Wow! A future without Sid Phillips! I can't wait!" said Mr. Potato Head

"All right. Now there's two more things I want to point out." said Woody "One: They're moving into the new house on Andy's birthday so his mom might have his birthday party before or after we move. And Two: Everyone needs to have a moving buddy."

"Do we have to hold hands?" said Mr. Potato Head

"I kind of like the buddy system." I said

"All right everyone! Everyone go find a moving buddy! Meeting Ajurned!" said Woody

And we all went to find a moving buddy.

Author's Note: And thus the stage for Toy Story is set.