Disclaimer: Me no own Bleach

So you ever tell yourself that, "Hey sweet I finally have free time to do what I want" and then life comes out of nowhere and ruins it. Well that's what happened.

Urahara Shop

Standing outside of Uraharas shop, Ichigo turned to wave goodbye to Yoruichi who did the same back. After he had gotten all of the things off of his chest he felt like a new man. Of course he was still a bit embarrassed with what he had done. Especially when he was done crying Yoruichi had a grin on her face and said "Are you going to take advantage of me now that you got me all wet." This led to him blushing up a storm as she just laughed at his expression.

"Damn horny cat." He mumbled under his breath as he flash stepped back to school. After a few minutes he was back into his body and started to make his way to class or he would have if he hadn't of checked his phone to see that the class was halfway over with he decided to just wait on the rooftop till the bell rang.

Walking down the hall towards the stairs he passed by the nurse's office and just decided to take a look inside out of boredom. Looking inside he noticed his friend Tatsuki who was staring at the ceiling. Ichigo made his way into the room noticing that the school nurse wasn't in the room and sat down next to her bed.

Turning her head when she heard the door open Tatsuki noticed that it was Ichigo coming in and he didn't look happy at her current state.

As he was sitting down Tatsuki could only think of one thing and that was revenge. There was no way Apacci should have been able to block that punch let alone get one on her. It didn't matter though because now she would be able to get back at her tenfold by telling Ichigo that Apacci just attacked her like a wild animal.

"Tatsuki what happened to you?" Ichigo asked worried about his friend.

"I was talking to Apacci and then out of nowhere she slugs me right in the stomach. I was completely blindsided by it." She lied while looking at him dead in the eye.

She knew that because of recent event Ichigo had been taking their side with a lot of things, but any guy would for sleeping with them. However Ichigo would always care for friends especially those that were injured.

"What. She attacked you I didn't think that she would do that." Ichigo whispered loud enough for only Tatsuki to hear.

Apacci may be a bit out spoken, but there was never a case where she would have attacked someone. She would usually settle with just an angry glare or if there was any violence it would be with her sisters which seemed to be normal for them.

"That's what happens when you let complete strangers into your life instead of sticking with your true friends." She said smugly.

Before he could say anything to stick up for Apacci the bell rang and the school nurse walked into the offices and told him to get to class. Saying goodbye to Tatsuki, Ichigo makes his way towards his classroom hoping to find out what went down when he left.


While waiting for class to start Apacci, Mila Rose, and Sung Sun started to share their worries on the whereabouts of Ichigo. They had wondered ever since they had left the roof on where he could have been. They sensed that all of the hollows had been killed, but then a large hollow like spiritual pressure came and then as fast as it came it was gone. Along with Ichigo's spiritual pressure.

Looking at his spiritually aware friends they could tell that they too were worrying about the orange haired Shinigami. At one point the tall one known as Chad tried to excuse himself from the classroom, but the teacher had refused. He would have pushed further if he hadn't of gotten a shake of a head from the Quincy. Instead he just tightened his fist and sat down while glaring at his desk.

This was maddening how much they could worry about one man. Although Apacci was wanting to talk to him for a completely different reason. Having attacked his childhood friend was not one of her greatest achievements in life and if anything would kick her out of the race for Ichigo. If she was out than Aizen would make what he was doing to Orihime look like child play. She knew that she had to find Ichigo before he found out from anyone otherwise she might be seen as the one in the wrong.

I mean sure she may have insulted Tatsuki best friend and a personal friend of Ichigo, but c'mon this is High school who hasn't done that once or twice. Regardless she had a good feeling that Ichigo would take her side.

The door to the classroom opened and everybody looked to see an emotionless Ichigo standing there. The entire class went silent as Ichigo made his way in front of Apacci desk and stared at her for a few seconds. Apacci staring at his eyes knew that Ichigo had heard about what had happened, but from whose perspective she didn't know.

"So I just got done with talking to Tatsuki in the nurse's office. It looked like you got her pretty good." Ichigo said not showing any emotion to what he was feeling on the inside.

"Look Ichigo I'm sor…" Apacci attempted to say but stopped when he raised his hand to silence her.

"Now don't apologize until I have heard your side of the story. While I am mad at seeing Tatsuki injured I'm no fool to her attitude." Ichigo said in a sage like form.

Everybody in the classroom nearly passed out from hearing this from one of the most hotheaded people in class. Being second only to Tatsuki herself and well she was currently indisposed.

Hearing her chance she decided to just be honest and told him the entire truth even the insults she had thrown back at Tatsuki. By the end of it Ichigo had not once changed his emotion or had spoken out at any point. As soon as she was done Ichigo let out a loud sigh.

"While I'm not happy with how it went down Tatsuki had no right to barge at you like that and then she threw the first punch only for you to defend yourself." Ichigo said while scratching his head.

Apacci was on cloud nine right now having heard this. To think that he would forgive her so easily. She was so excited that she forgot everyone was there in the room. Filled with energy she was about to jump forward to kiss him only to pause when a hand is put on her shoulder. Turning around she starts to sweat a bit under the gaze she is receiving.

"Calm down Apacci besides he's mine for today got it." Sung Sun said with a threatening glare promising a world of hurt should she cross the line.

"Of course Sung-Sun" Apacci said with bated breath.


The rest of the day seemed to fly by after Ichigos strange forgiveness towards Apacci. Everyone in the entire school was expecting fireworks. Some of the teachers had even thought of calling the police ahead of time.

Sung-Sun had been waiting patiently all day for this and now it was finally happening she was going with Ichigo on a date. This was her chance to complete the mission once and for all and to of course have Ichigo's heart. Waiting by the front of the school for Ichigo she had to analyze what she had to accomplish tonight.

She knew that she had too whoooo him tonight otherwise she may lose him forever. While she wasn't as flat as a board like Apacci she wasn't as blunt as her. She certainly didn't have a size that could come close to Mila Rose or Lady Harribel.

"Hey ready to go." Her musing what cut short as Ichigo came up to her.

"Yeah I was just waiting on you." She said while gracing him with a sincere smile as she walked over to his right side and intertwined their arms together as they made their way towards the ice rink.

Ten minutes later they arrived at the ice rink and were surprised on how many people there were. Ichigo started to notice a common trait about everyone there. They were all couples and hanging in the air was a giant banner that said

Couples Day! Those who are lucky enough to have a ticket get first two skate. Either solo or duet.

Ichigo then started to put the pieces together. Why would an Ice Rink need tickets? Because Keigo wanted you to embarrass yourself in front of a crowd. Slowly his thoughts turned to murdering Keigo in the most gruesome way possible.

"Uh Sung-Sun it looks like we will get to have the first dance." He said showing her the two tickets.

Her eyes widened after hearing this before she nodded in understanding. This was perfect they would be the first couple to ever dance here creating an irreplaceable memory for both of them. Though before that could happen she would give a show.

Walking to the front of the line they showed their tickets to a middle aged man wearing a tuxedo and flashing them a big smile.

"Ah so you two are my lucky couple. Well then will it be two duets?"

As Ichigo was about to respond he was cut off by Sung-Sun. "No I wish to perform a solo first then we shall do a duet together." She stated and started to make her way towards the skates.

"Oho a woman in charge huh. You better treat her right young man otherwise she may just abuse you." The man laughed as he went to discuss what song she would dance with.

After scanning through the list of songs she finally found one that she felt was perfect for her. She then proceeded to skate to the center of the rink with everyone's eyes on her, but the only one she truly cared for was Ichigo. Everyone went silent as soon as the music started to play.

(Watch RWBY White trailer for her performance)

















She then takes a bow towards the audience and makes her way towards Ichigo who was staring at her with widened eyes. Which why wouldn't he she just danced her heart out and how she truly felt sometimes. She was a quiet person who had to deal with a lot of awkward situations because of Apacci and Mila Rose. Sure she fun with them, but they never let her speak out or to be by herself most of the time, so it got on her nerves.

Unbelievable. That was the only word that Ichigo could come up with to describe Sung-Sun performance. She was beautiful in every way as her hair would glide through the air with her and never a single hair out of place. It looked as if she had been skating for years.

"I think we can all agree that was an amazing performance. Now there is more as she will now perform a duet with her partner." The owner said into his microphone causing the audience to start clapping and wanting more.

The owner turned to the two teenagers "So what song will you pick."


Okay I am letting you pick what song and writing the performance since I suck at it. Just submit into the Review and I will notify when I have a winner. RIP Monty Oum