A/N: Greetings and salutations! If you're familiar with any of my previous fanfics on here, you'll notice that I tend to enjoy taking existing GG episodes and tweaking them to how I wished they would have ended. After reading a lot of Chair fanfics on here in the past few months (I've sorta become a bit of a junkie!) I've gathered ideas here and there for other various episodes I'd like to change around and just decided to go ahead, picking up in season 1 after "Victor, Victrola" and altering the entire Chuck and Blair storyline from there. While I don't intend to do every episode of the series (like pLei4fun did with season 1 and is currently doing for season 2 – which I thoroughly enjoy reading and wish she had more time to update sooner), I have outlined and mapped out key points from various episodes in seasons 1 and 2 that I wanted to alter and a rough sketch of how altered storylines affect things that happen in seasons 3-6.

Updating may be a bit infrequent as the holidays are coming up and I do work retail management so some chapters may be up much sooner than others, but I will do my best to keep the story posted in a timely manner and finish it eventually (no offense to anyone, but I have read some AMAZING fanfics on here only to be disappointed when I get through a ton of chapters to learn that it's been an unfinished story for months or even years – I promise, this will be a finished product eventually!).

Please keep in mind though, as a Chair shipper, the focus of this story will mostly be on them with the rest of the storylines for their friends and family being dispersed and mentioned throughout.

Disclaimer (as I'm only saying this once): I do not own Gossip Girl and mean no copyright infringement. I'm just a fan, writing a harmless fanfic.

With that said, please enjoy and read and review! I'm open to suggestions, especially if there's a particular episode you're hoping to read an alternative take on!

Blair stepped out of the church and onto the sidewalk. While she felt a little better after seeking advice and wisdom from the priest, she still couldn't believe she had done that. Then again, she couldn't believe much of anything she had done in the last 12 hours.

Drinking her sorrows away over Nate wasn't too far-fetched for a princess and future queen of the Upper East Side, but getting up on that stage and stripping down to her slip? In front of Chuck Bass of all people? That was definitely unBlair-like. And then giving herself to him in the back of his limo? What was she thinking?! Thank goodness priests are sworn by God to keep confidentiality. God only knows who else saw her at Victrola last night, and leaving with Chuck no less! She could only hope the story didn't make page 6!

Granted, Chuck had been a complete gentlemen, asking her several times if she was sure it was what she wanted and making her feel comfortable and at ease, especially knowing it was her first time... it was an amazing time, or two... or three... she sweetly smiled as she recalled last night's encounter with him, but no! That was supposed to have happened with Nate – NOT Chuck of all people!

God, what would Serena think of her, losing her virtue to Chuck of all people... She didn't even want to think of how she would tell S the news, as she knew sooner or later it would come up.

She was so lost in thought as she walked along the street in the quiet morning hours that she didn't even notice the limo – his limo – slowing down and pulling up next to her.

"Well, this is the last place I'd expect to find you," Chuck declared, smiling at her as he rolled down the window.

"Go away, Chuck! I've been given orders, practically from God himself, to avoid you," Blair snapped back. She had hoped he would treat their night together like he did all his conquests, forgetting about it and acting like nothing had happened. Clearly she wasn't going to be that lucky. He would probably use it against her at some point and time in the future.

"Would you consider avoiding me over breakfast?" Chuck asked, sweetly. For some odd reason, after their night together, he just couldn't get Blair out of his mind. And he was determined to get to the bottom of why.

"Sorry, but as is tradition on the day before my birthday, I'm heading to the jeweler's to put some pieces on hold for Eleanor and..."

"Nate?" Chuck interrupted. "Oh, I don't think Nate will be singing "Happy Birthday" this year," he smirked, tormenting her.

"No one knows that Nate and I broke up and it's going to stay that way so I can fix this!" Blair shot back at him. "And I don't think your best friend would still be your best friend if he knew." Yeah, she could play this game too, she thought. Nate finding out about last night would pose just as much of a problem for Chuck as it would for her.

"If he knew how much I enjoyed the removal of a certain chastity belt in the back of this very limo?" Chuck quipped. She was good. She was very good, he thought to himself. But if he knew Nate, Nate would stick by the bro-code of "Bros before Hoes" - Nate finding out about last night would be much worse for Blair than it would be for him.

Blair paused. Shit... what if Nate did find out? After all, it was her virginity to give away and Nate knew full well that Chuck would never just take that from someone unless it was offered to him. Nate would blame her more so than he would Chuck.

"From this moment forward, the events of last night will never be mentioned again – is that clear?" she demanded. Nate must never know, she decided.

"Not as clear as the memory of you purring in my ear, which I have been replaying over and over..." he continued to torment her. Oh this was going to be fun, he thought.

"Well, erase the tape! Because as far as I'm concerned, it never happened!" she snapped at him.

"Blair, please... c'mon, let's talk over breakfast. Can I at least treat you to that?" He didn't know why, but Chuck really wanted to spend some more one on one time. Just being near her was giving him a rush and sensation he had never experienced before, almost like his heart was fluttering.

"No, Chuck! I'm going to the jeweler's and that's final." What was his deal, she thought. This was so unlike Chuck.

"Fine," he snapped back. "I'll see you at your party tonight."

"You're officially uninvited," she quipped as she turned and walked away.

"Never stopped me before!" he yelled after her. They were going to talk about what happened last night eventually, whether she liked it or not, he told himself.

"Have you seen this?" Eleanor shrieked with a tone of disapproval in her voice as Blair waltz into the penthouse later that morning.

Great... Blair thought, did my little stunt at Victrola last night really make page 6?! Guess it's time to face the music...

"Since when does drunk and disorderly get this much attention?" Blair questioned.

"Since never," Eleanor said, suspiciously. "The Captain is being charged with embezzlement and fraud. This is an absolute disaster!"

"It must be awful for them..." Blair thought aloud.

"I meant for me!" Eleanor declared. "The Captain is supposed to represent me! The contracts are about to be signed... what about my IPO, huh? What is going to happen to my Bendel's deal?!"

"Nate looks so helpless..." Blair said as she glanced at the newspaper.

"I have to call my attorney," Eleanor decided. "I have to put an end to this deal before it goes any further!"

"I have to talk to Nate." Blair decided as well, as much as she really wasn't ready to talk to him about anything. She went upstairs to the privacy of her room and dialed her newly-ex.

There was no answer, however.

Either he's ignoring me completely or he's just swamped with his family mess... Blair hoped it was the latter. While they were technically broken up for the time being, she still loved and cared for him – you don't just get over someone over night. Even if you did sleep with his best friend.

"Nate? It's me," Blair started to leave a voicemail. "I know we sort of hit a rough patch last night and while I may have said somethings... look, I saw the newspapers, and well... if you need someone to talk to, you know I'm here. Don't worry about making it to my party tonight, if you don't feel up to it – your family is more important right now and I completely understand if you feel the need to focus on and be there for them at the moment. We'll talk about us later, just right now do what you feel you need to do for your family. I still love and care about you. Call me when you can."

One awkward bullet dodged! She thought as she hung up the phone.

A moment later her phone rang. Without looking, Blair answered it right away.

"Nate?" she hoped.

"No B, it's S," Serena spoke. "Have you heard about Nate and his family?!"

"Omigod – yes, S! Isn't it horrible?" Blair asked her.

"Yes, B! Have you heard from Nate?"

"Well... not exactly... I just got off the phone..."

"I'm coming over – we have to talk," Serena interrupted. "You must be just as much of a wreck! And the day of your party too!"

Before Blair could protest, Serena had hung up and was clearly headed over. She could only hope S was too distracted by Nate's news to bother prying into Blair's secrets.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE HE TOLD HER YOU GUYS WERE GOING TO DO IT!" Blair exclaimed. That Humphrey! Serena sure knew how to pick them... the Boy Wonder from Brooklyn definitely wasn't winning any points with Blair.

"Well... I told you..." Serena said sheepishly.

"That's different – I'm a girl!" Blair shot back. Serena could be just as clueless sometimes – there are somethings that are taboo with certain people. Hopeless Humphrey discussing his and Serena's sex life with a female friend of his was just one of those things.

"Yeah, well... so is she!" Serena responded.

"Exactly my point!" Blair was getting frustrated as she didn't know how to get through to Serena that what Dan did was a major relationship faux-pas. "But even if she wasn't, when you get a boyfriend, you become the best friend and the best friend becomes the second best friend. That's just how it has to be if it's ever going to work!"

Serena just shrugged. "If you say so, B... Hey! You still haven't told me how Nate's doing – it's all over the news now!"

Blair rolled her eyes at Serena's changing the subject - clearly she wasn't going to get through to her just how badly the Brooklynite messed up.

"Uh, well... when I talked to him this morning I... I told him to focus on his family today." Blair told her. It was a half truth – she did tell Nate that, even if it was to his voicemail instead of directly to him.

"But he's still coming to your party, right?" Serena asked.

"Um... I told him not to worry about it – I mean, only if he's up to it."

"Aww... you're such a good girlfriend, B! Really!" Serena gushed. "I'll just pick you up and we can go together, but I really do hope Nate can make it!" Serena gave Blair a hug as she got up to leave to get ready for the party that night.

At this point though, Blair almost wished he wouldn't, what with Chuck's threat of showing up anyway... who knows what he would say if Nate was there too. It could only be awkward.

Blair was watching one of her favorite Audrey films on her laptop when her phone rang. Seeing that it was finally Nate calling her back, she quickly sat up to answer it.

"Hi! Are you okay? I've been texting you all day..." Blair began.

"Yeah... I'm... I'm fine, thanks. I, um... just been a little busy," Nate struggled to get out. After what happened between them last night, he was a little unsure as to where exactly things stood between them.

"Well, I just wanted to check on you... see if you needed anything..." Blair told him.

"Yeah, I kinda do, actually..." Nate trailed on.


"Um, Blair... do you think we might have been a little... a little hasty with the whole breakup?" Nate asked.

Ughhhh... she thought. This was not the conversation she wanted to be having with him right now.

"I... I don't know, Nate... it was a pretty difficult decision..."

"Yeah... look, I totally understand. I'm sorry... I shouldn't have brought it up..." Nate said.

"Well... we do have a lot of history together... and... it was in the heat of the moment..." Guilt was starting to set in, he had enough going on with his family right now and he didn't have his girlfriend beside him for support... perhaps maybe she was a bit hasty breaking up with him like she did. "...but you'd have to be willing to really work for it," she added. She couldn't take him back just like that. She's Queen B after all.

"Yeah, yeah – of course!" Nate accepted. "Listen, we'll just take it slow and see how it goes... and um, I've got a birthday present for you – it's... uh, something special..."

"I can't wait to open it at my party! I'll... see you there!"

Before Nate could get another word out Blair hung up. Her birthday wish was coming true – her and Nate would be back together tonight and no one would be none the wiser... it would almost be like they never broke up at all.

She quickly dialed the jeweler's.

"Hi... this is Blair Waldorf. I was wondering if any of the pieces that I put on hold were picked up today... the diamond necklace? Really? Okay, thank you!"

Blair squealed with delight as she jumped up and down. Nate really did love her and was definitely making it up to her – he had gotten her the Erickson Beamon necklace! Despite being her favorite piece she picked out that morning, it was probably the most expensive piece as well... however she didn't expect anyone else but Nate to get it for her. It was a piece she would cherish forever.

"C'mon, man! I can hear you breathing on the other side of the door... is she anybody you can get rid of?" Nate pleaded outside the door of Chuck's suite at The Palace. "I just really need to talk to you, man... please?"

Chuck really wasn't ready to speak to Nathaniel just yet. He didn't even know where to begin... but here he was, outside his suite carrying on. Now or never, Chuck told himself. Just see how this plays out. Maybe he doesn't even know yet...

"Nathaniel!" Chuck greeted his best friend from as far back as he can remember as he swung open the door. He looks like shit, Chuck thought.

"Where's the girl?" Nate asked, looking around curiously as he entered.

"In my dreams," Chuck quipped. It was a half truth..."I was trying to get some shut-eye. What's on your mind?"

"It's my mom..." Nate started.

"Sounds Freudian," Chuck interrupted as he casually placed a certain jeweler's bag out of sight.

Act cool, it's just Nate... he doesn't know, he just wants to talk about his family's front page drama. As long as you act cool, he won't suspect anything is strange.

"She wants me to give Blair her ring," Nate blurted out as he sat down on the couch nearby.

"What?" Chuck exclaimed. Well that wasn't what he was expecting to hear. "You guys broke up!"

"Yeah, I know..." Nate said. Chuck noticed, it dawned on him – he hadn't told Chuck about that yet. "Wait – how do you know?"

Shit, shit, shit! Think fast! Save your ass before he gets more suspicious!

"Predictably, your ex ran the old... uh... grill-the-best-friend play. Tried to find out where your head was at..." Chuck took a breath. Good save... Nate'll believe that. "So, uh... where is your head at?"

"Spinning," Nate said matter of factly. "I mean, my mom wants me to get back with Blair so Eleanor doesn't pull out of their business deal. It's all because of my dad's whole trial thing... you know?"

"Yeah... I'm sorry about all that..." Chuck tried to act like the caring best friend, however he really wasn't ready for Blair to jump so quickly back into Nate's arms. There were certain... things he needed to discuss with her... and certain thoughts about her that Chuck needed to sort out for himself while the opportunity was still available. "...but look – if you're done with Blair, be done. Don't cave to your parent's wishes if they're not your desires..."

"Excuse me?" Nate was completely caught off guard by Chuck's remark. "Where's my boy at? You know, 'Seal the deal.' 'Tap that ass.' 'Money marries bigger money.'?"

Ugh... this was going to be harder than he thought.

Time to turn on the Bass charm and act convincing.

"Look, I care about three things, Nathaniel – money, the pleasures money brings me, and you. I'm just trying to have your back here. Your parents have been controlling you your whole life – it if doesn't end now, when will it ever?"

Nate thought about what Chuck just said. He was right – if he was going to propose to anyone, it would be because he really wanted to, not because his parents forced him into it for their own benefit.

"You're absolutely right, man. Thanks!"

"No problem, Nathaniel," Chuck said, raising his glass of scotch to his best friend, secretly toasting his save. He finished it with a gulp. "Now, if you don't mind... I'd like to get a little shut-eye before the party this evening."

"Party..." Nate thought aloud. "Yeah..."

"You don't think you're going?" Chuck inquired.

"I don't know, man... I mean, we are broken up and if we're not getting back together... it might be a little awkward... I guess I haven't really decided yet if I am or not."

"Well, I'll be sure to tell her happy birthday if you don't," Chuck grinned. If Nate didn't show he might actually get that chance tonight to talk with Blair and figure out just what had happened between them last night and why he was feeling the way he was.

"Thanks again man," Nate said as he got up and gave Chuck a hug and pat on the back before heading to the door. "I owe ya one!"

"You have no idea..." Chuck said to himself as Nate left the suite.

As planned, Blair and Serena arrived to the party fashionably late. Blair took a quick look around – it definitely looked like everyone was having fun!

"Serena! Blair!" Kati and Iz squealed as soon as they spotted Queen B and S. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!"

"Oh my god, Kati! Your brother's place looks fabulous!" Blair exclaimed. It was like a little piece of Japan had been brought in just for her birthday.

"Yeah, I know, right?" Kati responded.

"It's incredible!" Serena declared.

"C'mon guys, let's check it out!" Kati said as she pulled Blair and Serena along for a tour.

There was Guitar Hero being played in one room and dancing with a DJ in another. There was even a sushi chef making fresh sushi dishes for everyone! Blair was a bit hungry so her and Serena decided to sit down and order some sushi rolls.

"Hey so... where's Nate?" Serena asked between bites.

"Um... I'm sure he'll be here soon," Blair hesitantly answered. "Where's Dan?" she asked, changing the focus of the conversation.

"Oh, uh... he said he's coming but I haven't talked to him since this morning," Serena responded as she stuffed another sushi roll into her mouth.

"Well, you better check in on him – make sure the best friend hasn't whisked him away to do some friendly activity!" Blair smirked. She couldn't believe Serena had gone all afternoon and evening without following up with clueless Humphrey.

"Oh, shut up," Serena quipped back. "Oh, hey! There's Chuck! I bet he knows where Nate is!"

Great... Blair thought, as she looked around for somewhere to escape to before Chuck found her first.

"I think Nate probably just snuck in while we were dancing..." Blair remarked as she excused herself and quickly took off in the other direction.

"Chuck!" Serena called out. But before she knew it, Blair had disappeared on her.

Chuck had heard Serena call out to him as soon as he entered the party. One glance in her direction though and he didn't see the reason why he had come.

She probably knows where Blair is though... he thought.

"S..." Chuck greeted Serena as he sat down in the empty seat next to her. "You don't happen to know where the birthday girl is, do you?"

"Funny you should ask, Chuck," Serena responded. "We were just going to ask you if you happened to know where Nate is, however Blair seemed to disappear a moment ago."

So she's playing hard to get, huh? I'm up for the challenge.

"Sorry, Serena – I haven't heard from Nate since earlier this afternoon," Chuck told her as he got up to go scour the party for Blair.

What was with Blair's sudden running off the moment Chuck entered the room. And why was Chuck so eager to find her? Something was going on between them, Serena decided.

Because it was her party and everyone there knew who Blair Waldorf was, it didn't take long for Chuck to find her outside, alone on the balcony.

With a smile on his face, he approached her. And as he did, that rush and fluttering sensation he felt around her earlier this morning started up again.

"Are you ready for your present?" he asked as he approached her.

Blair had a devious look on her face. The nerve he has, showing up after I told him he was uninvited! Out of nowhere she grabbed him by the hair.

"Ow! If you wanted to play rough, all you had to do was ask..." he couldn't help but grin and stifle a laugh. She had no idea how playful he found her behavior just then.

"Hi! Happy Birthday!" some female guest yelled over to Blair as she walked past the duo.

"Hello, there! Happy birthday to me!" Blair yelled back, being polite. She sighed as she turned to Chuck. "You nauseate me."

Chuck looked her in the eye. He got Nate to realize it earlier, now it was her turn to face reality. "All this talk about how you have to be with Nate or the world will end... Face it, Waldorf – it's over."

She rolled her eyes, how dare he! "You sound like a jealous boyfriend, Bass." She turned her back to him, looking out over the brightly lit up New York skyline at night. Where is Nate? He should be here by now... instead I'm spending my birthday party being awkwardly harassed by Chuck.

Seriously? Who does she think she is? "Pfft, yeah, right!" he spit out. "You wish!"

Blair's ears perked up. What did he just say? Then it dawned on her, why he was acting so weird this morning and then now. Oh no... this can't be happening... he can't be...

"No... you wish!" she threw it back at him.

"Please... you forget who you're talking to!" he snapped at her.

"So do you!" She snapped back. "Do you... like me?" She asked inquisitively.

Chuck was silent for a moment as he gathered his thoughts. Do I? Is that what this is?

"Define 'Like'." he told her.

OH MY GOD! She screamed in her head, a look of shock and horror displayed on her face. Never in a million years would I have thought...

"Uh uh! No! You have got to be... I don't believe this!" she managed to sputter out.

Chuck was getting impatient. "How do you think I feel?! I haven't slept! I feel sick, like there's something... something in my stomach... fluttering!" he spit out.

"Butterflies?!" Blair exclaimed. "No! No, no, no, no, no! This. Is not. Happening!" She was completely beyond belief. Is Chuck Bass – the devil of the Upper East Side – actually falling for me? Of all people, my now-ex's best friend? Why?! God, why? This can't be happening!

Chuck didn't know what to say, clearly what he had been feeling all day was not mutual. "Believe me – no one is more surprised or ashamed than I am!"

He had never felt this way about anyone he had slept with before. Up until then, it had always just been one night stands, sending the girl packing right away or first thing in the morning if he was feeling generous, never to see them again aside from the accidental run-in around town. Granted, he knew it would be different with Blair as they were in the same social circle, but still... it had always just been no strings attached sex... up until now. This was completely different. He was completely drawn to her, like he couldn't get enough of her. And he didn't know what to do about it.

"Chuck," Blair said, drawing him back to reality. "You know that I adore all of God's creatures and the metaphors that they inspire... but those butterflies... they have GOT to be murdered!"

Chuck didn't know what to say. "Fine," he conceded. "It wasn't that great anyway." He said he as turned to walk away from her. Clearly she wasn't going to be any help.

"Thanks..." Blair mumbled as she watched Chuck go back inside to the party. What the hell was that about? She thought.

After a few minutes more of fresh air, she decided to go back in also. It was her party after all.

"I can't believe he brought that troll..." Blair muttered to herself as she went back outside on the balcony patio. The Brooklynite had some nerve bringing the girl friend or whatever she was to him to her birthday party, when he knew fully well he was only invited because Serena had requested it.

"S is on her own this time, I tried to warn her..." Blair spoke to no one in particular as she downed a sip of her drink.

"I'm sure you did..." she heard Chuck's voice approaching from behind her. She nearly choked on her drink.

"Stalk me much?" she retorted.

"What are you still doing up here, all alone?" he gently asked her.

She sighed. They had known each other long enough, of course he could tell when something was bothering her.

"I don't know where Nate is... and he always calls me at midnight, when it turns into my birthday," she confessed.

"Well..." Chuck began, "I wouldn't count on it tonight. Doesn't it strike you as... just a little bit of a coincidence, the timing of everything?"

"What do you mean?" Blair asked. What is he getting at?

"Well... Nate suddenly decides he wants to get back together just moments after your mother puts the brakes on her deal with the Captain?"

Seriously, Chuck? You're really going to accuse Nate of that?

"So you're saying Nate is only pretending to like me and that he's actually using me to get to my mother? He wouldn't do that... We both know he's better than that."

"He would if it was to help his family – you know he would," Chuck pointed out.

He does have a point... but... "Nate loves me," she said boldly. "Whatever he's doing, wherever he is, he will call at midnight. You'll see."

Chuck arched an eyebrow, let's see if she'll play...

"Care to make a wager, Waldorf? If he calls, I'll leave you alone forever. If he doesn't... you spend the night with me."

"I will not!" Blair quickly exclaimed. The nerve!

"I thought you were sure," Chuck grinned at her. Based on his earlier conversation with Nate, he knew he had it in the bag, and he really wanted to spend another night with her, whether it be just talking with their mouths or their bodies.

C'mon, Waldorf... you know you can't resist a bet.

Blair hesitated before responding "You're gonna lose – he's never missed my birthday." Nate would call, she just knew it.

Chuck grinned his devilish grin as he watched Blair march back into the party.

Game on, Waldorf!

Chuck noticed Blair out on the balcony patio again a little while later, only this time she was clearly upset and sulking.

Some friend Serena is... too busy keeping up with that Brooklyn troll to even notice her best friend is having a crummy time at her own birthday party... Chuck thought. Someone needs to check on Blair though... he looked at his watch and noticed it was just past midnight.

Carefully, he approached her.

"Hey... it's 12:01," he told her, as he gently came up next to her. "I'm sorry." He attempted to be genuine.

He truly was sorry that Nate had left her hanging, yet at the same time he was a bit relieved as it meant it he actually had a shot at getting to spend some one on one time with her like he had been hoping for ever since she left his limo this morning.

Blair turned around, annoyed that he was there yet again.

"No, you're smarmy. There's a difference," she quipped.

Will he just leave me alone, already? I feel bad enough without his gloating about being right...

"If you're coming to collect, you can forget it," she snapped at him.

Chuck noticed Serena and some others coming from the other direction with Blair's birthday cake in tow. "Turn around," he told her.

"You get grosser by the second," she sighed in annoyance as she rolled her eyes at him.

It was Chuck's turn to sigh – here he was, trying to be a decent friend and she was acting like he was a nasty vermin. "And you get older – look." he told her as he turned her around towards Serena and the cake.

"Happy birthday!" Serena squealed with glee, having no idea of what had been going on with Blair throughout the night.

"Blair!" Iz exclaimed, "Blow out your candles!"

"Make a wish, Blair!" Kati demanded.

Sadly, Blair looked at Chuck. Despite him stalking her around the party like a lovesick lost puppy, he seemed to be the only one that really understood what was going on with her tonight. She sighed. Turning back towards Serena, Kati, Iz and the others she announced "It already didn't come true..."

With that, she excused herself to be alone.

Serena was confused just like everyone else but Chuck. "What just happened?" S wondered.

Chuck sighed, Some friend Serena was... she could be completely clueless and self absorbed at times... He blew out the candles since no one else was. Where did Blair go now? He wondered as he left to go find her.

Moments later, a Gossip Girl blast blew up everyone's phones.

Spotted: Nate Archibald, depositing a mystery girl into a taxi after midnight. All we know about her for sure? She's not Blair Waldorf...

"Oh. My. God! Serena!" Kati and Iz called over to S.

"Have you seen this? I can't believe Gossip Girl would do this to her on her birthday!" Iz declared.

"You know what, maybe she's wrong... it wouldn't be the first time!" Serena suggested.

"I can't believe Gossip Girl!" Kati exclaimed as Blair walked over to the group.

"Blair! Hey! I'm so sorry!" Serena said as she reached over to give her best friend a hug. "I never would have thought that this would happen!"

"I hope the slut gives him herpes!" Iz stammered.

"Cheater would totally deserve herpes..." Kati said in agreement.

This is ridiculous, Blair thought. No point in keeping it a secret anymore.

"He isn't cheating!" Blair shouted at them. "We broke up! Okay?" She was fighting back tears as she finally admitted their breakup out loud. "He was going to get back together with me... but only so my mom would help his dad..." Before the tears fell, she turned to Chuck and spat out "You satisfied?!"

You could cut the tension Blair was emitting with a knife.

"Blair..." Chuck spoke softly as he reached out to comfort her, however she ran off again to be alone before he could do any such thing.

Serena ran after her.

"Blair!" How could she not notice all night how upset Blair was? She felt like the worst friend ever. "Blair, stop! Talk to me, please!"

Blair stopped in her tracks and turned to face Serena, tears running down her cheeks.

"We ended it, S... I wanted to tell you but... but part of me thought that if I didn't say it out loud then it wouldn't be true!" Blair cried. Serena put her arms around her best friend, trying to comfort her as best as she could. "It was my birthday wish for us to get back together! But now... I think it's really over, S..."

"Oh B... I'm so sorry!" Serena held her best friend tight. She felt horrible for her.

"Thanks S... but would you mind... if I just want to be alone for a few minutes?" Blair asked. She appreciated Serena finally noticing her for the first time in what felt like hours, but right now, she just wanted to cry alone in private.

Serena nodded as she let Blair out of her embrace. "Okay, B... if you're sure. I'm here if you need me to talk to, okay?"

"Okay S... just... give me a few minutes."

And with that Blair resigned herself to one of the empty bedrooms, closing the door behind her. Throwing herself down on the bed, she cried until she felt there were no more tears to cry for Nate.

Pretty soon she heard the door carefully creak open. She pushed herself upright and saw none other than Chuck.

"Chuck..." she sighed, as he gently pushed the door shut, albeit not all the way. "I'm really not in the mood... this is pretty much the worst birthday ever," she sulked.

Chuck strolled over to Blair on the bed and sat down beside her. He really did feel bad for her – while Nate was never the world's best boyfriend to her, no one deserved to be humiliated like she just was on her birthday.

"Maybe... it can be salvaged..." he said, smiling, as he presented her with a black box.

"What's that? Our sex tape?" Blair said sarcastically. "What, do you have cameras installed in the limo?"

Chuck stifled a laugh, as she looked away from him. She has no idea how much I love her wit, he thought.

"Just... look," he told her as he opened the box for her.

He noticed she did a double take as she curiously glanced at his gift. Her eyes widened as she realized what it was.

"Oh my god! It's... the Erickson Beamon necklace!" she exclaimed. Suddenly all her sadness seemed to fade away. "Chuck... I couldn't..." she protested. It was too much, coming from him. He didn't need to get that for her. Him just being there as a friend for her regardless of what he was feeling for her in her time of need was more than enough.

"Yes... you can," he told her as he began to place the necklace around her neck.

She turned to look in the mirror hanging on the wall beside the bed. He turned to look as well. It was breath-taking. They were breath-taking.

"Something this beautiful deserves to be seen on someone worthy of its beauty," Chuck said as he gently smoothed the pieces of the necklace into place. "You're beautiful, Blair..." he told her as gently placed his chin on her shoulder, staring into the mirror.

Blair continued to look at them in the mirror also. Chuck was being so sweet and gentle, just like he had been the night before. This was a side of him she wasn't used to seeing.

"I really am sorry, Blair... Nate may be my best friend, but you didn't deserve that."

She nodded in agreement. "Yeah..." she sadly replied, trying to fight back tears.

Chuck gently reached up and stroked her cheek, she shouldn't be crying, especially not at her own party. She reached up and took his hand in hers, noticing just how perfectly her hand fit in his. He noticed it as well. He glanced over at her and locked eyes with her, all while carefully bringing his lips to her shoulder for a gentle kiss. Her skin on his lips tasted amazingly sweet.

He then carefully slid his arms around her waist, holding her securely. She put a hand on top of his.

"Chuck... what's happening between us?" Blair asked, sincerely. As much as she had tried to deny to herself all day that the night before was a mistake... as sweet as he was being with her tonight had her questioning herself once again. However Chuck was the last person she had ever expected to get involved with – he didn't do relationships, let alone girlfriends.

"I don't know Blair," he whispered as he placed another gentle kiss on her shoulder. Now or never, he told himself.

"But I did mean what I said earlier about the fluttering... ever since last night, whenever I'm around you I get this rush and that fluttering sensation... and you know me, I've never made an effort towards any girl before in my life – they never stay past breakfast. But with you..." he reached up and turned her chin to face him.

"With you... it's different. I... I really do think I 'like' like you, Blair. And more than just in a friend-kind of way – I think it's safe to say we've been friends for years... but ever since last night... it just feels so different than anything I've ever known. And as bad as I feel for you when it comes to things between you and Nate... I can't help but be a little relieved that it's really over... we both know he was never as attentive to you as he should have been..."

Looking in Chuck's eyes, Blair couldn't believe how sincere he was being. The Basstard really did mean every word he was saying. And she knew exactly what he was saying – he was always sort of the third wheel in her relationship with Nate, often picking up the pieces when Nate's clueless self failed to do so, much like he had tonight when Serena's clueless self didn't notice at all how miserable she was. It was amazing how similar the bumbling blondes were in certain aspects. Now that he mentioned it, she too was relieved that it was officially over with Nate.

She leaned into him, bringing her lips to his and gave him a gentle kiss. Chuck closed his eyes and savored every second of her kiss before she pulled away, smiling at him as he opened his eyes.

"Blair, if you're up for it... I'd really like to see where this goes," he said to her.

She nodded. "I think it's worth exploring..." she said in agreement. Their lips merged once more, this time a bit more passionate as Blair brought her arms around his neck, running her fingers through his hair like she had the night before. He wrapped his arms around her torso, drawing her close to him as he could.

He wasn't entirely sure what this was he was feeling for Blair or what this meant for them, but he did know for sure that he didn't want it to end anytime soon.

Serena had left Blair alone in the spare room for a good 15 minutes or so. The party was starting to thin and she could tell Dan was itching to get out of there.

"Let me go check on Blair," Serena told Dan. "We're supposed to be sleeping over together tonight, or so was our story."

As she approached the spare room she noticed the door was open just a crack, like it hadn't been shut tightly. Gently as to not startle Blair, Serena pushed it open just a tad... only she couldn't believe what she was seeing.

OH. MY. GOD... Blair... AND CHUCK?! She thought as she watched her best friend since childhood in a full on make out session with the Upper East Side's Prince of Darkness. That explains the awkwardness between the two of them earlier tonight... but when did this happen?! Why didn't Blair tell me?

Pulling the door shut behind her, Serena didn't know what to make of the sight she just witnessed.

After what felt like forever, Blair finally pulled away from Chuck long enough to catch her breath.

Propping herself up on her elbow, she turned to Chuck who was lying on his back. "You know... we should probably get out of here, go somewhere a little more private just in case things... escalate... anyone could just walk in accidentally..." Blair told him.

"Are you sure?" Chuck asked her once again, like he had the night before when she decided to give herself to him.

Blair nodded. "It is my birthday, after all..."

Chuck looked up and smiled at her. "Alright then, your wish is my command, birthday girl. I'll summon Arthur and we'll go wherever you'd like."

"Why don't you go get our coats and I'll let Serena know I've made other plans for tonight, as our cover story was that we were spending the night at each other's place," Blair informed Chuck as she stood up, making sure she looked acceptable in the mirror.

Chuck nodded, standing behind her. "Meet you out there in 10 minutes or less," he told her, but not before he wrapped his arms around her once more and gave her a longing kiss on the shoulder. He took one last look at them both in the mirror, smiling, before he headed out of the room to fetch their coats. For once in his life, he was genuinely feeling happy about something, and it was something good. It almost didn't seem possible.

Blair smiled at herself in the mirror. What she thought was possibly one of the worst 24 hour periods ever was quickly turning into a much better one. She had no idea what she was doing with Chuck, but like he had said, it was definitely worth finding out what exactly this was that was happening between them. And she'd be lying if she didn't admit that it excited her just a bit.

She quickly found Serena, who seemed a bit flustered as she spoke with Dan.

What did the Brooklynite do now? Blair wondered to herself as she approached the couple.

"S... everything okay?" Blair asked her.

"Uh, Blair!" Serena said, startled at Blair's sudden presence. "Uh no, no... everything's fine... we were just talking about heading out. Are you ready to leave? Where's Chuck?"

"Yeah... about that S... um... Chuck and I are going to stay out for a little bit... he'll make sure I get home okay. You have fun with Dan... and Vanessa," Blair told Serena.

"Ready?" Chuck said quietly as he came up behind Blair, draping her coat around her shoulders.

"Yep, let's go," Blair replied as she turned to leave with him. Serena and Dan both stood there with their jaws wide open. "See you later S... Humphrey."

She no sooner got in the limo with Chuck when her phone went off. Blair grinned when she read the text:

You are soooo telling me EVERYTHING later this week!


Chuck couldn't help but grin either when he saw it.

Arthur leaned back from the driver's seat, "Where to, Mr Bass, Miss Waldorf?"

"Well, birthday girl?" Chuck asked as he settled in next to her, his arms around her pulling her close. "Where shall we go for the night?"

Blair looked up at him and grinned a devious smile.

"To the Palace, please, Arthur!" she requested, as she once again wrapped her arms around Chuck's neck, pulling his lips towards hers as they passionately began to kiss, with Chuck slipping his arm away for just a brief second to push the button raising the partition between the driver's cab and the back of the limo.

A/N: Well there you have it, Blair ended her 17th birthday with Chuck. Up next – Thanksgiving! (How timely!). Will Blair be able to talk Chuck into sticking around for the holidays for once? How will Serena react when she finally confronts Blair about seeing her with Chuck? And of course Blair will have to face off with her mother when it comes to her father's absence from the holiday get together, not to mention she'll have to face the demons of her past... but fortunately it looks like she won't be doing it alone! If you like this, please leave a comment/review so I know to keep going (I fully intend on finishing it anyway!). Feel free to share any ideas and suggestions as well! Thanks for reading!