OK, so I know that everyone who is already following me is following me because of Pretty Little Liars fanfics, but I got a little bored and decided to switch to Terra Nova for a while, maybe a fic or two. For those of my followers who haven't seen Terra Nova, you should totally watch it! All the episodes are on Netflix. For those of you who weren't following me before, I hope you like my writing. Happy reading! –sototallyrandom

(my pll fans, if you don't watch Terra Nova, you won't understand ANY of this.)

I haven't seen my family in years. A few years ago, the population guys barged into our home and found Zoe hiding in the vents in the walls of our cramped apartment. A fight broke out. They were going to take Zoe to keep our family as four, but they had seen my scores in school and intelligence tests and decided I would be more useful. One dragged me out of my home, the others holding back my shouting family. That was the last time I saw them.

I was put to work in the technology department for the pilgrimages to Terra Nova when they found that I was smarter than two of their top scientists put together. They made me work twenty hours a day with minimal breaks, and I began to become exhausted. I was more of a slave then an employee. They never allowed me to go see my family and I assumed that they never told them what had happened to me. I was exhausted every day and only got four hours or less of sleep before getting up to work again.

I wanted to mess up their portal on purpose instead of making it go both ways, but I would kill many innocents just to piss them off, so I didn't. The pilgrimage time of year was always the worst. I had to work the whole length of it without rest, and there were guards everywhere making sure I didn't try anything.

Two days ago, two months after the tenth pilgrimage, I had finally escaped and ran straight to my family's apartment. To my disappointment, it was completely empty and barren. At first I was upset that they hadn't waited for my return, but I knew that they had to leave. They had probably finally gotten enough money to move to a dome somewhere, without my mouth to feed. I was happy for them. I didn't blame them for leaving because they probably assumed I was dead like all the other children that overpopulated families.

The people who held me in the Hope Plaza technology were smart enough to have several guards on me during pilgrimages to make sure I didn't try to go through, but they weren't smart enough to realize that I was smart enough to start the portal on any given night where I was working alone, with a single guard to watch over me.

And that's where I am now. I'm going to knock out the guard, start the portal, and be the single pilgrim from the tenth and a half pilgrimage. I know I will never see my family again, and no matter how sad it is to leave them behind, I have to. I know they would want what is best for me. I just wish we could have all gone to Terra Nova as a family. All I can hope that the dome that my family probably moved into is one of the better ones.

I turn my head and look at the guard staring at me with cold eyes and shudder. I am going to do this. I am going to escape to Terra Nova.

I take a deep breath. I have to hit the guard in the head with something, but I don't know what. My foot is probably the best option, because everything in here is a necessity to turn on the portal. I need to get the guard's head low enough that I can even kick it, so I scream. The guard rushes over and asks me what is wrong.

"There's a rat!" I squeal. He gives me an annoyed look before asking where. I point down under a section of technology. He gets down on his knees and puts his head near the floor searching for the rat that isn't there. It's now or never. I pull myself together and kick him in the temple, but not too hard because I don't want to do anything more than knock him out unless I have to.

"Sorry" I mumble as his body crumples to the floor. I step over him and frantically start pushing buttons. I rush across the room and move the clear plastic box around the cliché big red button that starts it all. I slam my palm down on it and bolt out of the room, knowing I only have a minute before people get here. I don't have time to stay and make sure it's working.

I go through what seems like endless rooms and turns until I finally reach the bridge heading to the portal that is turned on. The blue electricity-like matter is swirling and mesmerizing me.

I run as fast as I can. I can hear people shouting behind me, and when I look up to my left, I see a scientist starting to shut down the portal. No, no, no!

I look straight ahead and charge at the portal 100 yards away. The scientist has started to shut it down. 80 yards. The shouts behind me get more frantic. 60 yards. I stumble but keep running. 40 yards. The fierce winds whip my hair into my face as I sprint. 20 yards. Someone is catching up to me. 10 yards. The scientist moves over to the red button to turn off the portal. 5 yards. 4. 3.

I dive for it. A weird sensation makes its way through my body and my dive lands in a pile of dirt and leaves. The portal closes behind me. I look up and towering trees are providing shade from the bright sun and the blue sky. It's beautiful. I made it! I actually did it! I stand up and brush myself off only to be hit with a wave of disappointment.

I was hoping Terra Nova would be within sight of the portal so I know which way to go to not get eaten by carnivorous dinosaurs. No one is expecting me, so I'm on my own to try and make it to the colony alive.

I know it's short, but I just need to see if anyone likes it before I put blood, sweat, and tears into it! (not literally, don't worry) so if you like, review and tell me! Again, for my pll fanfiction fans, so sorry about not giving notice that I'm writing a non-pll fic.