Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter.

Thanks for all the reviews, favorites, and follows. Also thanks to erbkaiser for checking this over for me. Any remaining mistakes are mine.

The years after the wedding passed swiftly and she was the happiest she had ever been. The three of them were very much in love and, luckily, got along quite well, for the most part anyway. There were fights of course, usually between her and Blaise as his Italian temper was easily sparked, which would then ignite hers. Theo was often forced into the role of peacemaker for the two. He was great at that job and most of the time the fights would turn into some seriously hot make-up sex. Yes, she very much enjoyed their sex life. Of course, it didn't hurt that she was married to two extremely sexy men.

As happy as she was being married to Blaise and Theo, there was one issue that recurrently popped up and that was the topic of children. The reason she had wanted to wait was a simple one. She was scared. She was nervous that the torture she received during the war would impede her ability to have children. While she knew that both Theo and Blaise loved her, she did occasionally have doubts and those always revolved around the issue of children. Buried very deep down, she was worried she would lose them both if it turned out she couldn't conceive. She never intended to tell anyone of her thoughts, especially her husbands, but one day after they had been married for three years the most surprising person drew them out of her.

Hermione was sitting on a bench in the rose garden of Malfoy Manor, waiting for her mother. They were supposed to be meeting for tea and Hermione had felt the need to get out of the flat she shared with her husbands. While she found herself at Malfoy Manor more than she ever thought she would be, she always limited her visits to the gardens, even after all this time.


She turned towards the voice that was not her mother's, surprised to see Lucius standing there instead. He walked over to her and seated himself next to her.

"I didn't know you were coming here today," he mentioned.

"It was a last minute decision. Mother was supposed to come over to the flat for tea, but I needed to get away from there for a bit."

She glanced over at him to find that he was looking at her with a concerned look on his face.

"Hermione... is everything satisfactory between you and your husbands?"

Surprise crossed her face at his question. While the two of them had developed a certain rapport, Lucius was never one to question her relationship with Blaise and Theo.

"Of course! Everything is wonderful," she replied, hoping that it sounded convincing. Judging by the way Lucius was currently looking at her, she doubted that it did. But he said nothing and just took her hand in his as they both set their eyes to gaze in front of them. His quiet acceptance of the fact that she didn't want to talk about it made her, surprisingly enough, want to talk about it.

"I'm scared," she blurted out.

"Of what, if I may ask?"

"I'm scared I won't be able to have children and then Blaise and Theo will leave me for someone who can."

His shocked expression told her that he certainly wasn't expecting her to say that. It was clear that he was confused as to why she would worry over her ability to carry children, she was young after all. The moment the reason came to him, his shoulders drooped slightly in defeat.

"Is this because of what happened here?" he asked quietly, even though he already knew the answer. She nodded, unable to speak for fear that the tears threatening to fall would spill over. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and drew her into his side. "Hermione, if there is one thing I know, it's that those two wizards love you more than anything. They are not going to leave you over something that might be a non-issue. You should go home and talk to them; they will understand."

He was right, she knew that. She also knew that this was something she should have talked about with Blaise and Theo a long time ago. Giving Lucius a hug, she asked him to tell Narcissa that she had to reschedule and made her way home.

Watching her leave, Lucius rubbed absentmindedly at his chest as if that would ward off the pain he felt at Hermione's words. He loved his daughter and seeing her still so greatly affected by his past choices brought him great pain. He did not think the pain was something that would ever completely disappear, but that was not something he worried about because he knew he deserved it. He hoped her husbands could help her come to terms with her fears.

When she returned home from the Manor, both Blaise and Theo were surprised to see her so soon after leaving, and looking as though she had been crying.

"Hermione, what's wrong? Did something happen to Narcissa?" Theo asked, concern lacing his voice.

With a deep sigh she told them everything she had told Lucius. They were obviously blindsided by her confession and she felt horrible that she had kept this to herself all this time. However, they were quick to reassure her that they didn't care if it turned out she couldn't have kids, contract be damned. After verbally expressing their love for her many times, they then proceeded to show her.

Theo approached her first. "I thank Merlin every day that you forgave me and married us, my beautiful, sexy, wife," he whispered in her ear. Moaning at his words, she wrapped a hand around the back of his neck and pulled him down for a kiss. His hands wasted no time as they made their way under her shirt and began trailing up her side. She heard Blaise moving behind her and then felt the zipper of her skirt being slowly pulled down. Her skirt hit the floor at the same time as Theo pulled her shirt up and over her head, leaving her clad only in her bra and knickers. Breaking the kiss from Theo, she turned to Blaise to see that he had already shed his clothes. She began kissing her way up his chest as he snogged Theo over her shoulder. Her mouth lingered on his nipple as she sucked gently on it, drawing a throaty moan from him. Deciding to change course, she licked her way back down until she was face first with his cock. She twirled her tongue around the head quickly while giving it a quick stroke with her hand. She then turned towards Theo and surprised him by taking him completely in her mouth.

"Fuck, Hermione!"

She smirked around his cock, loving that she was able to draw such reactions from her normally quiet husband. As she went to work on Theo's cock, she felt Blaise's hands on her hips, pulling her up slightly. With a quick thrust, he was fully seated inside her. Her husbands had quickly learned that this was one of her favorite positions as she loved being able to taste one while the other fucked her from behind. She wriggled her hips against Blaise, urging him to go faster. He complied right away and snaked his hand around her to rub at her clit. That brought about a moan and the vibrations caused Theo to buck into her mouth. Knowing she was close and wanting to push Theo over the edge, she reached down to caress his balls. He came with a loud shout, shooting his come down her throat. She followed quickly after as Blaise picked up the pace with his fingers on her clit. As soon as she voiced her pleasure, Blaise came as well. The three of them collapsed against each other, exhausted.

"I love you, my husbands."

"We love you too, wife," they both said in unison.

Nine months later, she gave birth to their first child, Caelum Nott-Zabini.

Draco and Luna had gotten married six months after her wedding. Narcissa had planned out every detail and it was a beautiful event. Hermione thought that Luna looked gorgeous, she had never seen Draco look so happy, and she had tears running down her face in rivers throughout the whole thing. Both Theo and Blaise shot her concerned glances the whole time, but she waved off their concern, saying she was just happy. Draco and Luna then went on to surprise the whole family not two months after their wedding.


Harry was hosting their monthly dinner, something that started after her marriage to Theo and Blaise. She wasn't sure she had ever seen Grimmauld happily host so many people. She didn't like to count the time that the Order of the Phoenix used it as their headquarters as that certainly had not been a happy time. They had just finished up a lovely dessert and the chatter was flowing constantly. Both her parents were there, along with Harry, Pansy, Draco, Luna, Severus, Blaise, Theo, and both her fathers-in-law. Everyone was laughing and joking with each other, having a grand time, when Draco suddenly stood up, pulling his wife up with him. He wrapped an arm around her waist and said, "Luna and I have some news for you."

Everyone stopped their conversations and looked expectantly at the couple. Draco gave Luna a quick kiss on the cheek and turned to smirk at the people waiting for his announcement.

"Luna's pregnant. We're having a baby!"

There was complete silence for about five seconds before all hell broke loose. Her mother burst into tears as Harry, Blaise, and Theo shouted their congratulations and began taking the piss out of Draco for getting Luna pregnant so quickly. Her father could be heard asking if they knew what they were having, while Severus was getting some elf made wine to celebrate –although none for the expectant mother. She, however, stayed in her seat, saying nothing and she just observed the look on Draco's face. After watching him grow up at Hogwarts, even worrying slightly about him in their 6th year, she couldn't believe that that unhappy and downright miserable child was the man standing in front of her. He had changed so much and it was amazing. She slowly pushed her chair back, stood up, and walked around the table to approach Draco and Luna. Conversation halted as everyone turned their attention to her. Draco watched her draw near, a look of apprehension written across his face.

"Hermione? What's wrong?"

She said nothing and instead threw herself into his arms. No one in the room could make out what she was saying over the loud sobbing. When she finally let go of Draco, who was still confused over her odd reaction, she turned and embraced Luna. Whispering in her ear, she said, "Thank you so much for making my brother happy. I can't wait to meet my niece or nephew." Luna didn't respond, she just smiled that secret, knowing smile she has.

"I am so incredibly happy for you, Draco. I didn't think you could look happier than you did on your wedding day, but now you do. I am so glad I'm here to witness this."

Draco's look of concern melted away at his sister's words. He pulled her away from his wife and gave her another big hug.

"I'm glad as well. My life changed the day I found you again."

*end flashback*

Seven months after that day Luna gave birth to a baby boy. Hermione fell in love at first sight with her nephew. Septimus was a lovely child who enjoyed reading and spending time with Aunt 'Mine. She thought it was adorable that that name stuck. Septimus hadn't been able to pronounce Hermione, instead simply calling her 'Mine', and she loved it. While she loved all her nieces and nephews – for she considered Harry's children her nephews as well – she had a special bond with her brother's oldest.

She was currently watching Septimus run around, chasing after both of Harry and Pansy's boys, who had just pulled a prank on him. She laughed at his bright green hair as he ran by her. Harry's twins, James and Declan, were certainly doing their part to continue the Marauder tradition of pranking. Even though they were only seven, they had already pulled off pranks that would have made their grandfather proud. Hermione was sure the professors at Hogwarts were already dreading the day the Potter twins started their first year. Severus had often remarked that if he were still teaching, the arrival of the twins would be cause for his resignation. They were an even bigger handful when they teamed up with Draco's youngest, eight year old Portia. Those three were thicker than thieves and often found themselves in trouble together. Hermione was certain that some day in the future, James and Portia were going to end up together and she enjoyed telling her brother that with great frequency. Every time she did, Draco barely suppressed a shudder at the thought of his little girl marrying a Potter. She looked up and smiled as Blaise sat down next to her.

"What are you doing over here all by yourself, cara?"

"Oh, just watching and thinking."

"Is everything okay?"

She looked at the handsome wizard sitting next to her, the wizard who she loved more each day they spent together. Her gaze switched over to Theo, who was talking with Draco and bouncing their youngest on his hip.

"Everything's perfect... I'm pregnant again," she said as she brought her hand to rest on her stomach.

Blaise shot her a wide grin as he picked her up off the ground and twirled her around. In that moment, hearing Blaise's laughter in her ear, she thought back to the last thing Sirius said to her before she disappeared. 'Be happy,' he had said in that last moment.

And she was.

Wow. So there we are. The end of Sudden Changes. I want to thank each and every one of my readers for sticking with my very first story. Your encouragement and reviews have really kept me going. I also want to give a huge thanks to a few of my team-members in the QLFC: erbkaiser, zeshadesofjustice, and Rayniekinnz. You guys are the best.

We've made it to the finals but the competition is coming to a close soon. So, I will possibly be taking requests after it's over. If you have any ideas you would like to see me write, let me know!