I'M SORRY, I'M SORRY, I'M SORRY! I was going to write a new chapter for Harry Potter and the Pokémon Adventure: Kanto, but when I was about to start turning the rest of Pokémon Indigo Plateau episode 5 into a chapter with Harry and Julia, I got two b's on my report card and I got grounded from everything electronic. As of lately, I was thinking of my first challenge, it was a Harry Potter and Digimon Data Squad crossover challenge, and this is what came out. I hope you like it, because I wrote this myself. Also, this is AU, because Marcus and my Fem Harry are sixteen when D.D.S., (Digimon Data Squad), happened. Anyways, reviews are awesome, so is constructive criticism and ideas. Flames will be put out by me, because on Fanfiction, I am a waterbender, and I will use my water to extinguish your flames.

Disclaimer: Do I look like I own Harry Potter and D.D.S.? If I did, then this wouldn't exist.

Isabel Potter was tired. Tired of fighting, tired of being everyone's scapegoat, and tired of everyone being her friend for false reasons. Ron, Hermione, Ginny, even Percy wanted to be her friend JUST for her fame and money. Oh, she knew. They didn't know that she knows, but she did. Ever since second year, after she killed the basilisk. While she was trying to find them after that, she came across them in a room planning how to get her money. She also heard that Dumbledore was going to kill her after she got rid of Voldemort, so he would get the fame for killing the 'upcoming dark lady'. And now we come to Dumb-as-a-door himself. He was the one who left her for his Greater Good crap, with the Dursley's, or as she liked to call those child abusers, the barnyard family. Vernon, the fat cow. Petunia, the ugly horse. Dudley, the pig-in-a-wig. She was forced to cook for them, clean their house, wash the dishes, garden, clean clothes, wash the car, and anything else they thought up, all while she was Vernon and Dudley's punching bag. The only people she knew she could trust was Neville, Luna, Fred, George, and her pen pal from years ago, Marcus Damon. She was currently writing a letter to him.

"Dear Marcus,

Wow, it has been a long time, hasn't it? How are your mom and your sister doing? How are you doing? Anyways, I need a favor, you remember the fat cow Vernon, right? Well, ever since I was accepted into this very exclusive boarding school,(the headmaster is VERY manipulative, I hate him with the burning fury of one thousand white suns), and the pig-in-a-wig hasn't, his beatings have gotten worse, and I think if I stay here any longer, he will do something horrible to me. So, I have decided to leave England altogether, and after some thought, I have decided to come to Tokyo. But, I won't have a place to stay, so, I was wondering if I could come to stay with you and your family? Please reply to this as fast as possible with Hedwig, (my pet owl, I trained her to be a messenger bird), because I don't know how much longer it will take for the fat cow to snap.


Isabel Potter

P.S. Hedwig likes bacon and fried eggrolls."

Once she was done with the letter, she went over to the door of Hedwig's cage, and let her owl out.

"Hedwig, I need you to take this letter to the Damon Residence in Tokyo, Japan." While she was saying that, she tied the letter to Hedwig's leg. Once that was done, she did a spell of her own invention.

"Ut dixeritis Hedwig." And with those words, Hedwig was off.

So, how did you like it? Like with my Harry Potter Sonic the Hedgehog crossover, I used Google translate. Now, I won't be able to update any of my stories for a long time still, because I am still grounded from everything. I am just glad that my teacher lets me use her computer after school. Addio miei amici.