Disclaimer: Sadly i do not own this, though i would not mind having a day...or a week with Fili and Kili.

A/N: Third chapter of the revamped OF Two Worlds. I hope you are enjoying this so far! Smooches loves.

Chapter three

~_~_~_~_~ Present Day: Middle-Earth: The Blue Mountain's ~_~_~_~_~_~

Fili and Kili, sons of Dis and Halvar, and two of the youngest heirs to the line of Durin. While both were considered young by Dwarven standards, they were still of an age that was old enough to join their uncle's quest to retake Erebor from the horrendous Smaug. Over the years both Fili and Kili have become skilled with their chosen weapons and have grown into strong and independent dwarves, something which made their mother Dis unbelievably proud. Even if both were adults and have fought plenty enough against Orc's and other such creatures of Middle-Earth while doing the duties of a prince along with their Uncle, they were not foolish enough to think that they were immune to the scolding of a mother. Something which they were both experiencing at the moment since they had failed to mention to their mother about their intentions to leave the Blue Mountain's to join their uncle's quest to reclaim their homeland, and the fact that they were leaving the next morn. It was safe to say that Fili and Kili's mother was none too pleased with them at the present moment…..or their uncle.

"How dare he! How dare that…..that swine brother of mine do such a thing as this." Dis said furiously, stomping back and forth in front of Fili and Kili as her black hair flew about her shoulders which made her look just as formidable as any dwarven warrior – even more so.

Dis was livid at the moment and it was not just towards her brother and his ridiculous idea to retake Erebor from a dragon that more than likely still resides within the mountain, no she was angry at more than just that. Dis was angry at her brother for obvious reasons, she was also angry at him for having the gall to ask her only children to join him on this…suicide mission of his, and she was absolutely enraged at Fili and Kili for agreeing to this madness. If Thorin had been standing in front of her at the moment, well it would probably end up with Dis attempting to strangle her older brother and it would be no less than he deserved.

Stopping mid step, Dis looked at her children with her hands on her hips and narrowed eyes that were filled with flames of anger. "He hasn't the right to ask this of you two, to ask my only children to join him on such a reckless and life threatening adventure, all who join this quest are more likely to end up dead than see Erebor restored to its former glory. Smaug may lay dormant for the moment and he may not have been seen or heard from for many, many decades but that does not mean that he does not still reside within the mountain – waiting." She said darkly and paused for a moment as she tried to control the anger she felt at her son's as well as Thorin; clenching her fists tightly she continued. "That foolish dwarf who calls himself my brother, and king," she spoke with venom in her voice as she looked intently at her two sons who took a sudden step back and away from their mother, both wary of how she may act. "Has gone completely mad! You are my children, not his!" she yelled.

Hearing that last sentence both Fili and Kili looked to one and another with anxiousness, both nervous as to how to proceed with their mother who was stubborn, furious and quite intimidating a majority of the time. Never in all their years of being have either Fili or Kili seen their mother quite so furious as she was at the present moment and there have been plenty of instances where she has been angry with them and Thorin, but mostly it was them when they were being troublesome dwarflings. Fili looked at his younger dark haired brother and then subtly nodded his head towards their mother, in response to that Kili widened his eyes and shook his head adamantly and gave his brother a pointed look. Both brothers at a standstill as they silently communicated about who should approach their mother first and attempt to calm her down from the unbelievable anger she was experiencing at the moment.

Giving a flat look to his younger brother, Fili decided to act as the more mature one and try and speak to their mother. "Mother, please just-" he began but as he reached a strong arm out towards his mother as a way to calm her, she suddenly turned towards him with an angry gaze.

Dis leveled her eldest with an icy glare and angrily shook her head at him, "Do not dare 'Mother' me, Fili son of Halvar," she replied sternly and looked between her two sons for a few moments before she gave them a look of disbelief, unsure of what to do with her two determined and fearless sons. "Fili, Kili you both may be Thorin's heirs but he was not the one who carried you for many, many months, nor was he the one who birthed you and cared for you when you were but babes, and he was not the one who clothed you and sewed your clothing when your rambunctiousness had gotten out of hand. After all of that, you have decided to repay me by going on an adventure with Thorin to retake Erebor – a fool's errand. You both have a high chance of being killed by that despicable dragon. You will be roasted alive by the damned dragon, is that what you want?" she questioned fiercely, her eyes trained on both of her sons expectantly, waiting for an answer.

There were ever so many thoughts that were going through Dis' mind at the moment, and many of them were rather uncouth words for her dear older brother but he needed to hear them, besides she was rather disappointed, exasperated and angry at him for requesting that Fili and Kili join him in his endeavor. Dis could not believe that Thorin, her dear older brother whom she had always looked up to hadn't even the decency to tell her that he was considering of going on a life-threatening journey to reclaim Erebor – their homeland. Dis missed Erebor just as much as the next dwarf who hailed from there, especially when taking into consideration that she was the granddaughter of the King. Oh, she missed all of the people that she had once knew and had seen on almost on an everyday basis and who had perished tragically because of a dragon and because of the cruelty of Thranduil and other peoples who would not aide them. She missed the hearty and loud celebrations that they would have (some for no reason but to drink and party), and Dis missed the friendships that she had and so many, many more things that she cannot even begin to speak of.

By Mahal, Dis wished so much that she and the rest of her people could have and go back to the life that they all had once had in Erebor. Deep in her heart Dis wondered if Erebor had never fallen mayhap they would not have lost all they did…mayhap Drifa, Ragnar and their child would not have died in the way that they did.

It was not that Dis was against retaking Erebor because she was not, that dragon had no right to situate itself within their home any longer, it was rightfully their home but she did not wish to take the mountain back if the price was her son's lives, as well as her only remaining brother's. Fili and Kili were all that Dis had left of her late husband who had perished honorably in the battle at Azanulbizar near Moria, no matter how deeply she wished to reclaim Erebor she could not…..no, she would not lose her son's because of her brother's stupidity and greedy need to take back a kingdom which rightfully belonged to them. Dis valued her son's lives too much to wish for them to risk it all because of Thorin telling them grand and detailed tales of Erebor and telling them what Erebor would once again be if they reclaimed it for their own.

"Ma," Kili said as he walked towards his mother with trepidation, gently taking her hands into his much rougher ones and looked into her eyes. "I know you are not fond of this, and do not wish for us to waste our lives on a quest such as this, taking Erebor back." He said carefully to her and looked into her dark eyes keenly. "Fili and I knew that you would not support this quest of uncle's, but mother, we had grown up hearing stories of Erebor and how wondrous it had been, how grand and prosperous it was. Of the halls that were expansive, of the mines, and of the forges. We may have never seen Erebor with our own eyes but we wish to take it back from the terror that Smaug is, it is our rightful kingdom and it is high time that we take it back." He said passionately, straightening his back proudly at the thought of walking the halls of his ancestors once again.

Fili nodded whole-heartedly in agreement with what his younger brother was saying to their mother, "Yes mother, for too long have our people not felt complete. Our people have been homeless and wandered the countryside for a good long time before we found a place to reside once again, and it was all because of Smaug. Our people did not deserve to be homeless and to wonder where their next meal would come from; somehow through all of that despair uncle Thorin managed to lead them and create a life for everyone. But not all recovered." He said with a solemn expression on his face. "Reclaiming Erebor as ours would be a way to help those people who still feel lost, who still feel incomplete and homeless."

Hearing the determination and stubbornness in both of her son's voices Dis could not help but give a resigned sigh as she looked at the two of them closely; both Fili and Kili have grown so much over the decades and have turned out to be more than she could have ever hoped for. No longer are they small dwarflings getting into trouble every time she turned her back on them, now they are strong dwarves who have more than a right to join their uncle's quest and to see the kingdom that they have heard stories of.

"Never doubt that I do not believe in this quest," Dis said softly as she laid a hand upon each of her two son's cheeks, gently caressing them with the pad of her thumbs. "I miss the home I had in Erebor, but I value both of your lives much too much. I do not wish for you to die on this quest of your uncle's, I do not want to see you carried back to me for me to bury you. I've buried too many people in my life, and I do not think I could handle having to bury you two. A parent should not have to bury their child, understand this Fili and Kili." She stated, looking at her two sons gravely. "It is a worthy cause, but I am your mother first and foremost, and I will worry over you and I will worry that you will get yourselves into something that you will not be able to get yourselves out of." She said with pursed lips and gave a small sniffle at never being able to see her two boys ever again – they were her world.

When their mother had said that Fili immediately looked at his mother searchingly, "You do not need to worry about us mother, we were trained by the best of the best. Dwalin, Balin, and Thorin trained us well mother. Kili and I are well trained in swordplay as well as in hand to hand." He said to her matter of a fact, thinking that pointing out these things would ease her mind. "Believe me Ma, Kili and I will come back to you alive and well."

Kili grinned widely as he threw an arm around his brother's neck and then looked into his mother's dark blue colored eyes playfully. "Trust me mother, you cannot be rid of us that easily. No matter how often Fili and I get on your nerves and make you want to pull your hair out." He joked to her.

As much as Dis wished that she had a good reason to keep her sons from going on this quest with their uncle and who knows what other dwarves Thorin had somehow convinced to go along with this madness of an errand, Dis knew that she could not do so. She could not keep her sons in the Blue Mountain's with her; Fili and Kili had a right to go with Thorin to reclaim Erebor.

"You both will be careful, won't you?" Dis asked with a resigned sigh as she looked at her two sons sternly, daring them to say anything different than what she wanted to hear. "You best take care of yourselves and look after one and another. And please," she said looking from Fili to Kili. "If your uncle comes up with a completely ridiculous plan do not go along with it. His pride and the fact that he has no sense of self-preservation at times will be the death of him and I would much prefer if you do not meet your own demise along with him."

When Dis had finished both Fili and Kili had given their mother wide, surprised looks that she had actually agreed to letting them go along with Thorin…technically they would have gone one way or another but they would have rather had her consent than going against her wishes but the fact that she was agreeing was shocking to them. The adventure that they were about to take part in was going to be unbelievably dangerous, so their mother did have every right, as their mother, to do all in her power to stop them from going.

"Don't worry too much mother," Fili said sincerely as he stepped forward and wrapped his arms around his mother in a hug and kissed her on the cheek. "We will come back to you, and I'll make sure to keep Kili out of too much trouble." He said with a wink.

At that Kili rolled his eyes in an exaggerated fashion and pushed is brother playfully once he let go of their mother, "I don't find trouble, the trouble finds me." He said defending himself and looked at his mother. "I haven't a clue what that one is talking about." He said gesturing towards Fili.

Dis gave a small giggle at how childish her two grown children were at times, even if they were rather childish at times they did know when it was time to be serious and drop the act. But nevertheless she did enjoy seeing Fili and Kili acting like this. Carefree.

"The both of you find trouble equally; you are two peas in a pod." Dis said with a gentle smile on her face, stepping forward she pulled her youngest and most troublesome son into a tight hug. "I need you to promise me something Kili." She said with a dead serious tone of voice.

Hearing the tone of voice his mother was using, Kili looked to her and gave a nod of the head. "Anything." He answered without hesitation.

Dis smiled at her youngest and dug into her small pouch and withdrew a stone that had runes engraved into it, carefully she pressed it into Kili's hands. "I give this to you Kili, and you must promise that you will come back to me, the both of you." She said as she looked between Kili and Fili. "I am trusting you with this gift, a gift that a close friend had given me before she….before she had been killed. By giving you this I am expecting you to return to me, alive." She said pointedly. "Alive being the important part of this."

"Mother," Fili stated as he gently laid a hand on her shoulder, in a caring fashion. "We will come back."

Instead of replying to Fili's statement, Dis instead looked to her younger son. "Kili, promise me." She said to him with a concerned tone of voice. "I know that you are much more reckless than your brother, I do not worry as much for him. But you…you must promise me to ease my heart."

Seeing the seriousness in his mother's eyes Kili nodded at her before wrapping his finger's around the stone token that his mother bestowed upon him, "I will come back mother." He said in a voice barely above a whisper and gave her a half-hearted smile; all three of them knew the likelihood of Fili and Kili coming back alive and it was very slim considering the lands that they needed to pass across and the beings that they will end up coming across but they pretended, pretended for their mother's sake.

Dis gave a small smile at that, glad that Kili was taking this seriously, turning she looked to her eldest with a stern look. "Fili, you better make sure that you keep yourself alive as well, I will not give you something to ensure that you come back to me." She said and gave an amused smile. "You have Gyda to do that, come back to your intended Fili."

"Nothing will be able to stop me from coming back to her." Fili tone in with a soft tone of voice.

With that said Fili and Kili spent their last few hours in the Blue Mountain's getting ready for their adventure, saying one last good bye to their mother, and Fili visited his intended one last time before he would be separated from her for who knows how many months. But one this was for sure and that was that Fili would come back to her.

~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~ Dis ~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~

While her boys were doing that Dis made her way outside of the mountain so that she may get some fresh air and so that she may think for a while; it has been seventy some years since the news of Drifa's death came to the Blue Mountain's and since Agertha's disappearance. The first decade after losing both of her closest friends had been painful for Dis, she may have had a few other females who were friends of hers but none who were close to her as Drifa and Agertha had been. None who were brave enough to speak their mind around her and who would be blunt with her – even if it hurt feelings.

When the air turned colder with the seasons Dis could not help but think of Drifa, her birthday was at the beginning of the turning seasons. Drifa, herself and Agertha would always come together to celebrate their birthdays; after spending time with their family or significant others they would act as adolescents and sneak away to a hidden place in the Mountain to celebrate with sweets. It had been a tradition of theirs since they were small children, and it had been something they kept up as the years passed bye. On Drifa's birthday, even though she no longer lived, Dis kept the tradition going strong. She couldn't bear to halt doing so even if two of the parties were no longer there to celebrate with.

"I hope you are happy Drifa," Dis said to the wind that was blowing her black hair around. "I hope you have found peace."

Dis liked to imagine that if Drifa and Ragnar had lived that they would have eventually joined them in the Blue Mountain's, that they would have seen reason and come to join the rest of their people rather than living in solitude. Dis liked to think that Brynnhilda, Fili and Kili would have grown up together, would have become friends and that her sons would have protected her when she had need of it.

But life was not fair, and Ragnar, Drifa and their infant daughter Brynnhilda were dead.

~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~ Author's Note~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~~_~_

Hello darlings, I hope that you enjoyed this chapter! I was going ot originally have it oout yesterday but after work I just was unable to write for some odd reason. But today, today was much better day for writing. So please, let me know what you think so far!


"A mother is the truest friend we have, when trials heavy and sudden fall upon us; when adversity takes the place of prosperity; when friends desert us; when trouble thickens around us, still will she cling to us, and endeavor by her kind precepts and counsels to dissipate the clouds of darkness, and cause peace to return to our hearts."

― Washington Irving

"There is no such thing as a "broken family." Family is family, and is not determined by marriage certificates, divorce papers, and adoption documents. Families are made in the heart. The only time family becomes null is when those ties in the heart are cut. If you cut those ties, those people are not your family. If you make those ties, those people are your family. And if you hate those ties, those people will still be your family because whatever you hate will always be with you."

― C. JoyBell C.