Chapter 1: A Really Bad Week

So I'm gonna start rewriting my earlier chapters. Because now that I'm rereading them. I realized how bad they were. I really had no plan for these earlier chapter.

I'm more than likely going to do an rewrite, then an actually new chapter.

To new readers, welcome to a better chapter 1. To my old ones, I hope you enjoy the rewritten introduction.

I own nothing but my OCs, I have no ownership over the ATLA or LOK series.

Some Alleyway, Republic City- Morning

What happened last night?

That was my first thought. My second was, Why am I In An Alley?

It was a grungy one at that too...

I stretched and slowly pulled myself to my feet. As I finished my stretches I noticed a man laying in the alley. A hobo. He was glaring at me fiercely. I blinked and tried to put a bright smile on my face. Hopefully the smile would show I meant him no ill will.

The glare grew darker as he slowly stood up. "Get out of MY ALLEY!" I blinked staring at the clearly drunk man in front of me. I did the only logical thing I could think off.

I ran out of the alley quickly finding myself by the road.

Okay now to focus and figure out where the fuck I...what.

I was staring at a Satomobile. A fucking Satomobile. Not to mention the people walking around in clothes from the 1920's. I think my brain shut down as I quickly brought my sights to everything around me. I slowly walked down the sidewalk trying to look somewhat normal.

But one word was going through my head.


Sidewalk, Republic City- Morning

This is not happening, I'm dreaming. Totally dreaming. I'm gonna close my eyes and I'm gonna be back in my dorm room. Yup.

I opened my eyes and looked around. The pedestrians around casting quick glances at the wierdo muttering to himself with his eyes closed. But they were still wearing clothes from the 1920's.

This is actually happening.

Holy shit this is happening!

I sighed and shoved my hands into my pockets. The only upside so far was that I wasn't some weirdo in future clothes. Whatever brought me here changed my clothes to whatever was appropriate for this world. Sort Of.

When I finally calmed down to look at myself I realized that I was now wearing a gray ratty shirt, tan shorts, a pair of brown sandals, and finally a dark blue satchel with a Dragon head symbol emblazoned on the buckle.

I basically looked how I felt.

Like Shit.

Market Place, Republic City- Afternoon

I had spent most of the morning trying to wrap my mind over the fact I was in another universe. With no family or friends. And let's not forget that I have no money or place to sleep!

I mean I could head back to that alley, but I don't think that hobo was going to be happy to see him.

So I had to make some money, and hope that Republic City had affordable hotels or something. I sighed looking around. People were going from stall to stall talking or buying shit.

What the hell am I going to do!? As I lamented my shitty circumstances a voice called out to me, "You. Boy."

I flinched whirling around to see who was speaking to me. The voice belonged to an old woman behind a stall selling plums, her hair white and her eyes hard. Her blood red clothing showing her Nation origin. Her eyes were a dark-

"BOY! I am speaking to you!"

I flinched again, "Sorry! I was thinkin-"

She cut me off," Don't care. You want a job?"

I blinked staring at her, "You don't even know me." She snorted and tossed me a pair of gloves,"I know you look homeless, and that you look like you've never been homeless or hungry before. Get to work."

I looked down at the gloves and back at the scary old lady in front of me.

"Yes Ma'am"

I had spent the rest of the afternoon selling plums. It went okay.

By okay I mean that I spent the evening chasing street kids after they robbed Fei Yen's plums. Fei Yen said that the loss of a couple plums was pretty much nothing, but I wanted to prove that she could depend on me.

So I chased after the little bastards. In hindsight it was a pretty dumb idea.

Some of those kids could bend. And I cannot...

Once they realized I couldn't bend or fight they proceeded to mug me. When they realized I had nothing on me. They proceeded to beat me up.

Thankfully I was in an alley so no one saw me get mugged by preteens.

Market Place, Republic City- Sunset

As the work day finally ended Fei yen sent me on my way with a yuans in pocket. She thankfully never realized that I had lifted a few plums from her stand. I tried to keep my now bulkier satchel out of her sight.

I had dinner now. As I walked down the sidewalk I processed all the information that I learned today. As I spoke to customers I figured out which of the two seasons I was in.

Neither. The equalists were just now becoming a common topic for citizens, and Korra hadn't arrived in Republic City yet. I was pretty okay with that. I doubt Korra would be able to help me, unless I missed some information about the Avatar being able to cross dimensions. I don't think the Spirit World counts as a different dimension.

As I walked I noticed a park coming into my sight. As I approached a plan slowly began to form in my head. I'd scope out the park and if it was safe I'd sleep in a bush.

It was safer than breaking into a warehouse, or risking another alley and meeting another psycho hobo. Knowing my luck that new hobo would be able to bend.

Also I needed to learn how to bend. Or fight. I'm hoping I'm a bender. Life would be a bit easier with the ability to bend. I'm Hoping for Fire...Or Water.

While my mind raced two guys ran by me in the opposite direction. One with a red scarf and the other with a red ferret thing...Ah it's Mako and Bolin!

"Bolin Hurry up, we have practice with Toza tonight!" Mako shouted behind him, Bolin jumped and picked up the pace leaving me in a cloud of dust.

Lucky bastards had a nice place to sleep, I had a bush to look forward to. I need to find someone to mooch off until I find my own place. Once I finally reached the park I dragged myself to a tree and collapsed against it. I looked at the setting sun through the tree branches.

As I watched the sun drop lower and lower and reached into my satchel and pulled out a plum. Biting into the plum I sighed to myself," At least I have these plums..."

And I drifted off to sleep.

The Park, Republic City- Morning

Stretching as I woke up I reached into my satchel to grab a plum.

But I grabbed open air.

Frowning I opened my satchel and growled. Inside my satchel were no plums but two very satisfied Squirrel Toads covered in Plum juice.

This is my life now isn't it...

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